What can happen when you are committed to investing in your growth, and you have a fire to learn? You can speed up your career by years.
But don’t take my word for it, listen to this #jammingwithjason #podcast episode and hear a real life case study of what Rashelle Herrera has been able to accomplish in less than a year.
You will hear about the importance of establishing, maintaining and sustaining relationships, being what your organization needs when it needs it, taking the opportunity of a lifetime even though it’s scary, and what you can accomplish when you aren’t afraid and keep learning.
And when you have access to the tools and resources you need and deserve, the sky is the limit on what you can accomplish.
Discover if the Audit Leader Forum and Certified Chief Audit Executive (cCAE) programs discussed in this episode are right for you by visiting these websites so you can take your own opportunity of a lifetime. #internalaudit
Audit Leader Forum: https://bit.ly/3aEjNQb
Certified Chief Audit Executive (cCAE): https://bit.ly/3AmqdOO
Listen in at: http://www.jasonmefford.com/jammingwithjason229/
Tag: jason mefford
Have you ever got up from bed and wondered “what am I doing?”, “why am I doing this?”, or “am I doing the right thing?”
Our guest Chenise Iwamasa is a lawyer based in Hawaii that has a great story on how she was able to find meaning within her career.
If you have ever felt a little lost on why you are where you are, or frustrated with your current job, then today’s episode is a great listen for you!
Connect with Chenise at https://zivalaw.com/ or on Instagram
Listen in at: http://www.jasonmefford.com/jammingwithjason228/
Influence is a big part professional success, and many people conflate it with manipulation. Because Influence is not a negative thing, becoming an influential person comes from a place of goodness within ourselves.
Building success and happiness is rooted in influence. Whether it be you influencing others, or others influencing you.
So tune in to today’s episode with our special guest Brian Ahearn and learn how to build more fulfilling connections with others.
Learn more and contact Brian at: https://www.influencepeople.biz/ where you will also be able to find details about his new book “The Influencer: Secrets to Success and Happiness” discussed in this episode, or you can find it through Amazon.
Listen in at: http://www.jasonmefford.com/jammingwithjason227/
A little out of the ordinary for this podcast, but today we will be talking about grief and loss. Something that all of us either have felt or will feel in our lives.
It may be hard to stay on the positive side during situations like these, but we have Debbie here with us to discuss how we can turn these emotions around for the better.
Reach out to Debbie at: parentslivingbeyondgrief@gmail.com
and for some of the yummy maple syrup mentioned in this episode go to: www.woodssyrup.com
Listen in at: http://www.jasonmefford.com/jammingwithjason226/
Who would want to listen to a podcast featuring 2 CPAs?
Yeah, me either.
But today’s episode does not have anything to do with taxes or any of that boring stuff!!!
Michelle is here with us to discuss how we can form deep and more meaningful conversations with other people, whether they be with co-workers or others outside of work.
So here’s to throwing out all the “technical jargon” and become a relationship ninja forming strong bonds with others… Even if it is while discussing those dreaded taxes
Listen in at: http://www.jasonmefford.com/jammingwithjason225/
Losing My Religion
In today’s episode I want to talk to you about music. More specifically the REM song “Losing My Religion”. Believe it or not, this song isn’t literally about religion.
Since there is a lot of meaning behind the original term “losing my religion” as well as the ACTUAL meaning of the song to it’s writers, there are a lot of great talking points that I will be bringing up with you today!
… and if you are wondering, yes I will be playing an acoustic cover of the song. So tune in!
Listen in at: http://www.jasonmefford.com/jammingwithjason224/
Instead of forcing or controlling every aspect of a situation today we have Reshanda Yates on to discuss the art of allowing.
Sometimes through being okay with letting situations play out without overbearing intervention we can end up having better outcomes.
If you feel like perfectionism may be holding you back, then take a listen to this weeks episode, because you will definitely find quite a few gems in here!
Connect with Reshanda at: https://reshandayates.com/ and on Instagram and Facebook.
Listen in at: http://www.jasonmefford.com/jammingwithjason223/
This is another tables-are-turned episode where Jason Mefford is interviewed by Angela Noelle for the Reclaim Your FIRE Podcast.
In this episode, Jason is being interviewed by Angela to discuss how to have a stress free work environment and to help others break free from that feeling of being a slave to corporate culture.
Connect with Angela on Instagram at: i.am.angela.noelle or on her website: https://angelanoelleinternational.com/ and check out her #podcast Reclaim Your F.I.R.E.
Listen in at: http://www.jasonmefford.com/jammingwithjason222/
Whether you realize it or not, you may be more stressed out than you think. Due to this, you may be just one conversation or event away from dealing with the dreaded burnout.
In today’s episode we have Angela Noelle with us to help business owners and entrepreneurs get out of that burnout rut through teaching:
Financial Abundance,
Inner Peace,
Radiant Health,
& Energy Alignment.
So grab your flint and tinder and let’s catch FIRE!
Connect with Angela on Instagram at: i.am.angela.noelle or on her website: https://angelanoelleinternational.com/
Listen in at: http://www.jasonmefford.com/jammingwithjason221/
Sometimes various points in our life may seem random and unguided. Perhaps you think that you aren’t sure what it is you are doing?
But sometimes, if you look back on your own life, these “random” occurrences, and mistakes made along the way were exactly the experiences you needed to get you to where you are today and where you are going.
Making mistakes can be a scary thing, and in today’s podcast we have Nicola Osinaike on the show to talk to us about how to overcome that fear and allow our mistakes to make us better people.
To connect with Nicola, reach out to her on her website: https://www.auditdatahub.com/ or through LinkedIn at: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nicolaosinaike/
Listen in at: http://www.jasonmefford.com/jammingwithjason219/