Presidential Leadership Lessons for the Business Executive

Leadership Lessons from the Presidency of Rutherford B. Hayes

This episode begins a short series on Gilded Age Presidents, now largely forgotten. In this episode, we take up Rutherford B. Hayes and try to mine the issues he faced for some leadership lessons for the 21st-century business executive. Some of the problems we consider include:

1. Hayes Educational and Professional Background

2. The Disputed Election of 1876 and Compromise-(1)Election Commission; (2) Terms of the Compromise, and (3) Was it necessary?

3. Hayes’ Presidency-(1) Reconstruction ends-was it inevitable? (2) Civil Service Reform; (3) Cabinet Selections; (4) Port of New York; and (5) the Post Office.

a. Foreign Policy-(1) Paraguay War settlement; (2) Mexican border crisis; and (3) Immigration issues.

b. Great RR Strike of 1877, the Great Western Tour, his Indian Policy and Lemonade Lucy

4. Hayes Leadership Issues-

(1)“He serves his party best, who serves his country best.”;

(2) Rutherford the Rover;

(3) Use of veto and

(4) Conflicts with Congress over Congressional v. Executive Power.

12 O’Clock High-a podcast on business leadership

Episode 112-Leadership Lessons from Rutherford B. Hayes

This episode begins a short series on Gilded Age Presidents, now largely forgotten. In this episode we take up Rutherford B. Hayes.
 Some of the issues posed include:
Hayes Educational and Professional Background
The Disputed Election of 1876 and Compromise-(1)Election Commission; (2) Terms of the Compromise and (3) Was it necessary?
Hayes’ Presidency-(1) Reconstruction ends-was it inevitable? (2) Civil Service Reform; (3) Cabinet Selections; (4) Port of New York and (5) the Post Office.
Foreign Policy-(1) Paraguay War settlement; (2) Mexican border crisis and (3) Immigration issues.
Great RR Strike of 1877, the Great Western Tour, his Indian Policy and Lemonade Lucy
Hayes Leadership Issues-(1)“He serves his party best, who serves his country best.”; (2) Rutherford the Rover; (3) Use of veto and (4) Conflicts with Congress over Congressional v. Executive Power.