31 Days to More Effective Compliance Programs

One Month to a More Effective Compliance Program in Training and Communications – Measuring Compliance Training Effectiveness

Since at least 2017, the DOJ has emphasized the need to determine compliance training effectiveness. In the 2020 Update, it stated under the section entitled “Form/Content/Effectiveness of Training” the following questions, How has the company measured the effectiveness of the training? Have employees been tested on what they have learned? How has the company addressed employees who fail all or a portion of the testing? Has the company evaluated how much the training impacts employee behavior or operations?

The DOJ enshrined the importance of determining the effectiveness of your compliance program in its 2020 Evaluation. The 2020 Evaluation demonstrates that the DOJ wants to see evidence of the effectiveness of your compliance program. This is something that many CCOs and compliance professionals still need help to determine. Both the simple guidelines suggested herein, the more robust assessment, and the results provide you with a start to fulfill the precepts set out in the 2020 Evaluation, but you will eventually need to demonstrate the effectiveness of your compliance training in the future.

Three key takeaways:

  1. You must demonstrate that you have measured the effectiveness of your compliance training.
  2. The DOJ is moving into requiring a demonstration of the effectiveness of compliance training.
  3. You should be moving towards a model of demonstrating compliance training ROI to validate the full operationalization of your compliance training.