FCPA Compliance Report

FCPA Compliance Report: Seth Whitelaw on Navigating Life Sciences Compliance

Welcome to the award-winning FCPA Compliance Report, the longest-running podcast in compliance. In this episode, Tom Fox welcomes Seth Whitelaw, who has worked in life sciences compliance for over 30 years.

Seth Whitelaw is a seasoned lawyer and compliance officer with a specialization in drug law, particularly within the life sciences industry. He has a unique perspective on regulatory guidance updates in healthcare compliance, shaped by his experiences in developing compliance programs and teaching law. Whitelaw believes that, despite technological advancements in healthcare compliance, the role of compliance officers remains crucial. He views them as a necessary check and balance within companies, akin to the role of government in society. Whitelaw emphasizes the importance of addressing industry criticisms and regulatory updates to prevent distractions and ensure companies can focus on their primary objectives. He is a strong advocate for compliance officers, recognizing their vital role in helping companies bring safe and effective products to market, thereby adding value to the companies they serve.

Key Highlights:

  • Tailored Compliance Consulting for Mid-Sized Companies
  • Evolutionary Alignment for Effective Compliance Programs
  • Data-Driven Healthcare Compliance Updates and AI Integration
  • Enhancing Life Science Compliance with AI


Seth Whitelaw on LinkedIn

Whitelaw Compliance Group

Tom Fox






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