Trekking Through Compliance

Trekking Through Compliance – Episode 55 – Assignment Earth

In this episode of Trekking Through Compliance, we consider the compliance lessons from Assignment Earth, which aired on March 29, 1968, Star Date unknown—the final episode of Season 2.

The Enterprise has used the light-speed breakaway factor to propel itself backward in time. It can monitor Earth communications while on a historical fact-finding mission to study how Earth survived 1968. While in orbit, the Enterprise accidentally intercepts a transporter beam originating more than 1000 light years away, beaming aboard interplanetary agent Gary Seven and his partner Isis, disguised as a black cat. His mission is to prevent Earth from destroying itself before it can become a peaceful society by destroying an orbital nuclear weapons platform launched by the US.

Chekov notes the arming of the warhead aboard the Enterprise, who attempts to contact Kirk for instructions. When the communicator beeps and the rocket base guard picks it up, Spock nerve pinches the guard and tells Scott to beam Kirk and himself to Seven’s apartment. They watch Seven explode the warhead 104 miles above the ground and meet Seven’s cat, Isis. Records from the Enterprise show that such an event occurred and that it caused the nuclear powers to reassess the risks of placing hydrogen bombs in orbit.


This unique episode, intended as a backdoor pilot for a spin-off, features characters Gary Seven, Terry Gar, and Isis the Cat. Gary Seven’s mission, advanced technology, and covert interventions serve as a springboard to discuss compliance lessons such as effective oversight, challenges in regulating emerging technologies, and ethical considerations in surveillance. By drawing parallels with current compliance issues, Tom Fox offers valuable insights for compliance professionals navigating these complex areas.

Key Highlights

  • Episode Synopsis
  • Gary Seven’s Mission
  • Roberta Lincoln’s Involvement
  • Rocket Sabotage and Conclusion
  • Compliance Lessons from Assignment Earth


Excruciatingly Detailed Plot Summary by Eric W. Weisstein

Memory Alpha

Compliance Tip of the Day

Compliance Tip of the Day: A Compliance Performance Appraisal Review

Welcome to “Compliance Tip of the Day,” the podcast where we bring you daily insights and practical advice on navigating the ever-evolving landscape of compliance and regulatory requirements.

Whether you’re a seasoned compliance professional or just starting your journey, our aim is to provide you with bite-sized, actionable tips to help you stay on top of your compliance game.

Join us as we explore the latest industry trends, share best practices, and demystify complex compliance issues to keep your organization on the right side of the law.

Tune in daily for your dose of compliance wisdom, and let’s make compliance a little less daunting, one tip at a time.

Today we consider the role of a Compliance Performance Appraisal Review.

For more information on the Ethico ROI Calculator and a free White Paper on the ROI of Compliance, click here.

To check out The Compliance Handbook, 5th edition, click here.


Setting the Tone at the Top in Star Trek: Devil in the Dark

In the world of compliance, the tone at the top is paramount. It sets the stage for the organizational culture, influencing every business layer. As an award-winning compliance blogger, I often seek examples from popular media to illustrate key compliance principles. One compelling example comes from Star Trek: The Original Series (TOS). The episode “The Devil in the Dark” demonstrates effective leadership and ethical decision-making, embodying the first Hallmark of an Effective Compliance Program: tone at the top.

Summary of The Devil in the Dark

In this episode, Captain Kirk and his crew are summoned to a mining colony on the planet Janus VI, where a mysterious creature has been killing miners and sabotaging equipment. The miners are desperate and demand the creature’s destruction. However, as the Enterprise crew investigates, they uncover that the creature, known as the Horta, is intelligent and acting out of self-defense to protect its eggs, which the miners have unknowingly destroyed.

Kirk, guided by his moral compass and influenced by Spock’s logical counsel, chooses to communicate with the Horta instead of destroying it. This decision leads to a peaceful resolution, saving the miners and the Horta and establishing a cooperative relationship between the two species.

Leadership and Ethical Decision-Making

Captain Kirk’s handling of the situation is a textbook example of setting the right tone at the top. His leadership in “The Devil in the Dark” highlights several critical aspects of effective compliance leadership:

1. Setting an Ethical Example. From the outset, Kirk exemplifies ethical leadership. Kirk remains open-minded and cautious despite the miners’ insistence on killing the creature. He refuses to jump to conclusions, instead opting to gather all necessary information before deciding. This approach mirrors the importance of due diligence in compliance practices, where leaders must ensure they have a comprehensive understanding of situations before acting.

  1. Encouraging a Culture of Integrity. Kirk’s decision to explore non-violent solutions fosters a culture of integrity among his crew. By valuing life and seeking understanding over immediate destruction, he sets a precedent for ethical behavior. This decision demonstrates that ethical considerations should be paramount, even when facing significant pressure. In a corporate context, this translates to promoting a culture where employees feel empowered to act ethically and report misconduct without fear of retribution.
  2. Transparent Communication. Throughout the episode, Kirk maintains open and transparent communication with his team. He discusses options, seeks input from his officers, and explains his reasoning behind decisions. This transparency fosters trust and ensures all team members align with the organization’s mission and values. This underscores the importance of clear and honest communication for compliance leaders in promoting a compliant and ethical workplace.
  3. Empathy and Understanding. Kirk’s empathy towards the Horta is a defining moment in the episode. Instead of viewing the creature as a threat, he considers its perspective and motivations. This empathy leads to a peaceful resolution and mutual understanding. In the corporate world, leaders who demonstrate empathy can better understand the concerns of their employees and stakeholders, fostering a more inclusive and supportive work environment.
  4. Decision-Making Under Pressure. Kirk’s ability to make ethical decisions under pressure is another critical aspect of his leadership. Faced with the miners’ demands and the immediate threat the Horta poses, he remains composed and focused on finding a solution that upholds the Enterprise’s values. This mirrors the challenges compliance leaders face, who must often navigate complex situations and make difficult decisions that align with ethical standards and regulatory requirements.

Lessons for Compliance Leaders

The Devil in the Dark offers several valuable lessons for compliance leaders seeking to establish and maintain a strong tone at the top.

  1. Lead by Example. Leaders must consistently demonstrate ethical behavior and decision-making. This sets a standard for the entire organization and encourages employees to follow suit. As seen with Captain Kirk, leading by example can inspire confidence and trust among team members.
  2. Foster a Culture of Integrity. Creating a culture where integrity is valued and ethical behavior is rewarded is crucial. This involves setting expectations and providing the necessary support and resources for employees to act ethically. Compliance leaders should encourage open dialogue and create an environment where employees feel safe reporting concerns.
  3. Prioritize Transparency. Clear and transparent communication is key to building trust and ensuring alignment within the organization. Leaders should be open about their decisions and reasoning, fostering an environment of honesty and accountability.
  4. Demonstrate Empathy. Understanding and considering the perspectives of others can lead to more effective and ethical decision-making. Leaders who show empathy are better equipped to address concerns and build strong, collaborative relationships.
  5. Make Ethical Decisions Under Pressure. Compliance leaders often face high-pressure situations where the right course of action may not be immediately clear. Maintaining composure and staying true to ethical principles is essential. As demonstrated by Captain Kirk, ethical decision-making can lead to positive outcomes, even in the most challenging circumstances.

Captain Kirk exemplifies the core principles of effective leadership and ethical decision-making in The Devil in the Dark, setting a strong tone at the top. His actions demonstrate the importance of leading by example, fostering a culture of integrity, prioritizing transparency, demonstrating empathy, and making ethical decisions under pressure. For compliance leaders, these lessons are invaluable. By embracing these principles, leaders can create a compliant and ethical organizational culture that meets regulatory requirements and promotes long-term success and trust.

As we navigate the complexities of the modern business world, let us remember the timeless lessons from Captain Kirk and the crew of the Enterprise, boldly going where few compliance programs have gone before.

Daily Compliance News

Daily Compliance News: July 26, 2024 – The Whistleblower Compensated Edition

Welcome to the Daily Compliance News. Each day, Tom Fox, the Voice of Compliance, brings you compliance-related stories to start your day. Sit back, enjoy a cup of morning coffee and listen to the Daily Compliance News. All from the Compliance Podcast Network.

Each day, we consider four stories from the business world: compliance, ethics, risk management, leadership, or general interest for the compliance professional.

In today’s edition of Daily Compliance News:

  • Maersk pays $700K for wrongfully terminating a whistleblower. (WSJ)
  • The end of the Texas miracle. (FT)
  • Does Chipotle cheat customers? Not on purpose.  (NYT)
  • Crash victims’ families to oppose new Boeing DPA. (Reuters)

For more information on the Ethico ROI Calculator and a free White Paper on the ROI of Compliance, click here.

2 Gurus Talk Compliance

2 Gurus Talk Compliance: Episode 33 — The Nuts and Bolts Edition

What happens when two top compliance commentators get together?

They talk compliance of course. Join Tom Fox and Kristy Grant-Hart in 2 Gurus Talk Compliance as they discuss the latest compliance issues in this week’s episode!

In this episode Kristy and Tom delve into an array of timely topics. They discuss a filmmaker turned vigilante’s impact on corporate DEI programs and the repercussions of the UK elections on compliance and law enforcement. The duo takes a deep dive into the essentials of the European AI Act, emphasizing its imminent enforcement and the potential penalties.

They also bring attention to the importance of a robust document retention policy, especially in international contexts. Of course, Florida man makes an appearance swimming away from the police to evade his girlfriend’s probing questions.

Tune in for a comprehensive mix of compliance nuts and bolts insights and current events.

Stories Include:



Kristy Grant-Hart on LinkedIn

Spark Consulting

Prove Your Worth







Fox on Podcasting

Fox on Podcasting: Jennifer Henczel on Building a Community Through Podcasting

Join Tom Fox as he explores the world of podcasting and get ready to be inspired to start your own podcast. In this episode, Tom visits Jennifer Henczel to discuss building a community through Podcasting and the first annual Women in Podcasting awards.

In this episode, Tom visits with Jennifer Henczel, founder of the Women in Podcasting Network and the Women in Podcasting Awards. Jennifer shares her journey of transitioning from a regular job to founding multiple community-focused networks after a life-altering incident involving her husband.

They discuss the importance of community in podcasting, various initiatives Jennifer has started, the Women’s Podcasting Network, and the upcoming Women in Podcasting Awards. Jennifer emphasizes the role of community in personal and professional growth and shares insights into how the podcast awards aim to motivate and support new and seasoned female podcasters.

Key Highlights:

  • The Birth of Women in Podcasting Network
  • Community Building and Support
  • Women in Podcasting Awards
  • Global Reach and Application Deadlines
  • Future of Podcasting and Networks






