
The Foreign Corrupt Practices Handbook: Interview with the Authors

I recently spoke with the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) Handbook authors Robert Tarun and Peter Tomczak from Baker McKenzie for a two-part podcast episode. (Part 1 was posted July 22 here, and Part 2 will be posted July 29 here.)  The depth of knowledge and experience in white-collar crime, particularly about the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), is unparalleled. We delve into the latest edition of their authoritative book, the FCPA Handbook, and explore key compliance trends, challenges, and strategies in today’s global landscape.

Bob and Peter provided a rich overview of their current professional pursuits in our discussion. Bob Tarun is actively engaged with general counsels and white-collar criminal lawyers and continues to contribute significantly to the American Bar Association’s White Collar Crime Institute. He’s also exploring creative writing, having penned a novel involving white-collar crime and an FCPA case, and is working on a screenplay based on a true story of a lawyer turned federal judge who faces indictment and impeachment.

Peter Tomczak chairs Baker McKenzie’s Global Investigations, Compliance, and Ethics Practice. He conducts cross-border compliance investigations and advises on compliance issues, governance, and M&A transactions. Peter also publishes extensively on corporate compliance and governance topics, making significant contributions to the discourse on anti-corruption and ethical business practices.

The Genesis and Evolution of the FCPA Handbook

The FCPA Handbook is often regarded as the bible for practitioners dealing with the complexities of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. Bob explained the motivation behind the book’s initial creation: a combination of intellectual curiosity and a perceived gap in the market for practical, hands-on guidance. They aimed to provide invaluable resources to white-collar criminal lawyers, compliance officers, general counsels, and corporate lawyers navigating FCPA-related challenges.

The latest, sixth edition of the handbook comes after significant updates. Peter highlighted the importance of keeping the book current with evolving laws, new DOJ policies, and practical applications in ephemeral messaging and new technologies. The update also addresses recent trends and notable case law, ensuring practitioners can access the most relevant and helpful information.

Writing Process: A Peek Behind the Curtain

Every great book has a unique writing process behind it. Bob emphasized the importance of organization, starting with a detailed chapter outline to ensure coherence and practicality. Each handbook edition incorporates updates on DOJ policies and guidance, reflecting the most current legal landscape.

Peter shared insights into the collaborative nature of their writing process. Both authors would lead on different chapters, exchanging drafts to ensure a unified voice and comprehensive coverage of topics. Despite the challenges of coordinating such an extensive project, the result is a cohesive and well-organized resource for FCPA practitioners.

Key Strategies for Conducting and Defending FCPA Investigations

Conducting and defending FCPA investigations in 2024 involves navigating complex legal and practical challenges. Bob and Peter provided several key strategies:

  1. Effective Document Management: Handling vast amounts of data and ensuring compliance with data privacy laws across jurisdictions is crucial. Early preservation and collection of evidence, including ephemeral messaging, is essential for a robust investigation.
  2. Sophisticated Compliance Programs: The DOJ’s expectations for compliance programs have become more sophisticated. Presentations to the government must demonstrate the underlying crime and prove the company’s proactive compliance measures and readiness to address issues.
  3. Brady vs. Maryland Motions: Bob stressed the importance of detailed Brady motions to ensure the defense receives all exculpatory evidence. This proactive approach can prevent costly and time-consuming retrials due to discovery violations.

International Anti-Bribery and Corruption Trends

Peter comprehensively overviews key international anti-bribery and corruption (ABC) trends. He highlighted the importance of understanding the level of business activity, interaction with governments and state-owned enterprises, the corruption environment, and international cooperation in enforcement efforts.

China remains a focal point for FCPA enforcement. Still, other regions, such as Southeast Asia, the Middle East, and Mexico, are also emerging as critical areas for compliance professionals to monitor. These regions present opportunities and compliance challenges as global supply chains and capital flows shift.

The Future of FCPA Enforcement

Toward the mid-century, Bob and Peter agreed that FCPA enforcement would remain a cornerstone of promoting free and fair markets. Despite significant fines and enhanced compliance efforts, cases involving major corporations like SAP, Ericsson, Glencore, and Goldman Sachs indicate that corruption remains a persistent issue.

Peter emphasized the evolving nature of anti-corruption enforcement as a hallmark of Western democracy. He suggested that future enforcement may increasingly target the demand side of global bribery, addressing both the supply and demand aspects of corruption.

Our conversation with Bob and Peter underscores the importance of staying abreast of FCPA enforcement’s latest trends, policies, and strategies. Their handbook serves as a vital resource for compliance professionals, offering practical guidance and insights into the complex world of anti-corruption compliance.

The sixth edition is available through the American Bar Association for those interested in delving deeper into the FCPA Handbook. Bob and Peter can also be reached through their contacts for further inquiries and professional guidance.

FCPA Compliance Report

FCPA Compliance Report: Bob Tarun and Peter Tomczak on The FCPA Handbook, Part 2

Welcome to the award-winning FCPA Compliance Report, the longest running podcast in compliance.

In this edition of the FCPA Compliance Report, Tom Fox conclude this two-part episode with Bob Tarun and Peter Tomczak from Baker & McKenzie who discuss the latest edition of their book the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Resource Handbook.

This episode provides an in-depth exploration of Delaware law’s Caremark duties and their evolution, particularly in anti-corruption compliance. The discussion highlights the challenges boards face in implementing and overseeing compliance programs. Additionally, it delves into the intricacies of defending FCPA investigations, with insights into recent high-profile cases such as those involving Walmart, Glencore, and Goldman Sachs.

The conversation also covers the international trends in anti-bribery and corruption enforcement, particularly focusing on regions like China, Southeast Asia, and the Middle East. Key compliance strategies and the importance of cross-border data privacy considerations in investigations are discussed, along with a critical look at the DOJ’s sophistication in evaluating corporate compliance programs.

Highlights in this Episode:

  • Introduction to Caremark and Delaware Law
  • Key Strategies for FCPA Investigations
  • Challenges in FCPA Trials and Compliance
  • International Anti-Corruption Trends
  • Future of FCPA Enforcement 


Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Handbook

Bob Tarun


Phone: 312-714-0225

Peter Tomczak


Baker & McKenzie

Tom Fox






FCPA Compliance Report

FCPA Compliance Report: Bob Tarun and Peter Tomczak on The FCPA Handbook, Part 1

Welcome to the award-winning FCPA Compliance Report, the longest running podcast in compliance. In this edition of the FCPA Compliance Report, Tom Fox welcomes Bob Tarun and Peter Tomczak from Baker & McKenzie in Part 1 of a two-part podcast series to discuss the latest edition of their book, The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Handbook.

The conversation covers their professional backgrounds, motivations for updating the book, and significant changes in FCPA enforcement and compliance practices. Bob and Peter provide detailed insights into their writing process and some of the key defenses for FCPA investigations. Key trends in international anti-bribery and corruption enforcement, the evolving role of corporate compliance programs, and strategies for dealing with DOJ expectations are also addressed. The episode concludes with discussions on future prognostications for FCPA enforcement and how listeners can connect with the authors.

Highlights in this Episode

  • Meet the Authors: Bob Tarun and Peter Tomczak
  • Updating the FCPA Handbook: New Challenges and Insights
  • Key Chapters and Practical Advice in the FCPA Handbook
  • DOJ Policies and Corporate Compliance
  • For the Board: The Pitch Count Policy Caremark Duties
  • Defending FCPA Investigations: Strategies and Trials
  • International Anti-Bribery and Corruption Trends


Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Handbook

Bob Tarun


Phone: 312-714-0225

Peter Tomczak


Baker & McKenzie

Tom Fox




