SBR - Authors' Podcast

SBR – Author’s Podcast: Estelle Erasmus on Author Branding: Building Trust Through Consistent Content

Welcome to the Sunday Book Review and the Authors Podcast! Don’t miss out on this episode of SBR-Author’s Podcast, where Tom sits down with Estelle Erasmus, who talks about the craft of writing and her passion for helping writers ‘get noticed’.

Estelle Erasmus is a highly experienced magazine editor, journalist, and award-winning educator with over three decades in the industry. She has served as the editor in chief of five national consumer publications and is recognized for her teaching excellence at NYU. Erasmus strongly emphasizes the importance of honing one’s writing craft, whether it be essays, articles, or books. She believes in learning from experts, attending conferences, and utilizing resources such as books and podcasts to improve her writing skills. Drawing from her own experiences, she highlights the value of seeking guidance from seasoned individuals to effectively engage readers and enhance storytelling techniques. Through her book “Writing That Gets Noticed,”  her podcast “Freelance Writing Direct,”  and her coaching services, Erasmus aims to empower writers to find their voice, become better storytellers, and ultimately get published. Her dedication to helping writers succeed is evident in her commitment to providing valuable resources and personalized feedback to aspiring authors.

Key Highlights Include:

  • Crafting Compelling Writing for Publication Success
  • Building Trust Through Consistent Author Content
  • Crafting Unique Stories to Connect with Readers
  • Mentorship and Craft: Estelle Erasmus’s Influence


Estelle Erasmus on Linkedin

Writing That Gets Noticed

Freelance Writing Direct Podcast


Tom Fox






Innovation in Compliance

Get Your Book Published with Paul Brodie

Paul Brodie is the CEO of Brodie Consulting. He is a consultant and keynote speaker, and most interestingly, he helps would-be authors get their books published. He joins host Tom Fox today to discuss his professional background, and his work.
Listen to the Episode now:

How Brodie Consulting Began
His company, Brodie Consulting, was born out of a personal health crisis. Paul relates that his doctor told him that if he didn’t change his life, he would be dead within five years. This motivated him to take charge of his health and lose over 60 pounds. He wanted to write a book about his journey, but had no idea how to do so. With lots of research about Kindle publishing and some trial and error, he created a 6-step book publishing system. His first three books became bestsellers because of his system. He also discovered that he could help other would-be authors and began to offer coaching, done-for-you book publishing as well as podcast production and executive ghostwriting services.
The Six Step Process
Tom finds Paul’s six step process incredibly useful for a wide variety of projects. He asks him to describe how this process helps companies and individuals get their books published. Paul responds that some of the steps include:

  • An initial strategy session to find out how his company can help;
  • A second strategy session to determine the best type of service for the client;
  • Getting the book written and published;
  • Marketing the book.

Keynotes, Seminars and Podcast
One of Paul’s main leadership keynotes is called Motivation 101, in which he speaks about personal, team and organizational motivation. He finds that staying motivated is a major challenge for business leaders. He also regularly offers seminars at universities to help students get clear on where they want to go in life, not only for themselves, he says, but for the future. Tom asks him about his Positive Mental Attitude (PMA) seminar. His response is about the impact a favorite author had on him and how it changed his mindset and his life. Paul also hosts the Get Published podcast. He says that it has helped him to build connections and relationships. His guests offer great advice to his listeners about writing, publishing and marketing books, in a short format. It’s also a lot of fun, he says.