Jamming with Jason

Being Yourself with Brad Miller

Have you ever asked yourself, “what do I have to do to fit in?” As one of the kids who was always picked last on the playground, someone who was always a little different or quirky, I have.

In this #jammingwithjason #podcast episode, I talk with my friend Brad Miller, who had some of those same feelings. Growing up sheltered (me too) sometimes feeling awkward and starting to question why we try so hard to fit in when it’s much more fun and authentic to be ourselves (me three).

We tackle a lot in this episode as you hear Brad’s story and what he is doing now to help make sure that as a dad to his young daughter, he helps her realize there is nothing wrong with others thinking you are a little weird. Our weirdness makes us lovable and is the only way we can provide this world with the beauty that is our uniqueness. You will also see what happens when we set intentions and step into our personal power to manifest what we want.

The fact that you are reading this means there is something in this episode you need to hear and share with others.


E296 Being Yourself with Brad Miller

You can also listen to the previous episode with Marty: Ged Out of BED


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The Hill Country Podcast

Aamil Sarfani-Commercial Real Estate Development in San Antonio and the Hill Country

Welcome to award-winning The Hill Country Podcast. The Texas Hill Country is one of the most beautiful places on earth. In this podcast, Hill Country resident Tom Fox visits with the people and organizations that make this the most unique areas of Texas. Join Tom as he explores the people, places and their activities of the Texas Hill Country.  In this episode, I visit with Aamil Sarfani, a commercial real estate developer in San Antonio. He talks about the current business market for commercial real estate and his strategy for long term growth in San Antonio and the Hill Country.


Sarfani Commercial Advisors

Great Women in Compliance

All Star Women Monitors

Welcome to the Great Women in Compliance Podcast, co-hosted by Lisa Fine and Mary Shirley.

Today is the first part of a 2-part series that we have been planning for a while, and the timing turned out to be perfect. Lisa is speaking with an all-star panel of Audrey Harris, Bethany Hengsbach and Dionne Lomax,  Managing Directors from Affiliated Monitors.  Audrey’s area is  Global Anticorruption, Compliance, Ethics & Non–Financial Risk, Bethany focuses on Global Corporate Compliance, with a focus on healthcare, and Dionne works in Antitrust and Trade Regulation, as well as being a professor at Boston University.

 In Part 1, we get to hear more about their backgrounds and the road to their current roles.  They also explain more about work as a monitor, including how they are appointed, what they do as monitors, and the field in general.  They also share their experiences in reviewing programs and what impresses them when they are assessing a program, and, conversely, what concerns them.

They also provide advice for women who want to get into the field, and some of the things they have learned.

 The Great Women in Compliance Podcast is on the Compliance Podcast Network with a selection of other Compliance related offerings to listen in to.  If you are enjoying this episode, please rate it on your preferred podcast player to help other likeminded Ethics and Compliance professionals find it.  If you have a moment to leave a review at the same time, Mary and Lisa would be so grateful.  You can also find the GWIC podcast on Corporate Compliance Insights where Lisa and Mary have a landing page with additional information about them and the story of the podcast.  Corporate Compliance Insights is a much appreciated sponsor and supporter of GWIC, including affiliate organization CCI Press publishing the related book; “Sending the Elevator Back Down, What We’ve Learned from Great Women in Compliance” (CCI Press, 2020).

If you enjoyed the book, the GWIC team would be very grateful if you would consider rating it on Goodreads and Amazon and leaving a short review.  Don’t forget to send the elevator back down by passing on your copy to someone who you think might enjoy reading it when you’re done, or if you can’t bear parting with your copy, consider it as a holiday or appreciation gift for someone in Compliance who deserves a treat.

You can subscribe to the Great Women in Compliance podcast on any podcast player by searching for it and we welcome new subscribers to our podcast.

Join the Great Women in Compliance community on LinkedIn here.

Compliance Into the Weeds

Thinking about Clawbacks

The award-winning, Compliance into the Weeds is the only weekly podcast that takes a deep dive into a compliance-related topic, literally going into the weeds to explore a subject. In this episode, we consider the recent SEC requirement for companies to publicly report clawback provisions and their effects in conjunction with the DOJ requirements for clawbacks. Highlights include:

·       What are clawbacks?

·       What does the SEC rule require?

·       Are clawbacks the mirror of executive incentives?

·       How does the DOJ position, as laid out in the Monaco Memo, differ (if any) from the SEC requirements?

·       How far down the corporate chain must a clawback provision impact?

Daily Compliance News

November 2, 2022 the I Did it For Love Edition

In today’s edition of Daily Compliance News:

  • Was it love or was it cheating? (CBSChannel9)
  • Cheating in cornhole. (WSJ)
  • Paying for good news. (ESPN)
  • Greenwashing at the World Cup. (