George Bernard Shaw said, “life is not about understanding yourself; life is creating yourself,” and that is the subject of my jam session with Jerome “Romey” Wade.
Suppose you are like most people; at inflection points in your life, you want to understand yourself better or understand “why” life might deal you the proverbial shit sandwich. What if life has nothing to do with understanding but instead getting crystal clear and specific about the life and things you want to create based on #WhatInspiresMe?
How can you re-invent your life, find yourself again, and create a better life from your higher self? Well, that is exactly what we tackle in this episode. So whatever you do, listen to this entire episode and then share with your friends and family… since this is a topic that impacts everyone.
Tune in to this #jammingwithjason #podcast at:
Jerome Wade, CSP, is an author, international speaker, and advisor to executives and sales professionals. With nearly 30 years of C-Suite experience, Jerome masterfully guides clients and audiences through their most significant challenges to achieve their greatest dreams.
And he’s a good friend of mine that I #love
Learn more about Jerome and reach out to him at:
Day: March 2, 2022
EU Sanctions on Russia
This week the Compliance Kitchen is looking at sanctions levied from the Russia invasion of Ukraine. Today, the EU sanctions package on Russia in regards to Ukraine.
Welcome to The Hill Country Podcast. The Texas Hill Country is one of the most beautiful places on earth. In this podcast, recent Hill Country resident Tom Fox visits with the people and organizations that make this the most unique areas of Texas. Join Tom as he explores the people, places and their activities of the Texas Hill Country. In this episode, I visit with Don Frazier, Executive Director of the Texas Institute at Schreiner University. March 6 is the anniversary of the Battle of the Alamo and we take a deep dive into the reasons for the Texas War of Independence, some of the key players and the Battle of the Alamo.
Some of the highlights include:
· What was the Mexican Constitution of 1824 and what role did it play in the Texas War of Independence?
· Stephen F. Austin and how his imprisonment changed the course of the revolution.
· The economic reasons behind the Texas revolution.
· The role of Nacogdoches in early Texas.
· Sam Houston.
· The battles leading up to the Texian takeover of the Alamo in December 1835.
· The Battle of the Alamo.
· How to remember the Alamo.
Texas Institute at Schreiner University
Welcome to the Great Women in Compliance Podcast, co-hosted by Lisa Fine and Mary Shirley.
Following on from our Part 1 from last week, we invite Debbie Sabatini Hennelly back for the second part of series where we discuss how a book became a deliverable that helped Debbie work through burnout which ties in nicely with the burnout discussion commenced in the first episode. As someone who was previously an environmental lawyer, Debbie is one of the few people who is legitimately an ESG expert and shares with us some thoughts about how companies ought to approach ESG, as well as giving her view on whether or not Compliance should own ESG. We also ask for Debbie’s advice about being a great leader and how to manage upwards when you have a difficult boss.
The Great Women in Compliance Podcast is on the Compliance Podcast Network with a selection of other Compliance related offerings to listen in to. If you are enjoying this episode, please rate it on your preferred podcast player to help other likeminded Ethics and Compliance professionals find it. You can also find the GWIC podcast on Corporate Compliance Insights where Lisa and Mary have a landing page with additional information about them and the story of the podcast. Corporate Compliance Insights is a much-appreciated sponsor and supporter of GWIC, including affiliate organization CCI Press publishing the related book; “Sending the Elevator Back Down, What We’ve Learned from Great Women in Compliance” (CCI Press, 2020).
You can subscribe to the Great Women in Compliance podcast on any podcast player by searching for it and we welcome new subscribers to our podcast.
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Compliance into the Weeds is the only weekly podcast which takes a deep dive into a compliance related topic, literally going into the weeds to more fully explore a subject. This week, Matt and Tom take a somewhat somber view on the Russia invasion of Ukraine. Some of the issues we consider:
- Discussion of sanctions.
- What do sanctions mean for US, UK and EU countries?
- How companies should think about doing business in Russia going forward.
- What about energy production and consumption?
- US company employees in Ukraine and Russia.
- The role of China in a potential resolution.
Tom in the FCPA Compliance and Ethics Blog
Matt in Radical Compliance
Almost all of the world has condemned the Russian invasion of the Ukraine and I will add my small voice to that condemnation. In trying to choose what to write, I did not want to emphasize or better the geopolitical commentary, so I decided to focus on how this invasion and its attendant fallout might impact compliance professionals and programs. At this point Russia has limited its attacks to Ukraine but my fear as more EU, other Western allies and the US respond with arms and technical support to the Ukraine government and army, we might see Russia unleash its cyber warfare specialists on those who are supporting Ukraine with material and other support. This week I am writing about some of the issues a Chief Compliance Officer (CCO) needs to think about now. Today, I consider employees in Ukraine.
Many of the issues related to Ukraine are similar to those we looked at when it came to Russia. Obviously Supply Chains which are centered in or go through Ukraine will be significantly impacted. However, as you move west from Ukraine there may soon be greater disruptions into Poland and other eastern European countries as the war intensifies and continues unabated. While many US, UK and EU companies have employees in Russia, they are not now under attack. What can or should you do for your employees that are domiciled in Ukraine?
Contact and Other Information
Some of the things I learned in weather related emergencies on the Texas Gulf Coast are applicable to the current situation and some are more unique to a war-torn environment. The first thing you need to do is have a full list of all your employees, together with primary and secondary contact information. According to this is because “it is common for means of communication to become unreliable. Your team members in Ukraine may lose access to the internet for a few hours or days at a time. If that happens, your people will need to know how to reach you. Provide a direct phone number so you do not lose contact should a member of your team lose internet access.”
Beyond this basic contact information, you should also confirm all employee information. Accurate records can be extremely important in recovery after conflict or for relocation purposes. Ascertain your organization has “the most up-to-date information for all of your team members in Ukraine, including addresses, bank account information, legal status, citizenship, and anything else that may be important.” The next step would be to “scan and store significant documents to protect against potential loss or damage. Your HR or people team should handle this duty to preserve any documents sent while maintaining the privacy and confidentiality of your” employees’ sensitive personal information.
Financial Support
Banking services will become untenable at some point. Your organization may want to provide advance funding to Ukrainian employees ahead of normal payroll cycles to assist in recovery or relocation. Even if banks, ATMs or cash points remain open they still have to be physically replenished with hard currency. Of course, internet access will become unreliable during conflict. Your employees may not be able to access their funds, or they may need to receive funds quickly and “delivered directly to accounts other than their usual bank accounts. Please keep in mind that paying for services in deemed unsecured cryptocurrencies is currently prohibited in Ukraine. As always, delivering funds outside traditional bank accounts can carry additional risks, so be careful to ensure the funds actually reach the person you are trying to help.”
There can be other forms of financial support, including giving paid time off until the situation has stabilized, or by paying for relocation costs such as hotel fees and travel expenses. Companies might also look at providing supplies to their employees including the delivery of groceries, medicine and other much needed products directly to employees. Coordinate with your employees about this option and offer to pay for any supplies they might need at this time. Lano notes, “A precondition for any further assistance is that you remain in constant contact with your employees. Several daily check-ins are advisable in exceptional situations in order to be informed first-hand about what is actually happening on site and to be able to initiate immediate actions if necessary.”
Many of your Ukrainian employees will choose to stay in their country, but others will want to leave, either during the height of the conflict or in the event of a Russian occupation. There are already rumors of Russian kill lists. Make sure you talk to your employees about this possibility and support them in finding a new temporary home. Providing relocation assistance for your employees and their families may be one of the most critical pieces of support you can offer. This could include such services as “emergency immigration, special work permits, and emergency visas may all be options for team members wishing to leave the country.” Drawing from my experiences during the evacuation of New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, companies who have offices in different locations might be able to source support within a local team or mobilize colleagues from different offices to connect and provide a temporary shelter.
Connections, Connections, Connections
Do not assume people want to be left alone. According to DistantJob, “The first thing you can do to help your employees affected by the Ukrainian-Russian conflict is asked them how they are doing. Make it clear that the most important thing right now is for them to be safe, so clear their schedule, and let them know they are in no obligation to attend any meetings or meet any deadlines.”
However, some people may prefer to remain in contact as usual. Allow your employees to decide what makes them most comfortable and accommodate those choices to the best of your ability. Along similar lines, obtaining reliable information inside a war zone can be problematic at best. Already many of Ukraine’s government websites were hit by cyberattacks, making it even more difficult for Ukrainians to receive communications through official channels. From outside the country, you may be able to relay information your employees will be unable to discover on their own. Watch for news that may be helpful to your employees, especially if they lose internet access. Share information you come across that may be related to providing food, water, shelter, or transportation in the areas where your employees reside.
But most importantly connect, connect and then connect more.
Next up, a look at Supply Chain issues.