12 O’Clock High-a podcast on business leadership

Leadership Lessons from Schindler’s List

12 O’Clock High, a podcast on business leadership brings together stories from history, the arts and movies, research and current events to consider leadership lessons. Each year during Oscar season we look at four Best Picture-winning movies and draw leadership lessons from them. It is also a way to watch some great movies. In this episode, Richard Lummis and Tom Fox continue our annual tradition of reviewing Best Picture-winning movies by rewatching and then considering the movie Schindler’s List.  Highlights include:

  • Movie Storyline
  • How did it make you feel?
  • Leadership Lessons
  • Ethical Lessons
  • Servant Leadership
  • Final Thoughts on the Banality of Evil
  • Shoah and Schindler’s list

10 Leadership Lessons from Schindler’s List
Oskar Schindler-a Sheep in Wolf’s Clothing
Evaluating Ethics and Leadership in Schindler’s List
Ethics on Film: A Discussion of Schindler’s List

Sunday Book Review

January 31, 2021, the Leadership edition

In today’s edition of Sunday Book Review:

12 O’Clock High-a podcast on business leadership

Episode 132-Alyson Van Hooser on Gen Z Leadership Perspectives

Richard Lummis is on assignment this week so I am pleased to host Alyson Van Hooser, who was recently in Houston. We sat down for a live recording about her recent LinkedIn post, “3 Gen Z Perspectives Leaders Need to Know”.
Highlights of this podcast include:

  1. Why are you in Houston?
  2. Why did you write the article?
  3. How is Gen Z leadership different from Boomer leadership?
  4. Why do leaders need to learn from stories from their people, not statistics about them?
  5. How does the style of Gen Z parenting different from that of Gen X (or Boomers) and why is that important to a business leader?
  6. Why do you advise Gen Z leaders not to roll up their eyes but to roll up their sleeves?
  7. Why is connecting fast so important to training and communications?
  8. Why are you so passionate about leadership?

Alyson’s weekly leadership blog HERE.
If your business would benefit from higher-performing leaders, check out more information about the comprehensive leadership development training Alyson does training,  HERE.
If you want to reach out to Alyson directly, email
P.S. Share and tag Alyson on social — @AlysonVanHooser

STAKE: The Leadership Podcast

Fanatical About Empowerment

Would you say empowering your employees is important? I feel pretty confident your answer is “yes”. However, the leaders I know, the leaders I work with, the leaders I teach, many of them say yes, too — but they are not taking action consistently to empower their people. The result? Leaders, teams, and companies are missing out on achieving unprecedented success!  Empowering employees affects both a companies culture and the bottom-line.

In today’s episode we are digging into what is holding leaders back from effectively empowering their employees. I also walk you briefly through the “Levels of Empowerment” we teach in one of the Leadership Development sessions we teach to company leadership teams. We wrap up talking about how empowerment is a win-win-win strategy.

Choose today to put your stake in the ground, make a plan, and then take action to be the leader known for empowering employees the best!  It’s time to #LevelUp!

Levels of Empowerment Blog (mentioned in episode) HERE.

If you’re looking for tangible action steps and refreshing insights to help ignite the power of your own leadership journey, sign up for my weekly leadership blog HERE.

If your business would benefit from higher-performing leaders, check out more information about the comprehensive leadership development training I do HERE.

If you want to reach out to me directly, email

If you enjoyed this episode, will you please subscribe and leave a review? Your reviews help this show get discovered by more incredible leaders just like you. I’m obsessed with helping leaders ignite their performance results and I’d love to have you help me make an impact! Thank you so much!

P.S. Share and tag me on social — @AlysonVanHooser — and I’ll share your comments and big takeaways on my feed!

12 O’Clock High-a podcast on business leadership

Evaluating Leadership Conduct

Richard Lummis is on assignment this week so I take this week’s episode solo to discuss how you can begin to evaluate a leader’s conduct around not simply compliance and ethics but also how a leader can improve culture. Highlights of this podcast include:

  1. The DOJ wants to see more evidence of leadership.
  2. How can a leader use current events to lead culture?
  3. What messages can a CEO push out around culture?
  4. A leader should be an ambassador of compliance, ethics and culture.
STAKE: The Leadership Podcast

Rise-Up from a Slip-Up and How to Kill the Beef At Work

Rise Up from a Slip Up

Can leaders recover from a mistake?
How should leaders handle their mistakes?
In this episode, I am diving headfirst into my proven 3-step process leaders should follow if and when they make mistakes. How leaders handle their mistakes will determine if their leadership rises or falls.  Use this process to rise up from a slip-up.
Listen to the Audio:

Kill the Beef at Work

How can leaders stop drama at work?
Whether you are an experienced leader or a new leader, at one time or another you will have to deal with drama–or beef–between the people you work with. How leaders handle interpersonal issues at work affects themselves and the people they lead–negatively or positively.  In this episode, I am sharing three practical insights into how leaders should approach drama at work in order to drive performance results.
Listen to the Episode:

Want me to train your team to communicate better with each other so everyone can focus on driving performance and profitability?  Let’s talk! Email me:
If you are looking for tangible action steps and refreshing insights to help ignite the power of your own leadership journey then get my weekly newsletter here.
If these leadership podcast episodes were valuable to you, please take a screenshot and tag me @AlysonVanHooser on your favorite social media [Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter]. I’ll share your comments and big takeaways on my feed!  Also, please make sure to review the podcast on iTunes (or Google Play, Stitcher, Android, TuneIn, Spotify).  Thank you so much!


12 O’Clock High – A Podcast on Business Leadership

12 O'Clock HighIt took far too long but it is finally here. I am pleased to announce the premier of a new podcast on leadership. It is called 12 O’Clock High – A podcast on business leadership with Tom Fox. This podcast is hosted by Richard Lummis. I founded this new podcast because I have long been interested in the topic of leadership, a subject that was not, for generations, taught in law school. As a lawyer who worked in the legal department and gravitated to compliance, I saw a real need to bring the specific topic of leadership to those who want to move up to the Chief Compliance Officer (CCO) chair. This is even more relevant for the CCO or compliance practitioner than a corporate legal function because in that position you have to work with and through a wider variety of corporate disciplines than the usual in-house lawyer.
In researching this topic over the years, I have always been struck by the basic question of how one can strive to be a leader in business. Many in businesses think that if you are not born with the right leadership traits you can never successfully lead. The opposite is actually the truth. Leadership skills CAN be learnt, and in each episode we will explore the techniques of leadership, how to incorporate them into your own business strategy and help you become a more powerful leader in business. This podcast will help fill in skills.
Why the name 12 O’Clock High? It is because it is one of the most powerful movies about World War II (WWII), leadership and its effects on men I have ever seen. It starred Gregory Peck and was nominated for four Academy Awards, winning two Oscars. It was one of the first films about the war to focus on the human toll rather than on the military aspects of leadership during combat. I was drawn to the leadership skills demonstrated by the protagonist, General Frank Savage, played by Gregory Peck. Peck demonstrates a range of leadership skills as the Commanding Officer of the fictional 918th Bomber Group. He uses a range of leadership skills, such as tone from the top, influence, persuasion, self-sacrifice, listening and communicating, all to rebuild his unit. I was always fascinated by Peck’s portrayal and have wanted to use it as a guide for today’s leaders and to honor my father’s generation.
This podcast is a bit different from my other podcasts as I am being hosted by Richard Lummis. I asked Lummis to host because he has faced many of these issues in his business career. Like myself, he began his professional career as a lawyer but he later moved into the business side. He has run a series of companies ranging from energy concerns to recording studios. He had to learn many of the same lessons on leadership that I was required to learn in my corporate career. His experiences allow him to bring a unique and differing perspective to leadership and I hope you will enjoy his hosting this new podcast as much as I have in recording the episodes with him.
I begin this new podcast with three episodes up and available for your review. In Episode 1, I discuss the seven steps to greater influence better decision-making within an organization. Here Richard and I explore those steps, provide thinking behind how and what to do, and who is responsible for each. I challenge you to examine your own leadership skills and ask, as a leader, or aspiring leader, how do you compare against these steps?
In Episode 2, I discuss leadership lessons from running a family business. I take as my starting point an interview by Adam Bryant of Brooke Denihan Barrett about leadership lessons. She is the co-chief executive officer of the Denihan Hospitality Group, a 50-year old family business in the hospitality industry who has four key leadership principles. Through our dialogue Richard and I explain why her four lessons are important if you want to build a collaborative team.
In Episode 3, we discuss the psychology of persuasion. We use, as a staring point, the work of Robert Cialdini. In his book, “Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion”, he laid out what he believed to be six universal principals of persuasion that can be used to hone your leadership skills. Lummis and I use this work to explore those principals and provide feedback on how you can incorporate them into your leadership style going forward.
I plan to post a new podcast at noon on Tuesday of each subsequent week. Upcoming topics include the lessons that can be drawn from entrepreneurial leadership; how to conduct your first 100 days as a new business leader; the always difficult and tedious tasks of managing both meetings and talent; and we also explore the legacy of former Chesapeake Energy Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Aubrey McClendon who died in a car accident the day after he was indicted by a federal grand jury with conspiring to rig bids for oil and natural gas leases. We explore the allegations around McClendon’s conflicts of interest when he was CEO, the issue of reputation and leadership and what is CEO self-dealing.
As an added benefit I will show notes for each episode that you can use as a reference and benchmark for your own leadership journey. I hope you will go over and check out my newest podcast 12 O’Clock High – A podcast on business leadership with Tom Fox and that you get as much out of it as I have garnered researching, recording and producing it for you. The podcast is also available on iTunes and you can access by clicking here. So please go over to iTunes, take a listen and if you like what you hear rate this podcast in iTunes or better yet, leave a review.
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A new podcast will give you insight into leadership in business-12 O’Clock High, a podcast on business leadership with Tom Fox.
This publication contains general information only and is based on the experiences and research of the author. The author is not, by means of this publication, rendering business, legal advice, or other professional advice or services. This publication is not a substitute for such legal advice or services, nor should it be used as a basis for any decision or action that may affect your business. Before making any decision or taking any action that may affect your business, you should consult a qualified legal advisor. The author, his affiliates, and related entities shall not be responsible for any loss sustained by any person or entity that relies on this publication. The Author gives his permission to link, post, distribute, or reference this article for any lawful purpose, provided attribution is made to the author. The author can be reached at
© Thomas R. Fox, 2016