The Affiliated Monitors Expert Podcast

Cost Issues Around Monitorships

In this episode, I am joined by Jay Rosen, the Vice President of Business Development and Monitoring Specialist at Affiliated Monitors, Inc. In this episode, we look at cost issues when hiring a monitor and how a company can work to ameliorate them. Some of the highlights from this podcast include:

  1. What will be the overall scope of the monitorship?
  2. What will be the frequency of engagement by the monitor?
  3. What will be the duration of the monitorship?
  4. What is the experience of the monitor and how does that play into overall costs?
  5. How you can work through cost control issues by using a robust monitor’s Workplan?
  6. How selective sampling is a powerful tool and why it can be a cost-saving measure.

For additional reading see Jay Rosen’s article How Much Will a Corporate Monitorship Cost? on Corporate Compliance Insights.
For more information on Affiliated Monitors, Inc. visit their website here.

The Affiliated Monitors Expert Podcast

Considerations When Hiring a Monitor

In this podcast, I am joined in this podcast series by Jay Rosen, the Vice President of Business Development and Monitoring Specialist at Affiliated Monitors, Inc. Today, we look at considerations when hiring a monitor.
Some of the highlights from this podcast include:

  1. Considering the type and style of the monitor in your selection process.
  2. What is the expertise of the monitor, not simply in the subject matter but concluding monitorships?
  3. Balancing the interests of the regulator, the company and other stakeholders.
  4. Making sure that the monitor is bringing value to the company.
  5. Why a Monitor must be independent and conflict-free.

I hope you will join us tomorrow for Part 5, where we discuss the issue of costs when retaining a monitor.
For additional reading see Jay Rosen’s article What Issues Should a Company Consider When Hiring a Corporate Monitor? on Corporate Compliance Insights.
For more information on Affiliated Monitors, Inc. visit their website here.

The Affiliated Monitors Expert Podcast

Post Resolution Monitorships

In this podcast, I am joined in this podcast by Jay Rosen, the Vice President of Business Development and Monitoring Specialist at Affiliated Monitors, Inc. In this episode, we consider the use of monitors in the post-resolution phase.
Some of the highlights from this podcast include:

  1. What is a monitorship in the FCPA Context?
  2. Complying with Consent Decrees
  3. When does post-resolution monitorship have the impact of a pre-settlement monitorship?
  4. There are myriad of other ways a post-resolution monitorship can help a company navigate post-resolution issues with regulators.

For additional reading see Jay Rosen’s article What is a Post-Resolution Monitorship? on Corporate Compliance Insights.
For more information on Affiliated Monitors, Inc. visit their website here.

The Affiliated Monitors Expert Podcast

On The Affiliated Monitors Expert Podcast-Don Stern on Working with Monitors

This podcast series features Don Stern, Managing Director, Corporate Monitors and Consulting Services at Affiliated Monitors, Inc. on working with monitors. At the end of this series you will have a much broader appreciation on the benefits of an independent monitor, how monitors work and how the different types of monitorships can benefit a wide variety of businesses, transactions and business relationships.
This series includes:
Fears and Concerns in Working with Monitors
There can be a wide variety of concerns for those considering or being required to work with a monitor, both from the corporate perspective and individual employees. From the corporate perspective, the concerns can include the costs of a monitorship and that impact on the bottom line; opening up books the books to an outsider and interference with business operations. These are acerbated by a fear the monitor does not understand the business of the organization or even how business in done in the real world.

Impact Monitors Can Have for an Organization
Interestingly many of the benefits of a company in working with a monitor come from answering the employees fears and concerns. Many employees are intimidated by attorneys and some even fell guilty about themselves and their work even though they have done nothing wrong. Often employees do not feel like them can trust the company, particularly if the company does not employ the Fair Process Doctrine or institutional justice as a core value of the organization.

How Monitors Do Their Jobs
Stern explained that there are variety of tasks and roles a monitor uses when engaging in an independent monitorship. A monitor should understand type of approaches they will take to make an organization more compliant, starting with understanding the work plan. Many times, the monitor must push the organization along by getting buy-in and building consensus. Finally, there should be an awareness of helping the company being compliant in the future.

Regulators Using Monitors
At its most basic level, an independent monitor is a way for the government to extend its reach. Both in terms of lengthening out the time that you have true government oversight and in terms through many of the techniques we discussed earlier:  focus group meetings, review documents, talking senior and middle management. It is a very cost-effective way for federal, state and even local governments to extend out their reach. This cost-effectiveness is driven home by that fact that the cost is not borne by the governmental entity or the regulators. The cost is borne by the entity involved.

Attorneys Using Monitors
Using an independent monitor in a pro-active manner which demonstrates how serious the company is about compliance. It can also be a way to demonstrate any illegal conduct may simply have been an outlier and does not reflect the values, culture and the way the company generally does business. This can provide quite a positive story to present to prosecutors, particularly under the new FCPA Corporate Enforcement Policy.

For more information on Affiliated Monitors, visit their website at

The Affiliated Monitors Expert Podcast

Compliance Strategies Under the Benczkowski Memo: Part I – Introduction

In this podcast series, I visit with Vincent DiCianni, founder and President of AMI, and Eric Feldman, Senior Vice President of AMI. We look at the Department of Justice announcements over the past few years and back to the FCPA Corporate Enforcement Policy, to consider what strategies companies can use based upon these documents. Over this series, we will explore what companies can do both internally and externally to incorporate the Benczkowski Memo and other DOJ guidance into their organizations, show how to use the Memo as both a sword and a shield and the benefits of using a third-party to fulfill the compliance mandate. In this episode, we introduce the Benczkowski Memo and DOJ announcements detailing what they mean for the compliance practitioner.

For more information on Affiliated Monitors, visit their website at

The Affiliated Monitors Expert Podcast

Monitorship Costs and Expenses

In this episode, I am joined by Vincent DiCianni, founder and President of AMI as we consider the always controversial topic of monitorship costs and expenses.   DiCianni breaks the process down into three key areas. The first is the scope of the monitorship. You must understand the settlement documents so that you can fully appreciate the scope of the monitor’s remit and what the government expects from the monitor. DiCianni noted that some resolutions can have a narrow focus, with a finite number of records or other documents to review. With such information, you can work to scope out a range of what your costs might be. Conversely the settlement documents can literally be wide-open, which obviously will have a dramatic impact on potential costs and even estimating.
For more information, visit Affiliated Monitors by clicking here.

FCPA Compliance Report

Everything You Wanted to Know About Monitors But Were Afraid To Ask: Part I-Introduction

In this five-part podcast series, we consider some of the basic questions around monitors and monitorships. I am joined in this podcast series by Jay Rosen, the Vice President of Business Development and Monitoring Specialist at Affiliated Monitors, Inc. who is the sponsor of this podcast series. In this series we introduce the role of independent integrity monitors and corporate monitorships; discuss both pre-settlement and post- resolution monitorships and their different applications; considerations a company should take in hiring a monitor and cost reflections for monitorships. Today, in Part 1, introduce the role of independent integrity monitors and corporate monitorships.
Some of the highlights from this podcast include:

  1. What is a corporate monitor?
  2. What agency has oversight?
  3. Who foots the bill?
  4. What about subject matter expertise?

I hope you will join us tomorrow for Part 2, where we discuss post-settlement monitorships.
For additional reading see Jay Rosen’s article Corporate Monitorship 101: Who Are They, and What Can You Expect?on Corporate Compliance Insights.
For more information on Affiliated Monitors, Inc. visit their website here.

Everything Compliance

Everything Compliance-Episode 50-July Reflections Edition

Welcome to the only roundtable podcast in compliance. Today, we have the full quintet of Mike Volkov, Jay Rosen, Matt Kelly, Jonathan Armstrong and Sarah Hadden. Rants and shouts outs follow the commentary for this episode.

  1. Jay Rosen considers why governmental entities other than the federal government benefit from independent integrity monitors in their oversight capacity. This includes state AGs, state regulators, counties, cities and school districts. Jay reflects on the anniversary of his father’s death and shouts out to his memory for all the great advice he got from him.
  1. Jonathan Armstrong considers how the ICO has bared its teeth in two recently proposed enforcement actions for data breaches; British Airways and Marriott. Jonathan shouts out to the England team which won the recently concluded Cricket World Cup and to the graciousness in defeat of the New Zealand team which lost in heartbreaking fashion.
  1. Sarah Hadden reflects on her six-month ride as owner/publisher of Corporate Compliance Insights. Hadden shouts out to a team of a female filmmakers who have formed One Vote at a Time dedicated to the eradication of gun violence. Not only do they believe in a future free of gun violence but they deploy skills to elect legislators at all levels of government to fight for it.
  1. Matt Kelly considers the compliance lessons from the Trump Administration’s detention camps on the US/Mexico border. Kelly rants about the USOC which is hiring its very first CCO. He also notes that it took him six clicks to find the USOC Code of Conduct on the Commission’s website.
  1. Mike Volkov discusses the new DOJ Antitrust Division’s Evaluation of Corporate Compliance Programs in Criminal Antitrust Investigations. Volkov shouts out to the Greater Houston Business and Ethics Roundtable (GHBER) as a model for local business ethics groups.
  1. Tom joins in a shout out to the author Andrea Camilleri, at the age of 69, took up mystery novel writing and came up with the Inspector Montalbano detective books.

The members of the Everything Compliance are:

The host and producer (and sometime panelist) of Everything Compliance is Tom Fox the Compliance Evangelist. Everything Compliance is a part of the Compliance Podcast Network.

FCPA Compliance Report

The Use of Monitors by State Attorneys General-Part I: The Role of State Attorneys General as Enforcers

In this five-part podcast series, I consider the use of monitors by state Attorneys General. I am joined in this podcast series by Jerry Coyne, the Managing Director of State Monitoring Services at Affiliated Monitors, Inc. who is the sponsor of this podcast series. In this series we introduce the role of state Attorneys Generals as enforcers of state law and bringers of civil litigation; the reaction to the big-tobacco settlement and the criticism of state Attorney Generals over that process; multistate settlements in the post-tobacco era; challenges in multistate litigation and the road ahead. Today, in Part 1, we consider the role of state Attorney Generals as enforcers of civil law and in bringing litigation to enforce consumer protect and related statutes.
I hope you will join us tomorrow for Part 2, where we discuss the reaction to the Big Tobacco settlement and the criticisms of state Attorney Generals for the process used. For more information on Affiliated Monitors, Inc. visit their website here.