Imagine you are in your BED and just don’t want to get out. You might feel a little fear, depression or shame. You want to pull up the covers and stay exactly where you are, but it’s time to flip off the covers, jump in your canoe and start paddling with your OAR and go from playing the role of a victim to becoming the victor.
I’m joined by my dear friend Marty Stanley on this #jammingwithjason #internalauditpodcast to discuss her “Get Out of B.E.D.” model. A simple model you can remember and use to get you out of blame, excuses, denial / drama and instead take ownership, accountability, and responsibility for you actions. Get out a pen and paper so you can draw the model and we talk through each part.
This simple model has helped me for years and I am so excited to share Marty and her model with each of you.
To get a copy of the Get Out of B.E.D. model and connect with Marty, visit her website: email her at:, or connect with her on LinkedIn:
Tag: jason mefford
RESPECT For Internal Audit
I hear some Chief Audit Executives complaining they “don’t get no respect” like a Rodney Dangerfield comedy skit. When Dangerfield said it, it was funny. Not so if you find your self saying that in real life.
In this week’s #jammingwithjason #internalauditpodcast I discuss RESPECT for internal audit. You see, respect is a two way street. There are some things we need to do as individuals and as a profession to get the respect we want. I dig into some questions to ask yourself and practical steps you can start taking today.
And … an episode about RESPECT wouldn’t be complete unless I sang a little Aretha Franklin, and told a few Rodney Dangerfield jokes too.
Please share this episode with your friends and colleagues.
If you are a CAE, book your call to join a community of like-minded CAEs in the CAE Forum. When you join the CAE Forum you will get much more clarity on exactly how you can get the RESPECT you deserve and elevate the status of internal audit in your organization.
If I could save time in a bottle, ahhh those beautiful words from Jim Croce. Problem is you can’t. The one thing all humans have an equal amount of is time … the challenge for most of us it just keeps slipping, slipping away and we wake up years later in exactly the same place.
The quality of your life depends on the choices you make and how you “take” time. It’s time to quit complaining or thinking you don’t “have enough time” or “now is not a good time.” TODAY is the best day to start making changes and take the time to have a better life.
Listen in on this week’s #jammingwithjason #internalauditpodcast at: or where ever you enjoy listening to podcasts, like Apple Podcasts. While you are there, please leave a review so you can be featured on a future episode.
Oh, and for those of you that enjoy it, the guitar comes out again in this episode
One thing that is slipping, slipping away is your ability to join the Chief Audit Executive Forum. If you are a #chiefauditexecutive and ready to take your career to the limit in a community of like-minded peers, book your call and join the #CAE Forum:
Your career will thank you, and so will your sanity.
Community and Coaching
In order to really learn we need knowledge, skills, abilities and experience. Abilities come from taking knowledge and skills we acquire and through reflection and application figuring out how to apply them to our situation and circumstance for our benefit. We then fully learn through repetition and experience actually doing those things.
In this #jammingwithjason #internalauditpodcast episode I dig into why this is so important and how we do this.
Listen in at:
I’ve read thousands of books in my life, but the knowledge does no good if I stop with reading the book (knowledge). The great Bruce Lee said, “Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do.”
The fastest way to transform knowledge into action and wisdom is by joining a community of like-minded people, and investing in coaching.
If you are serious about lifelong learning and transforming yourself for your success in life and your career, listen to learn how to turbo-charge your learning.
If you are a #chiefauditexecutive and ready for a community of like-minded peers and coaching, join the #CAE Forum:
If you are in #internalaudit and was a community of like-minded peers, join the cRisk Academy Facebook group:
The documentary about the community of musicians in Laurel Canyon area of Los Angeles that I mentioned in this episode is called: Echo in the Canyon. Well worth a watch if you love music like I do
Normally I’m on the side of the table asking questions and interviewing guest, but in this very special #internalauditpodcast episode of #jammingwithjason you get to experience Silvia Puhani interviewing me.
Silvia recently interviewed me for her podcast: Interne Revision, and graciously gave me access to the recording so I could also share it with you.
We discussed:
– my career
– the differences between internal and external auditing
– how you can improve your internal audit marketing
– how to communicate effectively, and
– my views on the future of internal audit
For those of you that speak German, make sure to check out Silvia’s podcast:
Limitless Learning
In this Jamming with Jason internal audit podcast episode I dig into improving your learning so you can unlock your limitless potential. It’s a bit of a potpourri episode, one where we literally talk about potpourri, but a few other topics besides learning
You don’t just need training, you need to LEARN … and they are two different things. You can take a training and not learn anything, and you can learn without going to training. To learn you need a combination of knowledge, skills, abilities, and experience. Training only helps you with the first two.
One of the best ways to improve your abilities and get experience is through community with others. Without this aspect of learning you really don’t integrate and “learn” the information fully.
Come join me in some communities where I hang out so we can interact directly. Podcasts, while they are fabulous are a one-way communication. When we connect in community the conversation can go both ways.
For a community of like minded internal auditors on a full learning platform check out the cRisk Academy Facebook Group:
For a community of like minded Chief Audit Executives, check out the CAE Forum:
For a community of like minded CIA candidates, check out the CIA Discussion Group:
Here’s the book I reference in this episode, that is a must-read for anyone who is serious about life-long learning.
“Limitless: Upgrade Your Brain, Learn Anything Faster, and Unlock Your Exceptional Life” by Jim Kwik:
Many professionals get caught in a CPE mindset when it comes to professional development. A CPE mindset will not get you promotions or new positions. In the knowledge revolution, we have to become lifelong learners – those concerned with learning and growing each day, week, and month – not just completing hours of random CPE each year. Find out how to switch mindsets, increase your likelihood of having your training requests approved, and some questions you can ask yourself to be proactive with your learning opportunities.
Jason Mefford is a Rock Star – Internal Audit, Risk Management and Compliance. He helps Chief Audit Executives (CAE) and professionals with technical & soft-skills training and coaching to navigate the mine fields of audit, risk and compliance in organizations. and
#internalaudit #internalaudittraining #lifelonglearning
A recently released study from the AICPA and NC State show that despite the constant drumbeat for improving and formalizing risk management processes, most organizations are still way behind in their efforts. When 60% agree the volume and complexity or risk have changed extensively over the last five years, and 65% of boards are call for “somewhat” to “extensively” increasing managment involvement in risk oversight, why aren’t more organizations on board with implementing ERM (only 34% have “mature” or “robust” oversight)? We’ll unpack the results of the study, discuss some of the reasons and implications this has on organizations, internal audit, and how to use ERM as a strategic advantage.
Jason Mefford is joined by Joseph McCafferty, Editor & Publisher of Internal Audit 360 who recently reported on this study in an article.
You can access Joe’s article “Report: Companies Lad on Improving Risk Management” at
Jason Mefford is a Rock Star – Internal Audit, Risk Management and Compliance. He helps Chief Audit Executives (CAE) and professionals with technical & soft-skills training and coaching to navigate the mine fields of audit, risk and compliance in organizations. and
Apple Podcast:
I spent the last several months interviewing many chief audit executives (CAEs) from all over the world to gain a better understanding of the current state of internal audit. What I found is that not only is the pace of change accelerating at an alarming rate, but along with the mounting challenges come plenty of opportunities too.
From these interviews, and my own experiences as a CAE at two organizations, I have identified some clear trends, challenges, and opportunities that most CAEs are working to address.
Jason Mefford is a Rock Star – Internal Audit, Risk Management and Compliance. He helps Chief Audit Executives (CAE) and professionals with technical & soft-skills training and coaching to navigate the mine fields of audit, risk and compliance in organizations. and
Apple Podcast:
#internalaudit #cae #chiefauditexecutive
As auditors we need to see the world with different eyes in order to really help executives solves problems. If we only focus on areas within the organization where we believe there is risk, we risk focusing on areas that don’t really matter to management. One of the biggest reasons management does not think audit is adding significant value (and the number is pathetically low based on several surveys) is we are not helping them solve the real problems they experience. We often focusing on the narrow lens of internal audit and provide lower value recommendations, instead of thinking strategically as an executive of the organization.
If we want to be seen as a trusted advisor, we need to provide value and insight on areas where the executives are focused. We need to gain different perspectives to have more empathy and understanding of our audit clients. We need to be part of the solution, not another problem executives need to deal with.
Emilio Rubio has served several times as a Chief Audit Executive and in various executive management roles for companies all over the world. He provides a unique perspective as an auditor and executive manager who has seen both sides.
To listen and for complete show notes and links to downloads, visit:
or subscribe and listen wherever you enjoy listening to podcasts: Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, PodBean, Google Play Music, or YouTube.
The #1 #internalauditpodcast in the world has interviews and discussions (jam sessions) relevant to Chief Audit Executives and professionals in #internalaudit, risk management, and compliance.
To listen to this and other Jamming with Jason episodes for CPE credit, visit: