FCPA Compliance Report

How the Venetian Gondolier Informs Your Compliance Program

If there is one thing that is ubiquitous throughout this city it is the Gondolier, the Venetian Gondola boatman. You are never far from hearing their cry of “Gondola, Gondola” to attract tourists for a fabled and romantic gondola ride. One thing I notice about the Gondolier that in addition to having a stout pairs of lungs, they are almost all in very good physical condition. They have to be piloting this very old craft by hand in and around the crowded waters of Venice.
I thought about this as a metaphor for improving your compliance program. As a CCO or compliance practitioner, the more you can get out of the office, into the field and meet the troops the more fit your compliance program will be. Any best practices compliance program should have input from the geographies, cultures, business units and corporate functions within the company. It is well understood that a compliance procedure that works well in the US may not work in Indonesia.