FCPA Compliance Report

FCPA Compliance Report – Measuring Ethical Culture & Compliance Training Impact

Welcome to the award-winning FCPA Compliance Report, the longest-running podcast in compliance. In the latest episode of FCPA Compliance Report, Tom Fox speaks with Parijat Jauhari and Susan Divers, both with LRN, about their new tool, Catalyst Reveal, which helps compliance professionals deal with the new DOJ requirements around culture assessment, risk management, monitoring, and improvement. They explain how Catalyst Reveal goes beyond traditional methods of measuring the effectiveness of compliance training and that the platform includes completion data, culture data, and learner sentiment analysis to determine training effectiveness.

They also discuss the importance of benchmarking, which allows for easy comparison of clients within the same industry and revenue band. Plus, find out about their upcoming additions to their product and how they can provide solutions to challenges posed by the Department of Justice. Tune in now to discover how Catalyst Reveal can help compliance professionals fulfill their obligations under the 2023 Evaluation of Corporate Compliance Programs. 

Key Highlights

·      Measuring Ethical Culture

·      Enhancing Compliance Training Effectiveness

·      Challenges in measuring training impact

·      Data Analytics in Compliance Training

·      Benchmarking and Data-driven compliance training

Notable Quotes

“This is the most exciting development in this space in all the time that I’ve been working in ethics and compliance because it allows companies and chief ethics and compliance officers and their teams to move beyond what I would call dead data.”

“The culture pulse survey that we’ve included in this which is the ethical culture pulse survey. That’s its full title. It asks questions in real time about levels of engagement from the employee base and levels of respect levels of transparency, levels of organizational justice. And that that is a breakthrough.”

“What this tells you is it goes beyond we had a  warm seat. for this training to say, we had people take it, and a lot of people in this group really struggled with facilitation payments or with what is an actual conflict of interest. And this is an area that compliance officers really struggle with.”

“We are really using some new technology, machine learning to mine the data because it’s you’re accumulating it every day that employees are actually.”


Parijat Jauhari on LinkedIn

Susan Divers on LinkedIn


Tom Fox




