In this #jammingwithjason #internalauditpodcast I speak with Joe Oringel about some of the challenges #internalaudit is facing when it comes to #dataanalytics. It turns out one reason people struggle is not understanding the seven body of knowledge areas we should be focusing on and determining where you want to be.
We discuss personnel issues (e.g. do you hire a data scientist and teach them how to audit, or train internal auditors how to be a data scientist) and how to plan out your multi-year path on incorporating more data analytics into your audit activities.
If you are working to improve data analytics in your internal audit department, you need to listen to this episode.
Joe Oringel is the Managing Director of Visual Risk IQ. Learn more at:
To get a copy of the data analytics maturity model discussed during the episode, send an e-mail to
Tag: jason mefford
As organizations outsource more and more of their processes, the #risk associated with managing those vendor relationships goes up. Organizations may think they are removing the risk by #outsourcing, but they are only sharing or transferring a portion of the risk. Just ask the countless organizations that found themselves holding the bag on a multi-million dollar fine or penalty when their vendor wasn’t compliant.
In this #jammingwithjason #internalauditpodcast I speak with Rick Roybal about the importance of having mentors in your career and risk around third-party, vendor risk management.
Listen in at:
Registration for the Fall 2020 Oil & Gas Vendor Roundtable mentioned during the episode is now open. When you are ready, visit to see the speaker lineup (and you will see Jason’s smiling face).
Just a few details for you:
– If you work for an operator, there is no cost to you.
– There are a limited number of seats available.
– Dates: October 28-29.
– CPEs offered
Register for the Oil & Gas Vendor Roundtable at:
Make sure to check also out The Tour Report podcast with Rick (especially if you are in the oil and gas sector) at:
In this week’s #jammingwithjason #internalauditpodcast I’m going to let you in on a little secret. Many of you are playing the game of your career without much help. The problem is, others in your organization are getting help, which means you are playing at a big disadvantage.
I’m not talking about a lack of resources or struggling to get budget and support. It’s about getting yourself the training, coaching, and support you need to play varsity-level sport … like your peers. It’s about having the right balance (e.g. American football: offense, defense, passing, running) to get you performing at an elite status.
Take a listen and see some of the areas where getting a little extra help, will go along way in helping you play the game of your career and life as a champion.
If you are a CAE and really serious about elevating the status of internal audit in your organization, improving your executive presence, and getting best practices and thought leadership from like-minded CAEs, the CAE Forum is for you.
Submit your application to join the Chief Audit Executive (CAE) Forum. We are accepting new member applications.
Jamming with Jason, the #1 #internalauditpodcast in the world has interviews and discussions (jam sessions) relevant to Chief Audit Executives and professionals in #internalaudit, #riskmanagement, and #compliance.
Internal audit reports have been written the same for decades, and honestly are usually very boring and don’t meet our organization’s needs. In this episode I talk with Tracie Marquart about action oriented recommendations, improving report writing to consider the end of the value chain, seeing the big picture, linking our work to assurance over key objectives, and how to make our reporting more collaborative.
Listen in at:
Tracie Marquardt is Europes leading audit communication consultant, and I am so honored to have her on #jammingwithjason #internalauditpodcast.
Learn more about Tracie at and or email her at:
In this week’s #jammingwithjason episode I speak with Sohail Saleem about lessons he learned from being a CAE. We discuss various topics including: investing time and money into your career development (and yes that even means out of your own pocket), having a vision, determining what you need to get to the next level, seeing the big picture, developing your soft-skills, and thinking outside of the box.
Take a listen to the episode to learn Sohail’s career path and advise on becoming a CAE at:
So much wisdom from Sohail in this episode.
Sohail Saleem is the Executive Director of Internal Audit (CAE) at Mount Royal University
Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
#internalaudit #chiefauditexecutive #internalauditpodcast
In this special episode of #jammingwithjason #internalauditpodcast I talk with Trent Russell the host of “The Audit Podcast” about the profession of internal auditing and some “soap box” issues we both feel strongly about to help improve internal audit in organizations. It’s a dual interview style, so you get to hear questions and answers from both of us. Double bonus
If you haven’t already subscribed to The Audit Podcast, here is the link for it on Apple Podcasts:
Trent is also a subject matter expert on data analytics with Greenskies Analytics. You can learn more at:
For the times, they are a changing in the internal audit profession.
You can choose to stick your head in the ground and ignore what’s going on, but you may end up like some CAEs who just got let go from their positions for sticking with a traditional internal audit mindset.
In this week’s podcast I share why Traditional Internal Audit is dying. We’ve been seeing this for years, but I share with you some recent events and evidence that prove again that this is the trend we are seeing.
If you are still spending most of our time auditing lower level process controls and focusing on historical events and internal controls, you are probably stuck in the traditional rut and need to start working your way out by transitioning to a true risk-based internal audit methodology.
Value-based auditing, objective-based auditing vs. risk-based internal auditing I also discuss in this episode.
Listen in at:
#jammingwithjason #internalauditpodcast #internalaudit
A lot of people are advocating auditing culture. Problem is, it’s very swishy and difficult to objectively audit. A much more practical approach is to utilize some newer research around Personality System Interaction (PSI) patterns and utilize the Organizational Personality Framework which provides new, innovative levers for change, based on analyzing the organization’s preferred personality system interaction patterns.
In this #jammingwithjason #internalauditpodcast I am joined by Barbara Siegenthaler, a pioneer in a systemic approach that combines business expertise and PSI theory into a 360° degree testing and thinking grid for human factors – across the organization. She is the founder of The Organizational Personality Framework and the Personality-based Internal Auditing PBA® methodology.
Both approaches leverage the explanatory and predictive value of the Theory of Personality Systems Interactions. PSI Theory is a meta model from the domain of personality and motivation psychology, considered by academic psychology in Germany as “groundbreaking” and “highly innovative”.
This is an episode when I had the opportunity to geek out with Barbara and show how we can improve what we do as #internalaudit when we apply principles from other disciplines into how we audit.
Learn more about Barbara and these principles at: and
In this #jammingwithjason #internalauditpodcast I’m talking about relevance and relationships with the one and only Hal Garyn. If you don’t already know Hal, you should.
For many years #internalaudit has been losing its relevance in some organizations, and if you were having trouble with your relevance before, after what we’ve experienced in early 2020, your job just got harder. But fear not, in this episode we discuss what you can do to become more relevant.
Since 80% of challenges stem from relationship issues, it’s also fitting that we discuss relationships. If you want a seat at the table you have to earn it, and keep it. The way you do that is by showing your relevance and developing relationships.
As I mention at the end of the episode, if you are a Chief Audit Executive and struggling with either of these, please reach out to me. Send me an email or message me through LinkedIn.
Lead Your Team Well
I’ve had the Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young song “Teach Your Children” in my head this week, which made me ponder about how we need to also “lead our team well.”
“You who are on the road, must have a code that you can live by” which I believe is servant leadership.
We don’t often talk about leadership, or have leadership training opportunities for ourselves or our team in internal audit, but these skills are some of the most important ones for us to acquire and develop. Exactly the sort of thing we work on in the CAE Forum.
When we show up as a servant leader, productivity increases, we work less, have less stress and you “can look at them and sigh, and know they love you.”
I can’t cover everything in one episode, so here is a great leadership training opportunity for you and your team. Make sure to share this with your whole team … and it’s free. When you learn and implement these four secrets you will see an increase productivity.
4 Secrets to Leading Productive and Thriving Audit Teams
Tuesday, June 30, 2020 · 9:00 AM PDT
Here’s to leading your team well this next week!