Trekking Through Compliance

Trekking Through Compliance – Episode 15 – Shore Leave

In this episode of Trekking Through Compliance, we consider the episode Shore Leave, which aired on December 29, 1966, Star Date 3025.3.

This is one of the most fun and beloved TOS episodes. It begins with the Enterprise discovering  Omicron Delta, which appears to be the ideal location for rest and relaxation for the Enterprise crew. However, strange things soon begin to happen to the landing party. McCoy sees Alice and a white rabbit, Sulu finds an antique Police Special gun, Don Juan and Esteban Rodriguez accost Yeoman Barrels, and Angela sees birds. Kirk cancels shore leave for the rest of the crew but is confronted with practical joker Finigan from Starfleet Academy on the one hand and his former girlfriend Ruth on the other.

Spock reports from the Enterprise that he has detected a sophisticated power field on the planet that is draining the Enterprise’s energy. Spock beams down to help investigate, just as communications with the ship are becoming impossible. After asking Kirk what he was thinking about before encountering Finigan, Spock realizes that the apparitions are being created out of the minds of the landing party. The planet’s caretaker appears with McCoy. The caretaker apologizes for the misunderstandings and offers the services of the amusement park planet to the Enterprise’s weary crew.

Compliance Takeaways:

1.     When you see a fact from your past, interpret it in light of your current situation.
2.     What is a risk?
3.     As a leader and CCO, sometimes you have to have a little fun.

Excruciatingly Detailed Plot Summary by Eric W. Weisstein for Shore Leave Shore Leave  

Trekking Through Compliance

Trekking Through Compliance-Episode 15- Shore Leave

In this episode of Trekking Through Compliance, we consider the episode Shore Leave  which aired on December 29, 1966, Star Date 3025.3.
 Compliance Takeaways:

  1. When you see a fact from your past, interpret in light of your current situation.
  2. What is risk?
  3. As a leader and CCO, sometimes you just have to have a little fun.

Excruciatingly Detailed Plot Summary by Eric W. Weisstein for Shore Leave Shore Leave