Everything Compliance

Episode 48-Trump Administration and Compliance, Half-Year Report, Part 1

Welcome to the only roundtable podcast in compliance. In this episode, we begin a two-part episode where we consider the Trump Administration and Compliance, Part 1. This episode includes Sarah Hadden, Mike Volkov and Matt Kelly. Our next episode will feature Jay Rosen, Jonathan Armstrong and your host, Tom Fox.

  1. Sarah Hadden bemoans the death of privacy and explains how the Number 7 has come to haunt her in the modern world of advertising algorithms. Sarah shouts out to the resistance to the Surveillance State and Surveillance Capitalism.
  2. Matt Kelly considers both where the SEC has been and is headed in its rollback of SEC 404 protections and the SEC changes to its whistleblower provisions under Dodd-Frank. Matt treats us to a double shot of rants today as he cannot control himself on the subject of the Trump Administration calling sub-regulatory guidance from the DOJ worthless “paper” while continuing to issue Guidance such as the 2019 Guidance for Compliance Programs. He also rants about the Dutch Data Protection Authority who violated GDPR in a recent release of data and then failed to timely report said breach (to themselves).
  3. Mike Volkov goes hyperbolic in his discusses of the new OFAC compliance program and the current state of OFAC sanctions. Mike rants about the petty criticism of the DOJ’s Evaluation of Corporate Compliance Programs.

The members of the Everything Compliance are:

The host and producer (and sometime panelist) of Everything Compliance is Tom Fox the Compliance Evangelist. Everything Compliance is a part of the Compliance Podcast Network.