Sunday Book Review

Sunday Book Review: August 13, 2023 – The Locked Room edition

In the Sunday Book Review, I consider books that would interest the compliance professional, the business executive or anyone who might be curious. It could be books about business, compliance, history, leadership, current events or anything else that might interest me. In today’s edition of the Sunday Book Review, I continue my summer exploration of books on crime. Today, we continue to explore our summer mystery series by looking at 5 top locked room mysteries.

  • The Locked Room by Ellie Griffith
  • Misery by Stephen King
  • A Dangerous Crossing by Rachel Rhys
  • And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie
  • Shutter Island by Dennis Lehane


Will Dean’s Top Ten Locked Thrillers in Crime Reads

Trekking Through Compliance

Trekking Through Compliance: Episode 73 – The Lights of Zetar


In this episode of Trekking Through Compliance, we consider the episode The Lights of Zetar, which aired on January 31, 1969, and occurred on Star Date 5725.3.

On its way to the Memory Alpha planetoid, the storehouse of all Federation’s cultural history and scientific knowledge, sensors detect a strange storm. The storm travels at a speed of Warp 2.6, indicating that it cannot be a natural phenomenon. The storm heads right for the Enterprise, penetrating the shield and attacking different brain centers of different crew members. Lt. Mira Romaine, aboard to oversee transmission of data newly gathered by the Enterprise to Memory Alpha, seems the hardest hit.

The storm then heads for shieldless Memory Alpha, killing all those aboard and burning out the central memory core. Mira beamed and warned everyone to return to the Enterprise because the storm was returning. Scans from the Enterprise confirm this, and the landing party returns to the ship.

To rid Mira of the alien influence before the aliens attack again, Kirk rushes her to a gravity/pressure chamber. The aliens attack too soon, however, and Mira becomes completely possessed. Speaking through Mira, the aliens identify themselves as the last survivors of the planet Zetar. They have had to discard their bodies and have been searching for a millennium for one such as Mira’s in which they can live out their lives. Before Mira’s consciousness can be completely subjugated, Scotty puts her in the pressure chamber. Here, the aliens are killed, and Mira is freed.

Compliance Takeaways:

1.     What is your internal reporting mechanism?

2.     Have you trained your middle managers in how to receive reports?

3.     What is your triage protocol?


Excruciatingly Detailed Plot Summary by Eric W. Weisstein

Memory Alpha