Great Women in Compliance

Great Women in Compliance – The State of the Profession

As we move towards the end of 2023, and after the major conferences of the year, it seemed like a good time to reflect on the state of the profession.  Gwen Hassan, Deputy Chief Compliance Officer at Unisys and host of the #HiddenTraffic podcast, and Kim Yapchai, member of the Board of Directors for DirectWomen and former Senior Vice President, Chief Environmental, Social and Governance Officer at Tenneco joined Ellen Hunt and Lisa Fine talk about where the ethics and compliance profession has been, where we are today, and where we are going.  They discuss what makes them optimistic, and what gives them pause.

The Great Women in Compliance Podcast is on the Compliance Podcast Network with a selection of other Compliance-related offerings. GWIC is also sponsored by Corporate Compliance Insights, where we have a page where you can hear every episode. If you are enjoying this episode, please rate it and/or provide a review.

Corporate Compliance Insights is a much-appreciated sponsor and supporter of GWIC, including affiliate organization CCI Press publishing the related book; “Sending the Elevator Back Down, What We’ve Learned from Great Women in Compliance” (CCI Press, 2020). If you enjoyed the book, the GWIC team would be very grateful if you would consider rating it on Goodreads and Amazon and leaving a short review.  Don’t forget to send the elevator back down by passing on your copy to someone who you think might enjoy reading it when you’re done, or if you can’t bear parting with your copy, consider it as a holiday or appreciation gift for someone in Compliance who deserves a treat.

If you enjoyed the book, the GWIC team would be very grateful if you would consider rating it on Goodreads and Amazon and leaving a short review.  Don’t forget to send the elevator back down by passing on your copy to someone who you think might enjoy reading it when you’re done, or if you can’t bear parting with your copy, consider it as a holiday or appreciation gift for someone in Compliance who deserves a treat.

You can subscribe to the Great Women in Compliance podcast on any podcast player by searching for it and we welcome new subscribers to our podcast.

Join the Great Women in Compliance community on LinkedIn here.

Creativity and Compliance

Beware of Dr. No from the Land of No

Where does creativity fit into compliance? In more places than you think. Problem-solving, accountability, communication, and connection – all take creativity. Join Tom Fox and Ronnie Feldman on Creativity and Compliance, part of the Compliance Podcast Network. In this episode, Tom and Ronnie continue their short series of provocative statements on compliance training and communications, followed by a discussion. In this episode, Ronnie channels his inner James Bond to explore why compliance by Dr. No from the Land of No is a recipe for failure. Highlights include:

·      Employees Won’t Go to the Office of No

·      Discuss the reputation and why that’s important

·      Discuss how e-learning exacerbates the problem

·      Discuss solutions

·      Advertising & Branding – increasing exposure

·      Coaching and training the E&C team and Ethics Advisors

·      Coaching and training Leadership


Ronnie Feldman (LinkedIn)
Learnings & Entertainments (LinkedIn)
Ronnie Feldman (Twitter)

Learnings & Entertainments (Website)

60-Second Communication & Awareness Shorts – A variety of short, customizable, quick-hitter “commercials” including songs & jingles, video shorts, newsletter graphics & Gifs, and more. Promote integrity, compliance, the Code, the helpline and the E&C team as helpful advisors and coaches.

Workplace Tonight Show! Micro-learning – a library of 1-10-minutes of training and communications wrapped in the style of a late-night variety show that explains corporate risk topics and why employees should care.

Custom Live & Digital Programing – We’ll develop programming that fits your culture and balances the seriousness of the subject matter with more engaging delivery.

Tales from the Hotline – check out some samples.

Compliance Into the Weeds

Turbulence in the Compliance Profession

Compliance into the Weeds is the only weekly podcast which takes a deep dive into a compliance related topic, literally going into the weeds to more fully explore a subject. In this episode Matt and Tom go into the weeds to look at the turbulence brought to the compliance profession and compliance job market. Some of the issues we consider are:

  • How Working From Home has brought a material change to the practice of compliance.
  • How to follow the money in the age of Coronavirus?
  • Has the pandemic made compliance more relevant?
  • Why is there such turbulence in the compliance job market?
  • How has the pandemic transformed one traditional risk into something that manifests quite differently.?
  • How is the compliance profession evolving? 

See Matt’s blog posts on Radical Compliance– Compliance and Career Turbulence