Pawtastic Friends - The Paw Talk

Pawtastic Friends – The Paw Talk – Nera, Baz & Gonzo

Welcome to Pawtastic Friends—The Paw Talk. In this podcast, host Tom Fox will visit with Michael and Melissa Novelli, co-founders of Pawtastic Friends and those who work with them at Pawtastic Friends. Michael and Melissa are dedicated to helping shelter and rescue dogs in the Las Vegas area become more adaptable through enrichment training, activities such as yoga and aquatics training, obedience, and agility. This podcast is sure to tug on your heartstrings; listen to how sweet this one dog is! Tune in to hear more from Michael and Melissa Novelli as they discuss their passion for helping needy pups. Get ready for an exciting episode of Pawtastic Friends: The Paw Talk!

In this podcast episode, the hosts discuss the benefits of nosework for dogs, a training activity that builds their confidence and provides mental stimulation. They explain how nose work involves searching for treats or scents and can be done anywhere, even at home. The hosts also share heartwarming stories of dogs like Baz and Gonzo, who found their forever homes after experiencing challenging circumstances. They emphasize the importance of understanding a dog’s needs and conditions when determining the appropriate amount of exercise, as pushing a tired dog can be harmful. The conversation concludes by mentioning an upcoming holiday party to support the facility’s mission of helping dogs change and save lives.

Dogs Featured: 

  • Nera
  • Baz
  • Gonzo


“We call them the super sniffers.”

“And that’s what’s great about this facility: we help the dogs trust people again. We help them build the confidence that’s so.”

“Listen to your dog.”


Pawtastic Friends

Greetings and Felicitations

Heroes at Pawtastic Friends: Mike and Melissa Novelli

Welcome to the Greetings and Felicitations, a podcast where I explore topics which might not seem to be directly related to compliance but clearly influence our profession. In this episode, visit with two of my heroes Mike and Melissa Novelli, founders of Pawtastic Friends. Highlights include:

·      What is Pawtastic Friends and what led them to found Pawtastic Friends?
·      How did Pawtastic Friends start out?
·      You recently obtained your own facility. How has that changed Pawtastic Friends?
·      What is the enrichment training the dogs receive?
·      How do the dogs feel about training?
·      Some of the most memorable stories involving your work at Pawtastic Friends?
·      How can listeners get involved or donate to Pawtastic Friends.
·      Adopt Don’t shop!
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