STAKE: The Leadership Podcast

How to Manage Your Manager?

Frustrated with your supervisor? Today’s episode is for you.
One of our listeners reached out and asked what to do if you’re not getting the input and feedback you want from your manager. This employee in particular is someone who is wanting to grow and succeed. However, they feel their manager is hindering their progress. Have you been there before? Maybe you’re there today!
In this episode, I’m sharing with you one of the latest episodes of a show I do with Phillip Van Hooser, my business partner/father-in-law/leadership expert. Take these tips, tailor them for your unique situation, then level up!
Have a leadership question? Send your questions to and I’ll be sure to answer them on future podcast episodes.
If you’re looking for tangible action steps and refreshing insights to help ignite the power of your own leadership journey, sign up for my weekly leadership blog HERE.
If your business would benefit from higher-performing leaders, check out more information about the comprehensive leadership development training I do HERE.
If you want to reach out to me directly, email
If you enjoyed this episode, will you please subscribe and leave a review? Your reviews help this show get discovered by more incredible leaders just like you. I’m obsessed with helping leaders ignite their performance results and I’d love to have you help me make an impact! Thank you so much!
P.S. Share and tag me on social — @AlysonVanHooser — and I’ll share your comments and big takeaways on my feed!

STAKE: The Leadership Podcast

Did You Know Your Leadership Is Being Measured Against This?

Could you keep great employees longer if you understood more of what they expected from you as a leader? It’s absolutely possible!
In today’s episode, I’m sharing a story with you to help you see just how important it is that you’re talking with your employees. It’s not easy, but over time you can uncover exactly what your next right step is to lead them to better performance and increased loyalty!
I’m wishing you huge success!
If you’re looking for tangible action steps and refreshing insights to help ignite the power of your own leadership journey, sign up for my weekly leadership blog HERE.
If your business would benefit from higher-performing leaders, check out more information about the comprehensive leadership development training I do HERE.
If you want to reach out to me directly, email
If you enjoyed this episode, will you please subscribe and leave a review? Your reviews help this show get discovered by more incredible leaders just like you. I’m obsessed with helping leaders ignite their performance results and I’d love to have you help me make an impact! Thank you so much!
P.S. Share and tag me on social — @AlysonVanHooser — and I’ll share your comments and big takeaways on my feed!

STAKE: The Leadership Podcast

Tornados, Turnovers and To-Do Lists

An F4 tornado ripped through my community last month. As someone who is called to develop leaders, I cannot ignore the leadership lesson emerging from my processing of the entire event.
In today’s episode, I’m sharing two specific potential “disasters” many organizations are being warned about right now. What is interesting is that although the warnings are being sent out, few are working on or preparing to mitigate the risk. My fear is that you may hear the warnings, but not heed the warnings…just as I did regarding the tornado in December. I don’t want you to find yourself white-knuckling your past success as unstoppable destruction happens among your organization.
I’m wishing you improved focus and better results as you move into 2022! #LevelUp
If you’re looking for tangible action steps and refreshing insights to help ignite the power of your own leadership journey, sign up for my weekly leadership blog HERE.
If your business would benefit from higher-performing leaders, check out more information about the comprehensive leadership development training I do HERE.
If you want to reach out to me directly, email
If you enjoyed this episode, will you please subscribe and leave a review? Your reviews help this show get discovered by more incredible leaders just like you. I’m obsessed with helping leaders ignite their performance results and I’d love to have you help me make an impact! Thank you so much!
P.S. Share and tag me on social — @AlysonVanHooser — and I’ll share your comments and big takeaways on my feed!

STAKE: The Leadership Podcast

Roll Up, Roll Out — Fill Your Cup & Maximize Your Impact

Leadership is not position. Leadership is the ability to serve someone’s need and the choice to take action.
In today’s episode, you’ll hear a story about how one teacher stepped up as a leader and is now making an impact well beyond just my life in third grade.
If you’re needing inspiration and encouragement, listen up for the three ways I discuss to help you fill your cup and maximize your impact.
If you’re looking for tangible action steps and refreshing insights to help ignite the power of your own leadership journey, sign up for my weekly leadership blog HERE.
If your business would benefit from higher-performing leaders, check out more information about the comprehensive leadership development training I do HERE.
If you want to reach out to me directly, email
If you enjoyed this episode, will you please subscribe and leave a review? Your reviews help this show get discovered by more incredible leaders just like you. I’m obsessed with helping leaders ignite their performance results and I’d love to have you help me make an impact! Thank you so much!
P.S. Share and tag me on social — @AlysonVanHooser — and I’ll share your comments and big takeaways on my feed!

12 O’Clock High-a podcast on business leadership

Alyson Van Hooser on Leadership Lessons from Grey’s Anatomy

Richard Lummis is on assignment this week so I am pleased to host Alyson Van Hooser. Alyson is passionate about leadership. She has her own consulting practice on leadership as well as her own podcast on leadership. She recently wrote an article on leadership lessons from Grey’s Anatomy and I asked to come on 12 O’Clock High to expound on some of her thoughts. Highlights of this podcast include:

  1. Why did Alyson write the article on Grey’s Anatomy Leadership Lessons?
  2. How does Alyson see useful leadership lessons from movies, books and TV?
  3. If you stumble as a leader, why is it important to get back up?
  4. When looking for leadership opportunities, why should you not take the first opportunity?
  5. Why is it important to push through hard things and how does someone do so?
  6. Why did you end your article with “It’s not about Jo, it’s about you”?

Read Alyson’s article Grey’s Anatomy Leadership Lessons
If you are looking for tangible action steps and refreshing insights to help ignite the power of your own leadership journey, sign up for Alyson’s weekly leadership blog HERE.
If your business would benefit from higher-performing leaders, check out more information about the comprehensive leadership development training I do HERE.
If you want to reach out to Alyson directly, email her at
Check out Alyson’s podcast on leadership, STAKE: a Podcast on Leadership, on the Compliance Podcast Network.

STAKE: The Leadership Podcast

Rise-Up from a Slip-Up and How to Kill the Beef At Work

Rise Up from a Slip Up

Can leaders recover from a mistake?
How should leaders handle their mistakes?
In this episode, I am diving headfirst into my proven 3-step process leaders should follow if and when they make mistakes. How leaders handle their mistakes will determine if their leadership rises or falls.  Use this process to rise up from a slip-up.
Listen to the Audio:

Kill the Beef at Work

How can leaders stop drama at work?
Whether you are an experienced leader or a new leader, at one time or another you will have to deal with drama–or beef–between the people you work with. How leaders handle interpersonal issues at work affects themselves and the people they lead–negatively or positively.  In this episode, I am sharing three practical insights into how leaders should approach drama at work in order to drive performance results.
Listen to the Episode:

Want me to train your team to communicate better with each other so everyone can focus on driving performance and profitability?  Let’s talk! Email me:
If you are looking for tangible action steps and refreshing insights to help ignite the power of your own leadership journey then get my weekly newsletter here.
If these leadership podcast episodes were valuable to you, please take a screenshot and tag me @AlysonVanHooser on your favorite social media [Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter]. I’ll share your comments and big takeaways on my feed!  Also, please make sure to review the podcast on iTunes (or Google Play, Stitcher, Android, TuneIn, Spotify).  Thank you so much!

Innovation in Compliance

Training Millennials with Alyson Van Hooser

Alyson Van Hooser is a self-described ‘old school millennial’. From being on her own from age 13, to putting herself through college, to leadership positions in the retail and finance industries, Alyson has worked hard to achieve her goals. She now works with Van Hooser Associates, where she has to opportunity to dedicate herself to her passion for leadership development.
Listen to the Episode:

Leadership is Twofold
Alyson says that leadership is twofold: you lead yourself and you can lead others. The first step in leadership is personal development, she says. She learned early on in life that if she wanted to be successful, she had to first lead herself. As she got older, the leaders in her life helped her develop into a successful person. It was because they chose to serve her, she says, that she listened and learned and followed them where they wanted her to go. Great leaders are able to connect and relate to their people. When you have influence over your people, you can get the results you want from them.
Listening is Essential
Tom admires Alyson’s ability to really listen to others. He asks her how she developed this great skill. She describes how, from her childhood, she paid attention to her role models. You’re not going to learn if you’re not willing to listen, she emphasizes. She focuses on the little things that people say that give insight into who they are, what they want, and what motivates them. As a leader, that’s the information you have to know if you’re going to get better results out of your team, she says.
Leadership Is Influence
You need to have influence if you want people to follow you. In fact, leadership is influence. The only way to get that influence is to serve others. Leadership, Alyson says, is about taking the superior position, which is not about you being on top, but rather putting everyone else before yourself.
Training Millennials
Leaders need to serve their Millennial and Gen Z employees by giving them educational opportunities to help them become valuable members of the team. Despite how unfavorably mass media has portrayed Millennials, they bring many skills to the table, and can provide value that older generations may not be able to. If you want the best from them however, you have to give them the opportunity to share their ideas without fear of repercussions. Honor their desire to make a difference, to add value to the team, Alyson says. When she trains Millennials, she teaches them that their responsibility is to be a leader for themselves, to be professional and hold themselves to a high standard. This is necessary to get buy in from the people above and below you, she says. Stay true to who you are, but adapt in order to relate to people and gain influence with people all across the organization.
Alyson Van Hooser on LinkedIn | Facebook | Instagram

STAKE: The Leadership Podcast

Introducing STAKE: The Leadership Podcast

In this new show on the Compliance Podcast Network, Alyson Van Hooser is taking her breadth of experience – personal and professional – to explore and develop leaders across all industries.
The people who step up and take their place are the ones who will make the biggest change in the world. Alyson had to figure out a lot on her own as she was growing up, and that has inspired a passion for taking ownership of her own life and helping others do the same. When you take control of your own circumstances, you can change your reality to match your dreams.
Leadership comes from influence – and influence can go in all directions. Ultimately, the choice is whether or not you want to be a leader who makes incredible things happen. Alyson believes that the influence critical to leadership comes from serving people. Stories about the greatest leaders people have ever had have always been about those who wanted to serve others. Those stories and the lessons we learn from them are the focus of this podcast.
Listen Now:

Identify High-Caliber Future Leaders


I am kicking off STAKE: THE LEADERSHIP PODCAST by helping leaders do the most important part of their job–create the next generation of leaders.
How do you correctly identify high caliber future leaders?


How do you make sure you are not wasting resources on employees who will not step up to the plate?


How do you find the employees who will take your business to the next level?


In this episode, I am not talking about the obvious things you should be looking for such as high performance or relevant experience.  Instead, I am talking about 4 very specific signs that come from those employees already showing the highest potential of becoming a successful future leader.  Maybe you have been missing these signs all along?  It is possible.  However, once you have correctly identified your emerging leaders, the pressure is on for you to develop them!


Want me to train your emerging leaders for what it takes to successfully lead the 21st multi-generation workforce?  Let’s talk! Email me:


If you are looking for tangible action steps and refreshing insights to help ignite the power of your own leadership journey then get my weekly newsletter here.
If this leadership podcast episode was valuable to you, please take a screenshot and tag me @AlysonVanHooser on your favorite social media [Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter].
Listen Now:

Give Your Ear, Get Their Loyalty

How do leaders increase employee retention?


How do leaders know what employees want?


Leaders have the power to influence their people in a way that will transform their business.  But unless leaders learn the skill of listening at a high level, they will miss out on key information that will save them time, money, and a lot of headaches.


In this episode, I am talking about the importance of listening and sharing quick actions you can take TODAY to become a better listener–which will make you a better leader.  When leaders focus on improving their listening skills then they can directly increase employee retention rates.


Want me to teach your leadership team how to listen in a way that transforms your business? Let’s talk! Email me:
If you are looking for tangible action steps and refreshing insights to help ignite the power of your own leadership journey then get my weekly newsletter here.


If this leadership podcast episode was valuable to you, please take a screenshot and tag me @AlysonVanHooser on your favorite social media [Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter]. I’ll share your comments and big takeaways on my feed!


Also, please make sure to review the podcast on iTunes (or Google Play, Stitcher, Android, TuneIn, Spotify).  Thank you so much!


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