Trekking Through Compliance

Trekking Through Compliance – Episode 38 – Metamorphosis

In this episode of Trekking Through Compliance, we consider the episode Metamorphosis, which aired on November 10, 1967, and occurred on Star Date 3219.4.
Commissioner Nancy Hedford, who had been on a diplomatic mission to stop a war, is ill with Sicuro’s disease and needs treatment aboard the Enterprise. The shuttlecraft is forced down on a small planetoid, and Kirk is unable to contact the Enterprise, despite the fact that the communications equipment appears to be functioning perfectly. On the planet, they find a man named Cochrane, who claims he has been marooned but has a being known as the Companion.
Cochrane is greatly disturbed by the knowledge that the Companion is in love with him and storms out, saying that he doesn’t want to be “fodder for any inhuman monster.” Hedford, in a feverish daze, remarks that it is strange that Cochrane runs from love while she has never had the opportunity to be loved. But the Companion occupies and cures the body of Commissioner Hedford, who had been on the verge of death, and also restores the shuttlecraft and communication devices to working order. However, the Companion is unable to leave the planet without dying, and Cochrane decides to remain with her. As they prepare to depart, Kirk agrees not to mention his adventure with Cochrane.

Compliance Takeaways:
1.     As a CCO, you may have a legal background, but you must act as a compliance professional.
2.     Prejudice has no place in today’s corporate culture. How do you stop unconscious bias?
3.     How do you evaluate your senior leadership from the business perspective?
Excruciatingly Detailed Plot Summary by Eric W. Weisstein
Memory Alpha

Trekking Through Compliance

Trekking Through Compliance-Episode 38 – Metamorphosis

In this episode of Trekking Through Compliance, we consider the episode Metamorphosis which aired on November 13, 1967, Star Date 4513.3.
Compliance Takeaways:

  1. As a CCO you may have a lawyer background but you must act as a compliance professional.
  2. Prejudice has no place in today’s corporate culture
  3. How do you evaluate your senior leadership from the business perspective?