Fox on Podcasting

Fox on Podcasting: Kimberly Spencer on Podcasters as Historians

Join Tom Fox as he explores the world of podcasting and get ready to be inspired to start your own podcast.

In this episode, Tom visits with Kimberly Spencer, one of the most forward-thinking podcasters I have ever met.

Kimberly Spencer is a versatile professional with a varied background that ranges from Hollywood screenwriting to Pilates studio ownership. Her current focus is Communication Queens, a guest podcasting agency she founded, and she uses this platform to utilize storytelling through podcasting to rewrite narratives and create lead generation opportunities.

Spencer’s perspective on podcasting is shaped by her varied experiences, viewing it as an instrument for personal growth and healing. She believes that sharing personal stories through podcasting can help individuals achieve greater self-awareness and liberate them from restrictive narratives.

From her industry vantage point, Spencer sees podcasting on an exponential growth trajectory, anticipating increases in bilingual podcasts, politicians using the medium to build their platforms, and an overall rise in content and audio quality to meet the demands of a new listener generation. Her experiences and insights underline her belief in the immense potential of podcasting for both personal and professional development.

Key Highlights:

  • Embodying Ownership and Sovereignty in Leadership
  • Transition Coaching for Visionary Entrepreneurs
  • Preserving Society’s Essence Through Long-Form Podcasts
  • Strategic Leadership Communication Through Podcasting
  • Utilizing Podcast Guesting for Brand Expansion
  • The Power of Podcasting in Branding


Kimberly Spencer on LinkedIn

Crown Yourself

Communications Queen

Crown Yourself podcast







Fox on Podcasting

Fox on Podcasting: Gordon Firemark on iTunes Changes and AI in Podcasting

Sometimes, you just have to go meta. After having recorded, produced, hosted, and guested on over 5,000 podcasts, Tom Fox decided it was time for a podcast about what else—podcasting.

In this podcast series, Tom will visit podcast hosts to learn about their love of podcasting, what they have achieved through podcasting, and why you need to consider starting your podcast. Fun, witty, and chatty, with a dash of joie de vivre, this series will be entertaining and educational.

Join Tom Fox as he explores the world of podcasting, and get ready to be inspired to start your podcast.

In this episode, Tom visits Gordon Firemark, the podcast lawyer, to discuss the changes in iTunes measurements and the use of AI in compliance.

Gordon Firemark is a highly skilled entertainment lawyer with expertise in the podcasting, filmmaking, theater, and television industries. He sees artificial intelligence (AI) as a valuable tool in content creation, specifically in streamlining processes and generating ideas for podcast episodes.

However, he does not advocate for relying solely on AI, emphasizing the need for human creativity and oversight. Firemark also acknowledges the legal complexities of AI-generated content, such as copyright protection and infringement issues.

His extensive legal background has shaped his viewpoint because he is aware of AI’s potential and consequences, particularly in tasks like legal research or content creation, where he thinks AI should complement rather than replace human capabilities.

Key Highlights:

  • AI Chat GPT for Podcast Content Creation
  • AI Regulations: California’s Proactive Stance and Challenges
  • iTunes Changes
  • Enhancing Accessibility Through Captions
  • Empowering Creatives with Legal Knowledge Courses


Gordon Firemark on LinkedIn

Law Offices of Gordon Firemark

Entertainment Law Update







Charged Up Studio Podcast

From Mic to Money! Podcasting for Profit

Welcome to Charged Up Studio’s latest podcast episode, where we explore innovation and elevation in product development. This month, we continue focusing on taking the Digital Leap: Navigating the Future of Business Transformation.

Tom Fox, CEO and host of the Compliance Podcast Network joined Danna Olivo, host of the Charged Up Studio Podcast, for this episode. Tom Fox is a trailblazer in the podcasting realm, particularly in the niche of compliance and ethics. Through his innovative approach, he has provided a platform for thought leaders to share their expertise and paved the way for monetization within the podcasting landscape.

Stay tuned in to find out some of the lessons learned and tips Tom has to offer on launching and growing a podcast network. Here’s what you can expect to learn:

  • The Power of Podcasting | Why has it emerged as one of the most powerful mediums for communication and engagement in the digital age?
  • Navigating the Compliance Podcast Network | The inception and evolution of this pioneering platform that caters to professionals in compliance, ethics, and corporate governance.
  • Monetizing Your Podcast | Learn the strategies and tactics for monetizing your podcast effectively.
  • Building a Sustainable Podcasting Business | What are the essential ingredients for a sustainable podcasting business model?
  • Future Trends and Opportunities | Gain foresight into the future trends and emerging opportunities within the podcasting industry.

Whether you are a seasoned podcaster looking to enhance your monetization strategies or a newcomer eager to unlock the full potential of podcasting for profit, this episode is a must-listen. Join us as we embark on a journey of discovery and empowerment in podcasting with Tom Fox at Charged Up Studio.

For inquiries or to connect with Tom, reach out through the links below.


Podcasting for Compliance Training and Corporate Culture

If there is one truism from the practice of law that translates to the practice of compliance, it is that you are only limited by your own imagination. This holds true in the 360-degree realm of communication in compliance, as communications obviously comes in many forms. Many compliance practitioners will well remember the 2012 Morgan Stanley declination. In this first declination made public, the Department of Justice recognized Morgan Stanley for emailing out 35 compliance reminders to Garth Peterson over seven years. Think about the power of 360-degrees of communications in the context of compliance reminders. Now imagine the power of short ethics and compliance video training clips going out over the same period of time and the effect it would have both on your employees and the regulators.

Podcast Storytelling

Why not tell the story of compliance through a podcast? I call it podcast storytelling and it can be a powerful tool. Each podcast series is 5-part series and constitutes one story arc. The podcasts are about 10–15 minutes in length. The podcast storytelling series can be a variety of interviews led by a noted podcast host such as the Voice of Compliance, yourself as the CCO, or by anyone from your organization. It can be an interview with one or more people, or it can be a solo podcast.

While there would be a fully integrated story line, each podcast and accompanying text is stand-alone compliance training and communications that could be used by anyone at your organization. The podcasts could be pushed out internally as well as via your organization’s social media channels. There is a full panoply of podcast sites available, such as iTunes, Spotify, IHeartRadio, Google Pods, and Amazon. From each podcast, you can create multiple short audio clips or other forms of social media sharing materials with key quotes and lessons learned that can be created as podcast cover art.

A series such as this allows your organization not only to tell a story more effectively but also to reach a much larger audience than in any other format—live, audio-video or in-person. Yet there is another reason why you should consider this type of approach for compliance training and communications. It will provide you with the equivalent of market research and feedback. The numbers of listeners and downloads will give you a reliable source of data that you can use in other communications and trainings.

Compliance Department Branded Podcasts

Want another option? How about a fully-produced, branded podcast series for your internal compliance function. It could be two 25–30-minute episodes per month, with the guest selected by your compliance team. This format allows your corporate compliance function to tell the story of its greatest asset, its people, through interviews. Cannot get out of the country to travel? Still working remotely? Your branded podcasts give you a way to reach your employees as we continue to struggle through the Covid-19 variants. You can use the branded podcast to tell the story of compliance successes in your organization. You can include other departments to share their successes, too. As with the podcast storytelling series, it would be done in a collaborative manner working with your communications team.

Compliance News of the Day

Want to make some short and snappy compliance communications? How about “Compliance News of the Day”? Have a daily curated news show of 3–4 compliance stories with a short summary of each story and how they relate to a compliance perspective to your organization. Make it fun so your employees want to check in daily. When the DOJ comes knocking and asks how often you send out compliance communications, you can point to your Compliance News of the Day as a great starting point.

As a compliance practitioner, you should strive to bring more storytelling into your compliance messaging, training, and communications. If you put the employee in the shoes of the person they’re watching, they will remember it, because they will see how it applies to their lives. Such training and communication experiences will last much longer than if you drone over a written policy or show a PowerPoint. Marc Havener has called this “expanding your classroom.” Ronnie Feldman calls this bringing memorable storytelling to your compliance communications and training.

 Using Podcasts to Improve Corporate Culture

One of the biggest benefits of podcasting is that it allows a compliance function to connect with their audience on a more personal level. Unlike traditional forms of advertising, which often come across as impersonal and sales-driven, podcasts enable businesses to build a loyal following by offering valuable and engaging content. This can include interviews with industry experts, behind-the-scenes glimpses of the business, and informative discussions on relevant topics.

Now take these same concepts of audience engagement and apply them internally to an organization. What do you potentially have? A mechanism to engage your employees, to engender trust and improve your overall corporate culture. Do you think this is a crazy way to improve culture? Think again about all the advantages podcasting has in place already.

A major US consumer product company started a podcast and had corporate executives on it. Who were the biggest fans of the podcast? It turned out it was the company employees, many of whom had never met their corporate executives. This allowed the executives to be humanized in a way no number of town hall meetings or other similar corporate events could ever achieve.

Since you are only limited by your imagination in compliance, why not use some of that imagination to be creative in your compliance training and communications.

Fox on Podcasting

Fox on Podcasting – Tom Schwab on The Power of Podcast Interviews

Sometimes you just have to go meta. After having recorded, produced, hosted, and guested in over 5000 podcasts, Tom Fox decided it was time to have a podcast about what else—podcasting. In this podcast series, Tom will visit podcast hosts to learn about their love of podcasting, what they have been able to achieve through podcasting, and why you need to consider starting your own podcast. Fun, witty, and chatty, with a dash of joie de vivre, this series will be entertaining and educational. Join Tom Fox as he explores the world of podcasting, and get ready to be inspired to start your own podcast. In this episode, Tom visits with Tom Schwab, founder of Interview Valet.

Tom Schwab is a seasoned entrepreneur and marketing expert with a diverse background, including engineering, running nuclear power plants, and founding his own business. Schwab believes in the power of utilizing podcast interviews for effective marketing and relationship building, a perspective shaped by his own experiences in business and marketing. He emphasizes that podcast interviews are not just marketing but a powerful channel within marketing, particularly in relationship sales, where trust and connection are crucial. Schwab sees podcast interviews as an opportunity to be heard, seen as a thought leader, and overcome the problem of obscurity while also generating multiple pieces of social media marketing content. Join Tom Fox and Tom Schwab on this episode of the Fox on Podcasting podcast to learn more about Schwab’s unique perspective and experiences.

Key Highlights:

  • Podcast Interview Marketing: Building Trust and Breaking Through the Noise
  • Leveraging Podcast Interviews for Content Repurposing
  • Podcast Interview Marketing for Social Media
  • Maximizing Results with Targeted Podcast Interviews


Tom Schwab on LinkedIn

Interview Valet







31 Days to More Effective Compliance Programs

One Month to a More Effective Compliance Program Through Culture: Day 17 – Improve Corporate Culture Through an Internal Podcast

One of the biggest benefits of podcasting is that it allows businesses to connect with their audience on a more personal level. Unlike traditional forms of advertising, which often come across as impersonal and sales-driven, podcasts enable businesses to build a loyal following by offering valuable and engaging content. This can include interviews with industry experts, behind-the-scenes glimpses of the business, and informative discussions on relevant topics.

Now take these same concepts of audience engagement and apply them internally to an organization. What do you potentially have? A mechanism to engage your employees, to engender trust, and to improve your overall corporate culture. Do you think this is a crazy way to improve culture? Think again about all the advantages podcasting has in place already.

A major US consumer product company started a podcast and had corporate executives on it. Who were the biggest fans of the podcast? It turned out it was the company employees, many of whom had never met their corporate executives. This allowed the executives to be humanized in a way no number of town hall meetings or other similar corporate events could ever achieve.

Podcasting is a powerful tool that corporate compliance programs can use to connect with their audience on a more personal level. By investing in podcasting, corporations can create engaging and informative audio content that will help build their ethical brand (culture) and drive employee engagement. If you want a new and different way to talk to your employees, why not try podcasting?

Since you are only limited by your imagination in compliance, why not use some of that to be creative in your compliance training and communications? Podcasting has become an essential tool for businesses to connect with their employees, establish themselves as thought leaders, and promote their values and culture. By investing in the right podcast equipment and software, corporate compliance functions can create high-quality audio content that engages their audience helps to achieve their ethical goals, and improves the culture of any organization.

 Three key takeaways:

1. You can improve employee trust and corporate culture through employee trust.

2. Communicating through a podcast can increase your brand promise with employees and other stakeholders.

3. An internal podcast can humanize your leadership to your employees.


Improving Corporate Culture Through Podcasting

Podcasting has become increasingly popular over the past decade, providing businesses with a new and innovative way to communicate with their audience. In simple terms, podcasting is the creation and distribution of audio content that can be downloaded and listened to at a later time. Podcasts are typically distributed through various platforms, such as iTunes or Spotify, and can be downloaded and listened to via a smartphone or computer.

One of the biggest benefits of podcasting is that it allows businesses to connect with their audience on a more personal level. Unlike traditional forms of advertising, which often come across as impersonal and sales-driven, podcasts enable businesses to build a loyal following by offering valuable and engaging content. This can include interviews with industry experts, behind-the-scenes glimpses of the business, and informative discussions on relevant topics.

Now take these same concepts of audience engagement and apply them internally to an organization. What do you potentially have? A mechanism to engage your employees, to engender trust and improve your overall corporate culture. Do you think this is a crazy way to improve culture? Think again about all the advantages podcasting has in place already.

A major US consumer product company started a podcast and had corporate executives on it. Who were the biggest fans of the podcast? It turned out it was the company employees, many of whom had never met their corporate executives. This allowed the executives to be humanized in a way no number of town hall meetings or other similar corporate events could ever achieve.

One of the biggest advantages of podcasting is that it is a relatively inexpensive way to reach a large audience. Unlike traditional forms of internal advertising for a compliance function, which can be expensive and difficult to track, podcasting allows businesses to reach a global audience with minimal investment. This can be particularly beneficial for corporate compliance programs which want to engage their customer base (IE., employees) in a new way that are looking to build their brand and expand their reach.

Podcasting is a powerful tool that businesses can use to connect with their audience on a more personal level. By investing in the right equipment and software, corporations can create engaging and informative audio content that will help build their ethical brand (culture) and drive employee engagement. If you want a new and different way to talk to your employees, why not try podcasting.

In today’s world, podcasting has become an essential tool for businesses to reach out to their target audience. With the rise of social media and the internet, it is crucial for businesses to utilize all available platforms to promote their products and services. Podcasting is one such platform that has gained immense popularity in recent years.

Want some other options? How about a fully produced branded podcast series for your internal compliance function. It could be two 25–30-minute episodes per month, with the guest selected by your compliance team. This format allows your corporate compliance function to tell the story of its greatest asset, its people, through interviews. Cannot get out of the country to travel? Still working remotely? Your branded podcasts give you a way to reach your employees as we continue to struggle through the Covid-19 variants. You can use the branded podcast to tell the story of compliance successes in your organization; you can include other departments to share their successes too. As with the podcast storytelling series, it would be done in a collaborative manner working with your comms team.

Want to make some short and snappy compliance communications? How about ‘Compliance News of the Day’? Have a daily curated news show of 3-4 compliance stories with a short summary of the series and how it relates to a compliance perspective to your organization. Make it fun so your employees want to check in daily. When the DOJ comes knocking and asks how often you send out compliance communications, you can point to your Compliance News of the Day as a great starting point.

As a compliance practitioner, you should strive to bring more storytelling into your compliance messaging, training and communications. If you put the employee in the shoes of the person they’re watching, they will remember it, because they will see how it applies to their lives. Such training and communication experiences will last much longer than if you drone over a written policy or show a PowerPoint. This is “expanding your classroom.” Ronnie Feldman calls this bringing memorable storytelling to your compliance communications and training.

One of the significant benefits of podcasting for a corporate compliance function is that it helps create a personal connection with the audience. Unlike other forms of internal communications, podcasting allows businesses to speak directly to their employees in a conversational and engaging manner. This helps to build trust and credibility with the audience, which can lead to increased sales and customer loyalty.

Podcasting also provides businesses with an opportunity to showcase their expertise and knowledge. By creating valuable and informative content, corporate compliance programs can establish themselves as leaders in their company to help employees facilitate issues and not be Dr. No From the Land of No. This can help to engage employees.

Another significant advantage of podcasting is that it is a highly shareable medium. Listeners can easily share podcast episodes on social media platforms, which can help to increase the reach of any corporate compliance function. This can help to attract new listeners from your employee base, as well as increase engagement with existing ones.

Since you are only limited by your imagination in compliance, why not use some of that to be creative in your compliance  communications. Podcasting has become an essential tool for businesses to connect with their audience, establish themselves as thought leaders, and promote their products and services. By investing in podcasting, corporate compliance functions can create high-quality audio content that engages their audience and helps to achieve their ethical goals and improve the culture of any organization.

Finally, if you need any help starting a podcast, ping me and I can help you get started or provide you a turnkey podcast solution.

Innovation in Compliance

Innovation in Compliance – The Podcasting for Business Conference

Innovation comes in many areas, and compliance professionals need to not only be ready for it but embrace it. One of those areas is podcasting. Tom Fox’s guest in this episode is Megan Dougherty, co-founder of One Stone Creative.

They discussed the upcoming Podcasting for Business Conference. In this virtual conference, scheduled for November 13-15, there will be a deep dive into strategies and best practices for effective business podcasting. Additionally, the Conference will cover a wide range of important factors that impact the success of a business podcast, including interviewing techniques, collaboration with remote teams, podcast reach, guest selection, and real-life examples of podcasts connecting brands with audiences. To conclude the conference, Megan will present her annual State of Business Podcasting Report, which provides valuable insights and data on best practices for podcasting businesses.

Key Highlights:

  • Translating Complex Information for Podcast Audiences
  • Maximizing Podcast Reach with Strategic Guest Selection
  • Podcast Power: Real-Life Brand-Audience Connections
  • Insights and Strategies for Business Podcasting


Megan Dougherty on LinkedIn

One Stone Creative

Podcasting for Business Conference








Fox on Podcasting

Fox on Podcasting – Megan Dougherty on the Podcasting for Business Conference

Sometimes you just have to go meta. After having recorded, produced, hosted and guested in over 5000 podcasts; Tom Fox decided it was time to have a podcast about what else–podcasting. In this podcast series, Tom will visit with podcast hosts to learn about their love of podcasting, what they have been able to achieve through podcasting and why you need to consider starting your own podcast. Fun, witty, chatty with a dash of joie de vivre this series will be entertaining and educational. Join Tom Fox as he explores the world of podcasting and get ready to be inspired to start your own podcast. In this episode, Tom visits with Megan Dougherty, co-founder of One Stone Creative about the upcoming Podcasting for Business Conference which will be held virtually November 13-15.

Megan Dougherty is a renowned figure in the podcasting industry, known for her expertise in strategies and best practices for effective business podcasting. Her perspective on the subject is shaped by her extensive experience in podcast business development and her success in launching podcasts. Megan emphasizes the importance of providing valuable information for podcasters who use their podcasts to support their businesses. She believes in the power of translating expert information to a layperson audience, the significance of remote team collaboration in podcast management and production, and the need for a holistic approach to measuring podcast reach beyond just downloads. She also highlights the potential of social media tools in expanding podcast engagement. Join Tom Fox and Megan Dougherty as they delve deeper into these insights on the next episode of the Fox on Podcasting podcast.

Key Highlights:

·      Translating Complex Information for Podcast Audiences

·      Maximizing Podcast Reach with Strategic Guest Selection

·      Podcast Power: Real-Life Brand-Audience Connections

·      Insights and Strategies for Business Podcasting


Megan Dougherty on LinkedIn

One Stone Creative

Podcasting for Business Conference







Compliance and AI

Compliance and AI – Gordon Firemark on AI & ChatGPT for Podcasters

What is the role of Artificial Intelligence in compliance? What about Machine Learning? Are you using ChatGPT? These questions are but three of the many questions we will explore in this exciting new podcast series, Compliance and AI. Hosted by Tom Fox, the award-winning Voice of Compliance, this podcast will look at how AI will impact compliance programs into the next decade and beyond. If you want to find out why the future is now, join Tom Fox on this journey to the frontiers of AI.

AI is becoming increasingly prevalent in the creative industry, and with it comes a range of legal implications. Tom Fox and Gordon Firemark recently discussed the legal implications of AI and how it can be used to create deceptive and misleading content on their podcast, Absolutely!

Tom and Gordon believe that creatives should be fairly compensated for their work and that children should be taught about the business side of art. As Tom puts it, “If someone creates something of value, they should receive fair compensation for it.” They also advocate for exposing children to different ideas and lifestyles.

AI has the potential to create deep fake videos and audio, which can be difficult to distinguish from the real thing. This technology has the potential to be used to create deceptive and misleading content, which could have legal implications. For instance, the Federal Trade Commission has rules and other regulations that come into play when dealing with false advertising issues at a state level.

Additionally, intellectual property issues can arise when AI is used to summarize a book, as the courts and Copyright Office have stated that AI-generated material is not copyrightable. The recent Supreme Court ruling in the Andy Warhol Foundation versus Lynn Goldsmith case found that the use of the photograph was not transformative enough and was commercial in nature, thus the photographer had a valid copyright claim.

Tom and Gordon are both planning to attend Podcast Movement in Denver in late August. Gordon and another podcasting attorney named Lindsay Bowen will be presenting together on either a contract tear down or a mock negotiation of a deal for creatives. The panel will discuss common legal issues that need to be negotiated and worked out in those kinds of deals.

AI is a powerful and effective tool, but it is important to be aware of the potential legal implications that come with it. Creatives should be fairly compensated for their work and children should be exposed to different ideas and lifestyles. For more information on AI and the legal implications, make sure to check out Tom and Gordon’s presentation at Podcast Movement in Denver.

Key Highlights

·      AI and Chat GPT

·      AI and Copyright Issues

·      Fair Compensation for Creatives

·      Legal Issues in Art


Gordon Firemark on LinkedIn

Firemark Law Firm

Tom Fox




