Corruption, Crime and Compliance

2022 FCPA Year in Review Featuring Tom Fox

2022 saw higher numbers of FCPA enforcement actions, settlements, and criminal prosecutions of individuals. One of the most important developments was the update of policy in the Monaco Doctrine, which was elaborated on in the Monaco Memo, providing important guidance for compliance professionals. Tom Fox joins Michael Volkov to discuss some of the more interesting cases from the past year.

Tom Fox is hailed as the Voice of Compliance, serving and evangelizing for the compliance community for over 15 years. He is the founder and creator of the Compliance Podcast Network where he hosts various podcasts, such as Innovation In Compliance and the ESG Report, and the Executive Leader at the C-Suite Network. 


Some ideas you’ll hear them explore are:

  • The DOJ is getting better at communicating with the compliance community through resolution documents like DPA, NPA, and, occasionally, declinations. These documents provide insight into the DOJ’s thinking and approach to cases, which compliance professionals can use to gain a better understanding of how to approach compliance issues.
  • In Tom’s upcoming book, “FCPA Year in Review 2022,” he highlights the KT Corp bribery case, which went back to the basics in its old-school rendition of corruption: bags of cash money. The lesson here is that bribery can be as simple as a $50 slipped into a handshake.
  • In the curious case of Glencore, the FCPA enforcement action taken against them reflects the DOJ’s focus on defective cultures within companies. This case involved multiple enforcement agencies across multiple countries and multiple bribery schemes, rounding up fines and penalties totalling up to $1.1 billion, with $700M for FCPA violations, and $441M for price and market manipulation. Glencore had a culture that was committed to profit at any cost, and the company paid over $100M to third parties knowing that some of the money would be used to bribe officials in various countries.
  • The Oracle case involving bribery and corruption involving gifts, travel, and entertainment should serve as a reminder to companies to review their gift, travel, and entertainment policies and ensure they are aware of how their business officials are spending their travel, per diem, and entertainment money.
  • Avoid hiring third-parties recommended by or at the direction of a state-owned official or executive.
  • The Lisa Monaco memorandum emphasizes the need for effective compliance programs and the benefits of voluntary disclosure, full cooperation, and timely and appropriate remediation. 



“Internal controls are not simply due diligence, distributors, et cetera. It goes down to your payments, schemes and how you pay your vendors should all be a part of your internal controls.” – Tom Fox



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The ESG Compliance Podcast

Simplifying ESG with Mandi McReynolds

Mandi McReynolds, the Global Head of ESG in Workiva, joins the show to discuss how tech solutions have made ESG reporting easier, what organizations should consider before investing in tech, and the significance of putting stakeholders at top priority, and the future of tech in ESG.
▶️ Simplifying ESG with Thomas Fox & Mandi McReynolds:
Key points discussed in the episode:
✔️ Mandi McReynolds emphasizes communicating with your stakeholders to identify your company’s societal and business values. Stakeholders consist of internal, external, and customers.
✔️ Mandi McReynolds describes how Workiva simplifies the ESG reporting process.
✔️ Internal controls are the backbone of an effective ESG program. To create processes that stakeholders can trust, have different subject matter experts to add value to the discussion.
✔️ Look at the business value drivers and societal impact value drivers of your ESG plan. Before investing in tech and talent, identify your strategic value in materiality assessment and assessment engagement.
✔️ Bring a holistic picture of what your stakeholders care about regarding ESG.
✔️ How financial value has always been intrinsically linked to ESG reporting.
✔️ Find the balance between achieving your ESG commitments and not burning dollars.
✔️ Mandi McReynolds gives her predictions on the future of the technological component of ESG.
Mandi McReynolds is an award-winning author, educator, and practitioner-scholar. She has spent her career building corporate responsibility and environmental, social, and governance divisions across four different industries. Mandi serves as the Senior Director, Environment, Social, and Governance at Workiva. McReynolds is the co-editor and co-author of Diving Deep in Community Engagement: A Model for Professional Development. She received her B.A. in Organizational Communications from Cedarville University and M.S. in Interdisciplinary Studies: Speech Communication, Women Studies, and Higher Education from Iowa State University. She enjoys swimming and playing volleyball with her daughter, Ava, and traveling with her husband, Adam.
Learn more about Workiva – ESG reporting made simple –
Mandi McReynolds on LinkedIn
ESG Talk Podcast
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