Innovation in Compliance

Smart Automation for Risk Management: Part 5, Integrations and User Experience

Welcome to a multi-part podcast series, Smart Automation for Risk Management, sponsored by Lextegrity Inc. Over this series, we have visited with Parth Chanda, Founder and Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Andy Miller, Chief Analytics Officer, and Kara Bonitatibus, Head of Product. We have looked at the Lextegrity Product Suite, taken a deep dive into continuous risk monitoring, considered pre-approvals and third-party due diligence and integrations and user experience. In a special bonus episode, Chanda and I will discuss the Integrity and Analytics Collective. In Episode 5, I  visit with Bonitatibus on integrations and the user experience.
We began with data integration, which is one of the biggest challenges facing every Chief Compliance Officer (CCO), compliance professional and indeed corporate compliance function. Bonitatibus said the starting point is to create software solutions that are intuitive, data-driven and integrated. Lextegrity has created various integrations in the pre-approval application, core integrations include HR systems, which are used to support approval logic. It also includes routing requests to an immediate manager through workflow. Next there is a prebuilt integration with a database check of sanctions,  state owned entity and adverse media information. There can also be embedded and automated screening directly into any of the workflows. This can provide through put our third-party due diligence application process and compliance approver procedure. She ended by noting, “we have a pretty tool set that we can offer our customers with respect to integrations.”
All of this allows the Lextegrity solution to move to a true enterprise wide, risk management system, to create a truly end to end solution for Lextegrity customers. There are customer using the preapproval system, which allows them to approve payments or third parties. This can provide information in the Lextegrity monitoring solution. Bonitatibus provided the “example for a payment request; let’s say a sponsorship, our monitoring solution, can then validate whether the payment amount matches what was in the preapproval request and the approved amount.” It can also validate that the payee has not changed in the third-party space.
Another approach allows you to review third parties which have been determined to be high risk in the due diligence phase and place additional weight on their transactions in monitoring solutions. The Lextegrity solution can also validate if a “low risk supplier, for example, has payment patterns or activity that suggest either it’s not truly a low-risk supplier, or if it was misclassified or abnormal is happening.” This makes the entire process truly end to end and breaks down silos.
We ended by looking down the road for Lextegrity. Bonitatibus is very excited about some of Lextegrity’s future vision and priorities. The company is very focused on continuing to prioritize integrations across the entire product suite to really continue to evolve the end-to-end solution and continue to break down those silos of managing spend risk and risks in general. The company will also continue to expand the analytics embedded in the workflow technology. Finally, and hopefully to the delight of Lextegrity customers, they want to have more and more powerful reporting and analytics and visualizations across all of the products. Great visualizations are as much of an art as they are a science. Yet Bonitatibus sees them as a very powerful tool. Lextegrity wants compliance professionals to “think of our products as a roadmap, where everything is modular.” This allows building out an entire end-to-end solution in a manner where can start on the journey and expand out “wherever it’s most helpful and beneficial to you. We would love to work with companies to take their compliance programs to the next level.”
Join us for our concluding special bonus episode, where Lextegrity Founder and Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Parth Chanda visits with me on the company’s Integrity Analytic Collective.
For more on Lextegrity, check out their website here.