The Hill Country Podcast

The Hill Country Podcast – Local Kerrville Business Environment

Welcome to award-winning The Hill Country Podcast. The Texas Hill Country is one of the most beautiful places on earth. In this podcast, Hill Country resident Tom Fox visits with the people and organizations that make this the most unique areas of Texas. Join Tom as he explores the people, places and their activities of the Texas Hill Country. In this special episode, I am joined by Andrew Gay, Kenneth O’Neal and Gilbert Paiz to discuss the local business environment in Kerrville.

Gilbert Paiz is a successful entrepreneur with a background in community outreach and thought leadership. Andrew Gay is a seasoned business professional with a wealth of experience in the industry. Kenneth O’Neal is a passionate advocate for mental health and well-being in business, all share a common perspective on the importance of prioritizing mental health and well-being in business, especially amid the pandemic. Gilbert and Andrew, who started their own business believe in keeping the customer at the forefront while also caring for the mental health and well-being of their employees. Kenneth, with his extensive experience advocating for a shift in mindset towards mental health and well-being, sees the pandemic as an opportunity for businesses to change their approach and prioritize the well-being of their employees. Join Tom Fox, Gilbert, Andrew, and Kenneth on this episode of the Hill Country Podcast to delve deeper into their perspectives and experiences on prioritizing mental health and well-being in business amid the pandemic.

Key Highlights

  • Prioritizing Mental Health in the Workplace
  • Thriving Local Businesses Making a Positive Impact
  • Building a Culture of Community and Success
  • Creating a Harmonious Work Environment through Goal Alignment
  • Building a Pipeline Through Social Media
  • Embracing Challenges and Continuous Improvement
  • Embracing the Gift of Each Day


Tom Fox






The Circle of Gumption

The Circle of Gumption – A Leadership Mindset

Zig Ziglar Said  “I Believe Man was designed for accomplishment, engineered for success, and endowed with the seeds of greatness.” Kenneth O’Neal carries this tradition forward in his work and in this podcast, The Circle of Gumption, as he shows how maximizing your God-given talents and abilities leads to a successful, well-balanced existence in all areas of life. Join co-hosts Tom Fox and Kenneth O’Neal as they explore The Circle of Gumption to help change your life mentally, spiritually, physically, financially, and professionally by improving the health of your relationships with others and yourself.

The COVID-19 pandemic has undoubtedly brought about unprecedented disruption across industries, but amidst the chaos lies a unique opportunity for businesses in the United States. In a recent podcast conversation between Tom Fox and Kenneth O’Neal, they shed light on the importance of adopting the right mindset to approach this opportunity. By prioritizing employees and embracing a leadership mindset, businesses can navigate through these challenging times and emerge stronger than ever. We will delve into the key insights shared in the podcast and explore practical ways to seize the opportunities presented by this disruption.

The conversation between Fox and O’Neal revolves around the notion that disruption, such as that caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, can be a catalyst for growth and innovation. Rather than viewing it as a setback, businesses should embrace disruption as an opportunity to reimagine their strategies, products, and services. By reframing our mindset, we can start to see the silver linings and leverage them to our advantage.

O’Neal emphasizes that now is an outstanding time for great opportunities. He encourages business owners, managers, and entrepreneurs to adopt a growth mindset, which involves embracing challenges, persisting in the face of setbacks, and seeing failures as learning opportunities. By cultivating a growth mindset, leaders can inspire their teams to think creatively, adapt to change, and seize new opportunities that arise during times of disruption.

One crucial aspect emphasized in the conversation is the significance of prioritizing employees and treating them as valuable assets. O’Neal suggests that businesses should shift their focus from micromanaging tasks to empowering and coaching their employees. By doing so, leaders can create an environment that fosters innovation, collaboration, and employee growth. This approach not only boosts employee morale and productivity but also cultivates a sense of ownership and loyalty within the organization.

Rather than trying to do all the work themselves, managers, owners, and entrepreneurs should embrace the role of a leader and coach. This involves providing guidance, support, and mentorship to their teams, enabling them to thrive and reach their full potential. By adopting a coaching mindset, leaders can unlock their employees’ hidden talents, encourage autonomy, and foster a culture of continuous learning. This approach not only empowers employees but also allows leaders to focus on strategic decision-making and driving the business forward.

The COVID-19 pandemic has undeniably caused disruption, but it has also presented businesses with a unique opportunity for growth and innovation. By adopting the right mindset, prioritizing employees, and embracing a leadership and coaching role, businesses can navigate through these uncertain times successfully. Now is the time to seize the opportunities that arise from disruption, reimagine strategies, and empower our teams to thrive. Let us embrace this challenge as a chance to excel and emerge stronger, together.

Highlights Include

·      Disruption as an Opportunity

·      Power as a Grow Mindset

·      Prioritizing Employees

·      A Coaching Mindset


Kenneth O’Neal

The Circle of Gumption

Tom Fox






The Circle of Gumption

The Circle of Gumption – The Great Debate

Zig Ziglar Said  “I Believe Man was designed for accomplishment, engineered for success, and endowed with the seeds of greatness.” Kenneth O’Neal carries this tradition forward in his work and in this podcast, The Circle of Gumption, as he shows how maximizing your God-given talents and abilities leads to a successful, well-balanced existence in all areas of life. Join co-hosts Tom Fox and Kenneth O’Neal as they explore The Circle of Gumption to help change your life mentally, spiritually, physically, financially, and professionally by improving the health of your relationships with others and yourself.

Having meaningful conversations is a skill that many of us struggle with, but it doesn’t have to be that way. In the latest episode of The Great Debate with Kenneth O’Neal and Tom Fox, the two discuss the importance of having meaningful conversations about topics such as God, sex, money, religion, and politics.

Kenneth believes that people should drop all bias and prejudice when having conversations about these topics, and that words are only 7% of effective communication. The other 93% comes from body language, eye contact, and hand gestures. He also believes that people are afraid to have deep conversations about these topics and that there are two sides to everything and that people should read both sides before making a decision.

Tom and Kenneth discussed the concept of AIR, which stands for Appreciation, Inspiration, and Recognition. They also discussed the importance of responding instead of reacting when communicating with others. They agreed that creating an atmosphere where people feel secure and comfortable to talk is important. They discussed the concept of the Circle of Gumption, which is about using one’s gumption to think and have meaningful conversations. Gumption is the motivation to get up early and work hard on projects.

The two also discussed the need to have difficult conversations and to ask people how they can help support them. They agreed that conversation should be free of bias and prejudice and should be focused on learning and enjoying the conversation. Kenneth believes that 99% of people say they are kind, but actions often don’t reflect this. Intentional conversations should be focused on learning about each other and becoming friends. Leaders should have conversations with employees that go on all the time, such as asking about their weekend.

This episode of The Great Debate is sure to leave listeners with a better understanding of how to have meaningful conversations and how to support each other. Kenneth and Tom have linked to Kenneth’s website, book, and LinkedIn profile in the show notes for those who wish to learn more. So, if you want to learn how to have meaningful conversations and how to support each other, don’t miss this episode!

Highlights Include

  • The Great Debate
  • Gumption and Communication
  • AIR – Inspiration, and Recognition Creating a Legacy
  • Effective Communication


Kenneth O’Neal

The Circle of Gumption

Tom Fox






The Circle of Gumption

The Circle of Gumption – Building Community

Zig Ziglar Said  “I Believe Man was designed for accomplishment, engineered for success, and endowed with the seeds of greatness.” Kenneth O’Neal carries this tradition forward in his work and in this podcast, The Circle of Gumption, as he shows how maximizing your God-given talents and abilities leads to a successful, well-balanced existence in all areas of life. Join co-hosts Tom Fox and Kenneth O’Neal as they explore The Circle of Gumption to help change your life mentally, spiritually, physically, financially, and professionally by improving the health of your relationships with others and yourself.

Do you want to create a strong and supportive community in your life? If so, you’re going to need a good dose of gumption. But what is gumption? Gumption is an old word that was used a great deal in the 16th, 17th, 18th, and early 20th centuries. It is the thing that gets you started, your desire, creativity, and what gets you up in the morning. A person of gumption has an intentional life with actions that are success-oriented, positive, and intentional.

We can look to some great historical figures for examples of grit. Michelangelo left many sculptures unfinished because of his gumption and desire to start new projects. He took commissions to do things he had never done, such as the sculpture of David. Walt Disney saw Disney World in his imagination before it was built.

Recently, Tom Fox and Kenneth O’Neal had a conversation about the importance of gumption and creating a strong and supportive community. Tom Fox discussed the importance of finding out who people are, looking at their well-being, and seeing what they want to do out of life. Kenneth O’Neal mentioned that they would link to Tom Fox’s website and the Circle of Gumption book in their show Notes. Tom Fox expressed his enjoyment of being part of the conversation.

Gumption is something that needs to be worked on and matured. It’s the thing that gets us started, and it’s up to us to take it from there. The best way to get to success is to replace bad habits with good habits. People who use their gumption never quit, they get involved and look for the good.

The community can be found in many places, such as Kerrville, Texas, Rotary Club, and Toastmasters. Three major things to do in the community are to set the environment, give hope and encouragement, and hold people accountable. Leaders in the community should provide support, encouragement, and accountability. The goal of the community is to treat everyone well and help them succeed.

Kenneth suggests that creating a community in a business environment is possible by having a leader who cares for other people and is concerned about what they want to do. The leader should create an atmosphere of community impact by having continuous conversations with the team. Effective communication is key to creating a successful community, and this includes support, encouragement, and accountability.

Creating a legacy is an important part of a well-lived life, and this can be done through intentional activities such as family reunions, date nights, and leaving notes for children. To help people create a strong and supportive community in their own lives, Tom Fox and Kenneth O’Neal suggest resources such as books, seminars, and local community organizations.

Gumption is the key to success and creating a strong and supportive community. It’s up to you to have the courage to take the first step and make the most of the opportunities that come your way. With the right support, encouragement, and accountability, you can create a legacy that will last for generations.

Highlights Include

·      Gumption and Community

·      Community Leadership

·      Creating a Legacy

·      Encouraging Self-Growth


Kenneth O’Neal

The Circle of Gumption

Tom Fox






The Circle of Gumption

The Circle of Gumption – Reviving Trust in Society

Zig Ziglar Said,  “I Believe Man was designed for accomplishment, engineered for success, and endowed with the seeds of greatness.” Kenneth O’Neal carries this tradition forward in his work and podcast, The Circle of Gumption, showing how maximizing your God-given talents and abilities leads to a successful, well-balanced existence in all areas of life. Join co-hosts Tom Fox and Kenneth O’Neal as they explore The Circle of Gumption to help change your life mentally, spiritually, physically, financially, and professionally by improving the health of your relationships with others and yourself.

Are you struggling to build trust in your relationships or business? Join hosts Tom Fox and Kenneth O’Neal on The Circle of Gumption podcast as they delve into the importance of trust and integrity in today’s society. In this episode, Kenneth explains how trust is built through care, communication, and consistency, despite the prevalent skepticism in our culture. They also discuss the importance of personal congruence and doing the right thing to rebuild societal trust. He shares a powerful story of a fireman who exemplified integrity and selflessness in his duty, emphasizing how serving others is essential for the betterment of our community. Don’t miss this inspiring conversation on the power of trust and integrity. Tune in now to The Circle of Gumption!

In today’s culture, skepticism is widespread, and people don’t trust easily. However, skepticism is healthy to an extent, especially in the business context, where it’s crucial to have a healthy level of due diligence. But, in building business relationships, trust is essential. One should balance skepticism and trust-building to develop positive, professional relationships.

Three Tips:

1. Show genuine interest in others’ goals and achievements to build trust.

2. Effective communication is crucial in establishing trust.

3. Look for character, competence, and consistency in people to build trust with them.

So, if you want to learn more about the importance of relationships in your life and how to improve your relationships, tune in to this week’s episode of Circle of Gumption. Remember to write down the week’s words and reflect on how you can improve your life through your relationships.


Kenneth O’Neal

The Circle of Gumption

Tom Fox




The Circle of Gumption

The Circle of Gumption – Creating and Maintaining Healthy Relationships

Zig Ziglar Said,  “I Believe Man was designed for accomplishment, engineered for success, and endowed with the seeds of greatness.” Kenneth O’Neal carries this tradition forward in his work and podcast, The Circle of Gumption, showing how maximizing your God-given talents and abilities leads to a successful, well-balanced existence in all areas of life. Join co-hosts Tom Fox and Kenneth O’Neal as they explore The Circle of Gumption to help change your life mentally, spiritually, physically, financially, and professionally by improving the health of your relationships with others and yourself.

Join Tom Fox and Kenneth O’Neal on their latest episode of Circle of Gumption, where they delve into the fundamentals of the Circle of Gumption and the four pillars of being, doing, giving, and creating a legacy. In this episode, they discuss the importance of relationships and how they relate to personal development and create a kind and gentle atmosphere. They also emphasize that effective communication and engagement are key to success in the workplace, with topics like the power of compliments, listening skills, body language, and the impact of a positive attitude. Remember to listen out for the word of the week and relationships, and reflect on how it can impact your life. If you’re interested in discussing strategy, goal setting, and discovery to learn more about how to serve them, reach out to Tom and Kenneth. Tune in to Circle of Gumption for insights on creating a life of integrity, self-discipline, and personal development!

Having healthy relationships is crucial for our mental and emotional well-being. So here are three tips to improve your relationships:

1. Communication is key: Good communication is the foundation of any healthy relationship. Make sure you express your thoughts and feelings clearly to your loved ones and listen actively when they share their own.

2. Practice Empathy: Try to put yourself in other people’s shoes and understand their perspective. This way, you can empathize with their feelings and experiences.

3. Spend Quality Time: Make time for the people you care about. Whether it’s a date night or a simple coffee catch-up, spend time with your loved ones and make meaningful memories together.

So, if you want to learn more about the importance of relationships in your life and how to improve your relationships, tune in to this week’s episode of Circle of Gumption. Remember to write down the week’s words and reflect on how you can improve your life through your relationships.

We highly recommend tuning in to this episode to hear Kenneth O’Neal’s inspiring story of turning adversity into a life of purpose and action.


Kenneth O’Neal

The Circle of Gumption

Tom Fox






The Circle of Gumption

The Circle of Gumption – Cultivating Gumption

Zig Ziglar Said, “I Believe Man was designed for accomplishment, engineered for success, and endowed with the seeds of greatness.” Kenneth O’Neal carries this tradition forward in his work and podcast, The Circle of Gumption, showing how maximizing your God-given talents and abilities leads to a successful, well-balanced existence in all areas of life. Join co-hosts Tom Fox and Kenneth O’Neal as they explore The Circle of Gumption to help change your life mentally, spiritually, physically, financially, and professionally by improving the health of your relationships with others and yourself.

Join Tom Fox and his guest, Kenneth O’Neal, on the Circle of Gumption podcast to gain insight into this powerful word of gumption. Tom and Kenneth interpret gumption as resourcefulness, resilience, and common sense. They discuss the benefits of treating others with humility and listening actively. With time management and effective communication skills, they teach their listeners how to achieve a well-balanced life. They discuss how their program helped students achieve their academic goals, enter the military academy, and create a successful life plan. All this and more can be found in the podcast, the Circle of Gumption Facebook group, weekly webinars, and their book. Take advantage of this opportunity to join the gumption movement and make your life extraordinary.

Here are three tips to help you adopt gumption:

1. Stay Positive: When faced with a setback, it is easy to get discouraged. However, maintaining a positive attitude can develop the resilience needed to overcome obstacles.

2. Be Proactive: Don’t wait for a problem to arise, be proactive and anticipate potential challenges. This way, you can develop contingency plans and be better prepared to handle difficult situations.

3. Never Give Up: Keep moving forward, even when things get tough. Remember that setbacks are a natural part of the journey; every failure is an opportunity to learn and grow.

Check out the Circle of Gumption podcast if you want inspiration to develop your gumption.

Quote: “Gumption to me growing up was close to the word pluck. And what I mean by that is it would stick to it-ness. It was if you get knocked down, you get up. It’s different from grit.” – Tom Fox.

We highly recommend tuning in to this episode to hear Kenneth O’Neal’s inspiring story of turning adversity into a life of purpose and action.


Kenneth O’Neal

Kenneth O’Neal

The Circle of Gumption

Tom Fox






The Circle of Gumption

The Circle of Gumption – From Dastardly D’s to Gumption: How Kenneth O’Neal Turned Adversity into Opportunity

Zig Ziglar Said  “I Believe Man was designed for accomplishment, engineered for success, and endowed with the seeds of greatness.” Kenneth O’Neal carries this tradition forward in his work and in this podcast, The Circle of Gumption, as he shows how maximizing your God-given talents and abilities leads to a successful, well-balanced existence in all areas of life. Join co-hosts Tom Fox and Kenneth O’Neal as they explore The Circle of Gumption to help change your life mentally, spiritually, physically, financially, and professionally by improving the health of your relationships with others and yourself.

In the inaugural episode of the Circle of Gumption, Tom Fox sat down with guest Kenneth O’Neal to discuss his unique approach to personal development. O’Neal, a former certified public accountant, shares his experience of going through a black swan event – his wife of over 25 years told him she wished to part ways. In response to this upheaval, O’Neal went on a journey of reflection, studying, and praying, which led him to Zig Ziglar.

He eventually went on to create a program called “Gumption,” inspired by Ziglar’s teachings, which emphasizes the importance of taking action and overcoming fears to achieve success. Here are three tips we took away from O’Neal’s inspiring story:

1. Don’t let adversity hold you back. O’Neal’s story is a testament to the power of resilience and perseverance. When life throws you a curveball, it’s important to reflect on where you’ve been, where you are, and where you want to go.

2. Embrace fear and take action anyways. One of the core principles of O’Neal’s Gumption program is the importance of taking bold action, even in the face of fear. Don’t let fear paralyze you – use it as a motivator to push yourself forward.

3. Seek out mentors and inspiration. O’Neal’s journey was greatly influenced by the teachings of Zig Ziglar and the community at his corporation. Finding like-minded individuals who can offer guidance and inspiration can be instrumental in achieving personal growth and success.

We highly recommend tuning in to this episode to hear Kenneth O’Neal’s inspiring story of turning adversity into a life of purpose and action.


Kenneth O’Neal

Kenneth O’Neal

The Circle of Gumption

Tom Fox






The Hill Country Podcast

Kenneth O’Neal and the Second Annual Ziglar Explosion

Welcome to award-winning The Hill Country Podcast. The Texas Hill Country is one of the most beautiful places on earth. In this podcast, Hill Country resident Tom Fox visits with the people and organizations that make this the most unique areas of Texas. Join Tom as he explores the people, places and their activities of the Texas Hill Country. In this episode, I welcome back Kenneth O’Neal, President/CEO of KRONEAL Coaching and Training, headquartered in Kerrville, Texas. He is a Zig Ziglar Legacy Certified Coach and Trainer; Public Speaker; Mentor; Mediator; Business Executive and Personal Coach. Kenneth has worked for Deliotte/Touche as a CPA in Atlanta, Georgia and Houston, Texas. He founded the accounting firm of O’Neal and White, CPAs in Houston and has more than 25 years of public accounting experience.

We discuss the 2nd Annual Ziglar Explosion, scheduled for January 6 & 7 which will be hosted by O’Neal and put on in Kerrville TX. Attending again this year will be Tom Ziglar, proud son of Zig Ziglar and a host of other Ziglar Certified Coaches who will share the philosophy of Zig Ziglar and on his Legacy of hope and encouragement making a positive difference in lives of millions around the world. Podcast host Tom Fox will be speaking about Podcasting for Business.


For more information on the 2nd Annual Ziglar Explosion, click here.

The Hill Country Podcast

Kenneth O’Neal On Executive and Personal Coaching

Welcome to the award-winning The Hill Country Podcast. The Texas Hill Country is one of the most beautiful places on earth. In this podcast, Hill Country resident Tom Fox visits the people and organizations that make these the most unique areas of Texas. Join Tom as he explores the people, places, and activities of the Texas Hill Country. In this episode, I visit Kenneth O’Neal, a Zig Ziglar Legacy Certified Coach and Trainer, Public Speaker, Mentor, Mediator, Business Executive, and Personal Coach. Highlights include:

·      Professional background.

·      Who was Zig Ziglar, and why is he still so important today?

·      His life in Kerrville.

·      What is a Zig Ziglar Legacy Certified Coach and Trainer?

·      Why should you consider a personal coach?


Kenneth O’Neal on LinkedIn

Kenneth O’Neal website

For a copy of Kenneth O’Neal’s book Road Trip, purchase it here.