31 Days to More Effective Compliance Programs

One Month to More Effective Compliance Through Culture: Day 11 – Psychological Safety in the Middle

Advancing ethical culture through psychological safety can be a powerful tool. But how can you determine the state of psychological safety in your organization? Once again using the article “Fostering Ethical Conduct Through Psychological Safety” as a starting point, “there are a number of things organizations can do to make it more likely that people will speak up when they observe unethical behaviors.” But one key is psychological safety, defined by co-author Edmondson as “a shared belief held by members of a team that the team is safe for interpersonal risk-taking” — or, put another way, that “we can say what we think” or “be ourselves around here.”

There is a non-siloed nature of psychological safety at the workplace. Ethics, risk management, legal and compliance functions, plus HR all share an interest in fostering such an environment. This mandates a cross-functional approach as an essential requirement of molding an organization’s culture to include psychological safety. The authors believe, “Managers throughout a company must become aware of the blind spots created by a psychologically unsafe environment, along with the associated risk of underreported misconduct.” They also caution that a formal program such as a reporting hotline “may capture only a fraction of the problematic behaviors that occur.” This leads the authors to posit that gauging psychological safety “may help companies determine whether misconduct is being reported and, in turn, enhance the effectiveness of their formal speak-up programs.”

The authors also confirmed a greater problem which is that “in a global context, psychological safety is not uniform across nations.” Survey respondents from “the Americas and Europe tended to score higher on psychological safety than respondents from Asia.” This suggests to the authors that “the potential effectiveness of tailoring interventions that promote speaking up in order to address the specific circumstances of different groups of employees.” Moreover, “global organizations that seek to build psychological safety must assess its various region-specific drivers and derailers to adjust their activities to specific seniorities and cultures.”

 Three key takeaways:

1. How can you determine the state of psychological safety in your organization?

2. Psychologically safety at the workplace is non-siloed.

3. Middle managers are critical.

Do you want to improve your culture? How can you assess your culture and develop a strategy to improve it going forward? In this free webinar on the new tool, The Culture Audit with Tom Fox and Sam Silverstein on Tuesday, November 28, 12 CT. For more information and registration, click here.

31 Days to More Effective Compliance Programs

One Month to a More Effective Compliance Program: Day 18 – Operationalizing Compliance in the Middle

The DOJ has made it clear that middle management is critical to any compliance program’s success. While it does all start at the top, with the Board of Directors and senior executives setting the tone for the rest of the company, prosecutors are mandated, under the 2023 Evaluation of Corporate Compliance Programs (ECCP), to show how middle management, in turn, has reinforced those standards and encouraged employees to abide by them. Moreover, the ECCP posed several questions to middle management, including the following: What actions have middle-management stakeholders taken to demonstrate their commitment to compliance or compliance personnel, including their remediation efforts? Have they persisted in that commitment in the face of competing interests or business objectives?

The DOJ expects compliance to be operationalized down to the middle management level. Further experience has shown that employees prefer to speak to their direct supervisors about issues or potential compliance violations they become aware of. The question is: how can a corporate compliance function reach middle management? This is a key area of assistance that Human Resources can provide, as one of the ways that HR can help to operationalize compliance is to assist each level of an organization to have a proper tone, specifically the middle of an organization.
You must think about your communication lines and communication skills when conveying your message of compliance from the top into the middle of your organization.

Three key takeaways:

  1. While the tone at the top is critical, the middle tone can work to operationalize compliance more fully.
  2. How do you train middle managers?
  3. What compliance tool kit do you provide to middle managers?

For more information, check out The Compliance Handbook, 4th edition, here.

31 Days to More Effective Compliance Programs

Day 4 | Moving compliance tone down through an organization

Mike Volkov, in a blog post entitled “Mood in the Middle Versus Tone at the Top”, said, “Even when a company does all the right things at the senior management level, the real issue is whether or not that culture has embedded itself in middle and lower management.  A company’s culture is reflected in the values and beliefs that exist throughout the company.” To fully operationalize your compliance program, you must articulate the message of ethical values and doing business in compliance and then drive that message from the top down, throughout your organization.

The Evaluation of Corporate Compliance Programs – Guidance Document (2019 Guidance) made clear a company must have more than simply good ‘Tone-at-the-Top’; it must move down through the organization from senior management to middle management and into its lower ranks. This means that one task is to get middle management to respect the stated ethics and values of a company, because if they do so, this will be communicated down through the organization. The 2019 Guidance stated:
Shared CommitmentWhat actions have senior leaders and middle-management stakeholders (e.g., business and operational managers, finance, procurement, legal, human resources) taken to demonstrate their commitment to compliance or compliance personnel, including their remediation efforts? Have they persisted in that commitment in the face of competing interests or business objectives?
This requirement speaks to the greater role of non-compliance functions in fully operationalized compliance program. Indeed, one sign of a mature compliance and ethics program is the extent to which a company’s other corporate disciplines are involved in implementing and then taking forward a compliance solution. This approach can act as a lynch pin in spreading a company’s commitment to compliance throughout the employee base. It can also be used to ‘connect the dots’ in many divergent elements of a corporate compliance and ethics program.
Three key takeaways:

  1. Tone at the top – direct supervisors become the most important influence on people in the company.
  2. Give your middle managers a Tool Kit around compliance so they can fully operationalize compliance.
  3. Organizational justice is an additional way to help operationalize compliance.