The Ethics Experts

The Ethics Experts: Bonus Episode 005 – COVID-19 Edition with Jill Katz

On this special bonus episode of The Ethics Experts, we speak with Jill Katz about how COVID19 has changed the world, and how people must transition within before the world can fully change.

Check out more episodes, and don’t forget to subscribe on your favorite podcast platform!

Why a Duck

COVID-19 and Compliance: Part 3-Why Compliance Never Sleeps

In this five-part series, Mike Volkov and Tom Fox consider COVID-19 from a variety of angles and perspectives; from the Board of Directors, the CCO, the ethical company, new laws and regulations, crisis management and leadership. In this third episode, we consider some of the various laws and regulations impacted by the coronavirus health crisis. Highlights from the podcast include:

  1. What new or special challenges are there in the Supply Chain during the COVID-19 crisis?
  2. What are changes in employment laws that impact corporations during the coronavirus health crisis? What are some of the employee risks faced during this crisis?
  3. What are some of the challenges around data privacy/data protection?
  4. What is the Bank Secrecy Act and how does it come into play during COVID-19?
  5. How can a corporate monitor help during this crisis?
  6. Why compliance must NEVER sleep during the coronavirus crisis.

Mike Volkov
COVID-19 Supply Chain Risk Lessons
COVID-19: Important Changes to Employment Law
COVID-19: Employee Risks and Privacy
Bank Secrecy Act Compliance During the COVID-19 Crisis
Tom Fox
Boeing Needs a Monitor
Jared Connors on Supply Chain During Coronavirus
Joanne Taylor on Financial Crimes Compliance During Coronavirus

31 Days to More Effective Compliance Programs

Monitoring of third-parties

How can data analytics be used for continuous improvement where the primary sales force used by a company is third-parties? A clear majority of FCPA violations and related enforcement actions have come from the use of third-parties. While sham contracting (i.e., using a third-party to conduit the payment of a bribe) has lessened in recent years, there are related data analysis that can be performed to ascertain whether a third-party is likely performing legitimate services for your company. There are several more analytics that can be run in combination to identify suspicious third-parties and some of the simplest can be to look for duplicate or erroneous payments, all of which can lead to continuous improvement. Here we focus on the question posed by the 2019 Guidance, How does the company monitor its third parties?
The final concept of finding patterns that can be discerned through the aggregation of huge amounts of transactions, is the next step for compliance functions. Yet data analysis does far more than simply allow you to follow the money. It can be a part of your third-party ongoing monitoring as well by allowing you to partner the information on third-parties who might come into your company where there was no proper compliance vetting. The opportunity for continuous improvement through a feedback loop is obvious and a clear step you should take going forward.
 Three key takeaways:

  1. Always remember to follow the money to see where a pot of money could be created to fund a bribe.
  2. Transaction monitoring techniques around fraud monitoring translate to data analysis for compliance.
  3. Do not forget to check names against known PEP and SDN lists.
Daily Compliance News

April 8, 2020-the Tribute to John Prine edition

In today’s edition of Daily Compliance News:

  • Trump removes watchdog over CAREs bailout. (NYT)
  • Farewell to the hot desk? (NYT)
  • Boeing to close SC plant. (WaPo)
  • John Prine dies. (RollingStone)
Compliance and Coronavirus

Eric Feldman on Culture Assessment During Coronavirus

Welcome to the newest addition to the Compliance Podcast Network, Compliance and Coronavirus. As the Voice of Compliance, I wanted to start a podcast which will help to bring both clarity and sanity to the compliance practitioner and compliance profession during this worldwide health and healthcare crisis. In this episode, I am joined by Eric Feldman, SVP at Affiliated Monitors, Inc. We discuss why doing a culture assessment now during the Coronavirus health crisis will provide you a much more robust picture of your corporate culture and how you can do so in a cost effective, efficient manner.
For more information on Affiliated Monitors, Inc. check out their website here.
This podcast is sponsored by SAI Global. To learn how you can protect your business operations and workforce during these uncertain times, visit for free resources, expert guidance, and industry-leading technology.

Great Women in Compliance

Episode 56 – Mary & Lisa on Compliance and Coronavirus

Welcome to the Great Women in Compliance Podcast, co-hosted by Lisa Fine and Mary Shirley.
COVID-19 has had a monumental impact all over the world.  Every day, we see new public health issues, are living through economic challenges and everyone’s daily lives are very different than a year ago, or even 3 months ago.  In this special joint episode, Mary and Lisa share various perspectives of the new normal in their day-to-day lives regarding how the Coronavirus has affected both work and home during this era.
The discussion runs the gamut from serious to lighthearted topics including contrasting life in lockdown in New Zealand for Mary with Lisa’s observations from the United States.  You’ll hear a bit about their experiences at work, in the compliance communities and some tips for vendors to facilitate value add outreach to Compliance professions at this sensitive time.
Of course, they also share what is on their reading and viewing lists, the exchange of uplifting moments, silver linings and what they are doing to support their colleagues, families and communities.
Join the Great Women in Compliance community on LinkedIn here.

Compliance Into the Weeds


Compliance into the Weeds is the only weekly podcast which takes a deep dive into a compliance related topic, literally going into the weeds to more fully explore a subject. While we have both written and spoken about companies who are responding positively during the COVID-19 crisis, today we take up companies who are not doing so and are thereby engaging in covidiocy.
Some of the highlights include:

  • What is the tale of the Boston Sports Club?
  • What were its governance failures? Its policy failures?
  • What is the FINRA Guidance on Pandemic Risks?
  • Why is liquidity so critical now?
  • Corporate governance failures by the parent.

Matt Kelly blog posts , When Covidiocy Strikes Corporate Governance and New FINRA on Pandemic Risks
Tom Fox blog post, Navigating the Coronavirus Crisis for Compliance Professionals -Company Responses