FCPA Compliance Report

Ty Francis on LRN Acquisition of Compliance Learning Solutions

Welcome to the award-winning FCPA Compliance Report, the longest running podcast in compliance. In this special episode, I visit with Ty Francis, the Chief Advisory Officer at LRN. We discuss the just-announced LRN acquisition of the Compliance Learning business unit from Thomson Reuters. The acquisition will further establish LRN’s position as the largest global provider of E&C program management and learning solutions serving over 2,500 companies and tens of millions of learners. It will place LRN literally across every continent, including a larger strategic presence in Asia-Pacific markets. This acquisition also enhances LRN’s capabilities and expertise in the financial services marketplace and will help accelerate several of its vertical market product strategies. Some of the highlights include:

  • How this acquisition allows LNR to bring compliance training to where a customer’s employees are located.
  • How this acquisition will facilitate data-driven compliance.
  • Why a holistic, worldwide scope for compliance learning will be a business positive.
  • How this acquisition will meet the continued growth in the regulatory landscape on a global basis.



FCPA Compliance Report

Shannon Martin on Internal Podcasts for the Corporate Compliance Function

In this episode, I visit Shannon Martin, Director of Communications and Corporate Podcasting Specialist at Podbean, a podcast hosting platform. We discuss how companies and, more specifically, corporate compliance functions can use internal podcasts to communicate compliance and ethics concepts using storytelling and other informative techniques. Some of the highlights include:

  • Why storytelling works in the corporate world.
  • Why the power of voice works so well.
  • How internal podcasts can help a compliance function avoid compliance communication fatigue.
  • Why your imagination only limits you.


Shannon Martin on LinkedIn


Creativity and Compliance

Lessons from EY Enforcement Action

Where does creativity fit into compliance? In more places than you think. Problem-solving, accountability, communication, and connection – all take creativity. Join Tom Fox and Ronnie Feldman on Creativity and Compliance, part of the award-winning Compliance Podcast Network. In this episode, Tom and Ronnie continue their short series of provocative statements on compliance training and communications, followed by a discussion. In this episode, Tom riffs on the recently released EY enforcement action and Ronnie chimes in with lessons learned for compliance training and communications.


Ronnie Feldman (LinkedIn)
Learnings & Entertainments (LinkedIn)
Ronnie Feldman (Twitter)

Learnings & Entertainments (Website)

60-Second Communication & Awareness Shorts – A variety of short, customizable, quick-hitter “commercials” including songs & jingles, video shorts, newsletter graphics & Gifs, and more. Promote integrity, compliance, the Code, the helpline and the E&C team as helpful advisors and coaches.

Workplace Tonight Show! Micro-learning – a library of 1-10-minute training and communications wrapped in the style of a late-night variety show that explains corporate risk topics and why employees should care.

Custom Live & Digital Programing – We’ll develop programming that fits your culture and balances the seriousness of the subject matter with more engaging delivery.

Tales from the Hotline – check out some samples.