¡(H)Ola Compliance!

¡(H)Ola Compliance! Episodio 12: Enfoque Argentina: Percepciones y Desarrollos

En este episodio nos acompaña, Maximiliano (“Maxi”) D’Auro, socio en el despacho Beccar Varela. Maxi tiene amplia experiencia en todos los aspectos relacionados con leyes y regulaciones anticorrupción y compliance. Maxi nos platica sobre desarrollos en materia de anticorrupción y compliance en Argentina y comparte sus reacciones a los resultados de la Encuesta de Corrupción en América Latina.

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¡(H)Ola Compliance! no tiene la intención y no se puede considerar como asesoramiento legal; el contenido solo refleja los pensamientos y opiniones de sus anfitriones.
¡(H)Ola Compliance! explora la ola de cumplimiento de anticorrupción que ha surgido por Latinoamérica. Inmerso en su cariño para la región, Matteson Ellis y Alejandra Montenegro Almonte (Socios de Miller & Chevalier), navegan las aguas de regulaciones de cumplimiento corporativo desde sus oficinas en Washington, DC y trazan las normas de anticorrupción que afectan a la región.  A la vez destacan los desafíos y oportunidades que enfrentan las empresas comprometidas a la ética. ¿Te sientes que estás nadando contra la corriente? ¡Entonces tome la ola de cumplimiento en ¡(H)Ola Compliance!

¡(H)Ola Compliance!

¡(H)Ola Compliance! Episodio 11: Casos del Último Trimestre del 2020: Goldman Sachs y Beam

En este episodio, revisamos los casos de FCPA de Goldman Sachs y Beam. Hablamos de los aspectos importantes de estos casos y las lecciones que podrían tomar los Compliance Officers de América Latina.

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Preguntas? Contáctenos en
¡(H)Ola Compliance! no tiene la intención y no se puede considerar como asesoramiento legal; el contenido solo refleja los pensamientos y opiniones de sus anfitriones.
¡(H)Ola Compliance! explora la ola de cumplimiento de anticorrupción que ha surgido por Latinoamérica. Inmerso en su cariño para la región, Matteson Ellis y Alejandra Montenegro Almonte (Socios de Miller & Chevalier), navegan las aguas de regulaciones de cumplimiento corporativo desde sus oficinas en Washington, DC y trazan las normas de anticorrupción que afectan a la región.  A la vez destacan los desafíos y oportunidades que enfrentan las empresas comprometidas a la ética. ¿Te sientes que estás nadando contra la corriente? ¡Entonces tome la ola de cumplimiento en ¡(H)Ola Compliance!


EMBARGOED! Episode 27: First Steps Toward JCPOA 2.0

Brian and Tim tackle the big news that formal talks are finally starting on JCPOA 2.0.  We break down what that means for the U.S., Iran, and what sanctions relief may look like under a revised deal.  Then, we give the Lightning Round treatment to the latest U.S. announcement regarding Hong Kong, more Burma sanctions, the possible elimination of an important OFAC general license in Belarus, the end of the ICC sanctions program, and a recent OFAC enforcement action against Nordgas.

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EMBARGOED! is not intended and cannot be relied on as legal advice; the content only reflects the thoughts and opinions of its hosts.
Lightning Round
Hong Kong is Still Part of the PRC
More Burma Sanctions
A Belarus Segment!
ICC E.O. May Be Revoked
OFAC Settlement with Nordgas
Final Thoughts
***Stay sanctions free.***

The Ethics Experts

Episode 054–Susan Liautaud

In this episode of The Ethics Experts, Nick welcomes Susan Liautaud, Chair of Counsel, The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), to the show to discuss Ethics, Law and Culture in detail.

Everything Compliance

Episode 78, the Opening Day edition

Welcome to the only roundtable podcast in compliance. Today, we have a quartet of Matt Kelly, Jonathan Marks, Jonathan Armstrong and Mike Volkov for a deep dive into plethora of topics related to Opening Day. We end with a veritable mélange of rants and shouts outs.

  1. Jonathan Armstrong takes us through the current state of the fight against the international scourge of modern slavery. Armstrong rants about the BBC’s non reporting on BoJo paramour Jennifer Arcuri until four days after the story broke.
  1. Jonathan Marks talks about the endemic corruption in eSports and the lack of any regulatory body to address the issue. Marks shouts out to FBI Special Kerrie Harny who led the investigation that brought down fraudulent concert promoter Andres Fernandez who told people he could make them wealthy investing in the glamorous industry. He rants about the National Association of eSports (NACE) for its lack of leadership around the corruption in eSports.
  1. Mike Volkov talks different perspective on risk management from the perspectives of a GC and CCO. Volkov shouts to the federal prosecutors who have been handling the Matt Gaetz investigation.
  1. Matt Kelly discusses the corporate responses or lack thereto of the state of Georgia voter suppression law. Kelly shouts out to Danielle Frazier, the teenager who filmed the killing of George Floyd and apologized to the Floyd family for not doing more to save him.
  1. Tom Fox shouts out to John Boehner who in his new book said, “There is nothing more dangerous than a reckless asshole who thinks he is smarter than everyone else. Ladies and gentlemen, meet Senator Ted Cruz.”

For additional reading see:
Matt Kelly blog post on Radical Compliance, Corporate Ethics and Voter Suppression Laws 
See Cordery Compliance Client Alert, Modern Slavery, UK Online Registry Launched 
The members of the Everything Compliance are:

  • Jay Rosen– Jay is Vice President, Business Development Corporate Monitoring at Affiliated Monitors. Rosen can be reached at
  • Mike Volkov – One of the top FCPA commentators and practitioners around and the Chief Executive Officer of The Volkov Law Group, LLC. Volkov can be reached at
  • Matt Kelly – Founder and CEO of Radical Compliance. Kelly can be reached at
  • Jonathan Armstrong –is our UK colleague, who is an experienced data privacy/data protection lawyer with Cordery in London. Armstrong can be reached at
  • Jonathan Marks is Partner, Firm Practice Leader – Global Forensic, Compliance & Integrity Services at Baker Tilly. Marks can be reached at

The host and producer (and sometime panelist) of Everything Compliance is Tom Fox the Voice of Compliance. He can be reached at Everything Compliance is a part of the Compliance Podcast Network.

Daily Compliance News

April 8, 2021 the McConnell Backs Off edition

In today’s edition of Daily Compliance News:

  • Espionage at IKEA? (NYT)
  • Google wins big at SCt. (WSJ)
  • Former Trump cabinet members toxic to corp America? (WaPo)
  • McConnell backs off threats against corporations. (WSJ)
Integrity Through Compliance

The Past, Present, & Future of Compliance with Rod Rosenstein

Affiliated Monitors Managing Director Don Stern hosts an engaging conversation with the Former Deputy Attorney General, King & Spalding’s Rod Rosenstein, and Affiliated Monitors Managing Director Eric Feldman as they commence a two-part podcast on “The Past, Present and Future of Compliance and Independent Monitoring.”

In part one, the trio looks at compliance, with a particular focus on the DOJ guidance as it has been articulated over the past two years. The panel discusses where compliance is now, where it is headed, and what companies might do to prepare for the closer look that they might receive from increased DOJ scrutiny under the current administration. In two weeks, the panel will return for part two, where they will shift their attention to monitoring. As is our “Integrity Through Compliance” tradition, Rod and Eric will share their key takeaways on
1. Investing in compliance brings a positive return on investment
2. Compliance is about culture and not just the written rules
3. Compliance policies need to be reviewed on a regular basis
1. Compliance programs should be based on actual risks of your company
2. Take a strong look at how and whether the company is incentivizing the right kind of behavior.
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Music and Audio Production by Dan Barton