In order to really learn we need knowledge, skills, abilities and experience. Abilities come from taking knowledge and skills we acquire and through reflection and application figuring out how to apply them to our situation and circumstance for our benefit. We then fully learn through repetition and experience actually doing those things.
In this #jammingwithjason #internalauditpodcast episode I dig into why this is so important and how we do this.
Listen in at:
I’ve read thousands of books in my life, but the knowledge does no good if I stop with reading the book (knowledge). The great Bruce Lee said, “Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do.”
The fastest way to transform knowledge into action and wisdom is by joining a community of like-minded people, and investing in coaching.
If you are serious about lifelong learning and transforming yourself for your success in life and your career, listen to learn how to turbo-charge your learning.
If you are a #chiefauditexecutive and ready for a community of like-minded peers and coaching, join the #CAE Forum:
If you are in #internalaudit and was a community of like-minded peers, join the cRisk Academy Facebook group:
The documentary about the community of musicians in Laurel Canyon area of Los Angeles that I mentioned in this episode is called: Echo in the Canyon. Well worth a watch if you love music like I do