The Wirecard Saga

Who Watches the Watchers?

Welcome to the latest edition to the Compliance Podcast Network, The Wirecard Saga. In this series, I am joined by Mikhail Reider-Gordon, Managing Director of Institutional Ethics & Integrity at Affiliated Monitors.  In this episode, we take a deep dive into the conflicts of interest by German regulators who were investing in Wirecard while (allegedly) regulating it, EY clams up, whistleblowers and investigating crimes or not; all in the Who Watches the Watchers edition.
Some of the highlights include:

  • Current events;
  • Head of APAS invests in Wirecard and the Investigative Committee is Astonished;
  • What is a Conflict of Interest after all and does hindsight affords clear vision?
  • EY is certainly economical with the truth;
  • Germany’s two-tier system, drowning in risk pools and regulators don’t read;
  • Whistleblowers galore (but not enough for the 12 Days of Christmas);
  • BaFin-detecting crime is not our remit; and
  • What were all the missed opportunities.
The Wirecard Saga

The Wirecard Saga – Dirty Deeds Down Under

Welcome to the latest edition to the Compliance Podcast Network, The Wirecard Saga. In this series, I am joined by Mikhail Reider-Gordon, Managing Director of Institutional Ethics & Integrity at Affiliated Monitors.  In this episode, we take a deep dive into the many and varied discrepancies in all aspects of the Wirecard fraud and investigation.
Some of the highlights include:

  • Current events
  • Recriminations fly – APAS and EY at fisticuffs
  • UK jumps on the Audit Sector Reform Bandwagon
  • Marsalek tainted Wirecard Bank too
  • Six Is the Loneliest Number (at BaFin)
  • Wirecard UK Ireland (WUKI) fraud
  • The Sordid History of Wirecard New Zealand
  • FBME teaches dirty tricks to NZ
  • The Kremlin’s bank
  • The West’s hijacked financial system
The Wirecard Saga

Discrepancies, Discrepancies, Discrepancies

Welcome to the latest edition to the Compliance Podcast Network, The Wirecard Saga. In this series, I am joined by Mikhail Reider-Gordon, Managing Director of Institutional Ethics & Integrity at Affiliated Monitors.  In this episode, we take a deep dive into the many and varied discrepancies in all aspects of the Wirecard fraud and investigation.
Some of the highlights include:

  • Weekly news wrap-up on Wirecard;
  • Markus Braun Stonewalls and Disassociates; Is he really the victim here?
  • Why do Dork delusions abound?
  • Why is the Bundestag IC so peeved?
  • Bellenhaus to Sing Like a Canary?
  • Why is there such an Accumulation of Abnormalities?
  • Auditors Fined for Clenching in the Clutch;
  • Audit Reforms Proposed;
  • More on the German and EU-wide political fallout;
  • Bafin Backfooted; and
  • Ocap seeks an allowance because it believes it is owed money!
FCPA Compliance Report Wirecard

Wirecard Part 10, One the Beach

In the Episode, I am joined by Mikhail Reider-Gordon, Managing Director of Institutional Ethics & Integrity at Affiliated Monitors.  Mikhail’s areas of expertise include technology, privacy, cybersecurity, IP and accountability in artificial intelligence; the global anti-corruption and anti-money laundering regimes; media & entertainment; biotech and the life sciences; the public sector and international law.  She is accustomed to working on extremely sensitive and high-profile matters, both nationally and internationally. In this episode, we explore shell companies in our On the Beach episode.
Some of the highlights include:

  • Weekly news wrap-up on Wirecard
  • What is the Bundestag investigating? Are they doing anything?
  • Were 250 Wirecard employees assigned to the money-laundering team?
  • Is a Bundestag inquiry in the works by the EU?
  • KPMG enters the story.
  • Shell Companies Shell Companies Shell Companies
  • Why it might be time for a walk on the beach (and to read On The Beach)
FCPA Compliance Report

Wirecard Part 9, Running to Fraud with Hermes

In our continuing series, I am joined by Mikhail Reider-Gordon, Managing Director of Institutional Ethics & Integrity at Affiliated Monitors.  Mikhail’s areas of expertise include technology, privacy, cybersecurity, IP and accountability in artificial intelligence; the global anti-corruption and anti-money laundering regimes; media & entertainment; biotech and the life sciences; the public sector and international law.  She is accustomed to working on extremely sensitive and high-profile matters, both nationally and internationally. In this episode, we explore the money laundering Wirecard engaged in via the project dubbed ‘Hermes’.
Some of the highlights include:

  • Weekly news wrap-up on Wirecard.
  • What has this done to the German political scene?
  • Any talk about BaFin reforms?
  • How do losses reach €20bn?
  • How was the investigation “unrelated to the mandate”?
  • Money laundering through Hermes.
FCPA Compliance Report

Wirecard Part 9, Bring Lawyers Guns and Money

In the Episode, I am joined by Mikhail Reider-Gordon, Managing Director of Institutional Ethics & Integrity at Affiliated Monitors.  Mikhail’s areas of expertise include technology, privacy, cybersecurity, IP and accountability in artificial intelligence; the global anti-corruption and anti-money laundering regimes; media & entertainment; biotech and the life sciences; the public sector and international law.  She is accustomed to working on extremely sensitive and high-profile matters, both nationally and internationally. In this episode, we explore those other professional service providers who enabled Wirecard in our bring Lawyers Guns and Money episode.
Some of the highlights include:

  • Weekly news wrap-up on Wirecard
  • Is EY at its Arthur Anderson moment?
  • Who has potential lawsuits against EY?
  • Is a Bundestag inquiry in the works?
  • Will there be an EU-level inquiry into the German government response?
  • Who were the Enablers?
  • Why is now the time for lawyers to take a stand for the Rule of Law?
FCPA Compliance Report Wirecard

Mikhail Reider-Gordon on Wirecard Part 8, Lies, Spies and Wirecard

In the Episode, I am joined by Mikhail Reider-Gordon, Managing Director of Institutional Ethics & Integrity at Affiliated Monitors.  Mikhail’s areas of expertise include technology, privacy, cybersecurity, IP and accountability in artificial intelligence; the global anti-corruption and anti-money laundering regimes; media & entertainment; biotech and the life sciences; the public sector and international law.  She is accustomed to working on extremely sensitive and high-profile matters, both nationally and internationally. In this episode, we explore lies, spies and Wirecard.

Some of the highlights include:

·       Weekly news wrap-up on Wirecard

·       What did BDO find in the Philippines?

·       Why was the Wirecard Board of Directors afraid to meet in a conference room with windows?

·       Why is there no interest in the bankruptcy remains of Wirecard?

·       What did the initial Insolvency Report show?

·       Was Wirecard ever designed to be profitable?

·       The continued adventures of Jan Marsalek.

·       More dirty money.

FCPA Compliance Report Wirecard

Wirecard-Part 6, End of Summer Wrap UP

In the Episode, I am joined by Mikhail Reider-Gordon, Managing Director of Institutional Ethics & Integrity at Affiliated Monitors.  Mikhail’s areas of expertise include technology, privacy, cybersecurity, IP and accountability in artificial intelligence; the global anti-corruption and anti-money laundering regimes; media & entertainment; biotech and the life sciences; the public sector and international law.  She is accustomed to working on extremely sensitive and high-profile matters, both nationally and internationally. In this episode, we are back from a summer hiatus and wrap up what has been happening on the Wirecard front over the past few weeks.
Some of the highlights include:

  • BaFin Unapologetic
  • Reporters and Short Sellers – Free to Be, You & Me?
  • Political Fallout?
  • Another German DAX-listed Company Scandal?
  • Impact on EU – Rethinking Germany Frankfurt and Bonn for Financial Services Capitols post-Brexit?
  • What is happening within Wirecard now – is the company still going?
  • Deutsche is Not Buying
  • Has the fullness of the scandal been revealed, or is more coming to light?
  • What is, or what was, Project Panther?
  • Enron had significant impact on then Big-5; is Wirecard going to impact Big-4 in the same way?
FCPA Compliance Report Wirecard

Wirecard and Fraud

In the Episode, I am joined by Mikhail Reider-Gordon, Managing Director of Institutional Ethics & Integrity at Affiliated Monitors.  Mikhail’s areas of expertise include technology, privacy, cybersecurity, IP and accountability in artificial intelligence; the global anti-corruption and anti-money laundering regimes; media & entertainment; biotech and the life sciences; the public sector and international law.  She is accustomed to working on extremely sensitive and high-profile matters, both nationally and internationally. In this episode, we continue our multipart series on the Wirecard accounting fraud. Today, we take up the issue of fraud in the Wirecard saga.
Some of the highlights include:

  • Did Wirecard ever make money?
  • Was Wirecard even designed to make money?
  • Was it simply a Ponzi scheme??
  • Why BCCI and not Enron was Wirecard’s role model?
  • How could BaFin employees oversee Wirecard while investing in it? (Ans: they couldn’t)
  • What is Round-Tripping fraud and how did Wirecard master it?
Daily Compliance News

August 14, 2020-the Will Danny Sell edition

In today’s edition of Daily Compliance News:

  • Marketers begin to scrutinize beyond Facebook. (WSJ)
  • Can Dan Snyder be forced to sell? (WSJ)
  • US try again to seize Iranian vessels on high seas. (WSJ)
  • Hunt for ex-Wirecard COO goes public. (WSJ)