Trekking Through Compliance

Trekking Through Compliance – Episode 45 – The Gamesters of Triskelion

In this episode of Trekking Through Compliance, we consider the episode The Gamesters of Triskelion, which aired on January 5, 1968, and occurred on Star Date 3211.7.

Kirk, Uhura, and Chekov prepare to beam down to Gamma 2, and they have whisked away from the transporter platform. They are captured and fitted with “collars of obedience” by Galt, master Thrall of the planet Triskelion. Spock finds them 11.630 light years away but is prevented from beaming down.

The Providers who started all this threaten to destroy Kirk and the Enterprise, but Kirk makes a bet with the gamesters about his ability to survive in combat. If he wins, the Providers must free Kirk and the Thralls. If he loses, he offers the entire Enterprise crew up as Thralls. Amazingly enough, Kirk wins, even after one of the opponents is replaced by Shahna. Kirk, Chekov, and Uhura are returned to the Enterprise, leaving behind a saddened Shahna.

Compliance Takeaways:

1.     What tools are available to you?

2.     What is an informed risk?

3.     What is your risk management strategy?


Excruciatingly Detailed Plot Summary by Eric W. Weisstein

Memory Alpha

Trekking Through Compliance

Trekking Through Compliance-Episode 45 – The Gamesters of Triskelion

In this episode of Trekking Through Compliance, we consider the episode The Gamesters of Triskelion which aired on January 5, 1968, Star Date 3211.7.
Compliance Takeaways:

  1. What tools are available to you?
  2. What is inform risk?
  3. What is your risk management strategy?