Trekking Through Compliance

Trekking Through Compliance: Episode 47 – The Immunity Syndrome


In this episode of Trekking Through Compliance, we consider the episode The Immunity Syndrome, which aired on January 19, 1968, and occurred on Star Date 4307.1.

The Enterprise is diverted to investigate the mysterious cessation of communication with the Gamma 7A star system. While on its way, Spock telepathically senses the destruction of a starship manned by Vulcans. The Enterprise encounters a strange field that drains all mechanical or biologically generated energy. Spock finds that the zone of darkness is a negative energy field. They send a probe that penetrates the organism and discovers it to be living and filled with protoplasm.

Spock sets out in the shuttlecraft and heads for the nucleus. Spock establishes that the organism has stored enough energy to reproduce and that the 40 chromosomes in the nucleus are ready to come together. The Enterprise is sucked into the organism. But Kirk fills a probe full of antimatter and plants it in the nucleus.

As the Enterprise backs out of the organism before it blows up, it detects Spock’s shuttlecraft and locks on a tractor beam. The explosion rocks the ship, but it survives, and the stars appear on the viewing screen again. Somehow, the shuttlecraft survives as well.

Compliance Takeaways:

1.     The written word still holds power.

2.     Can you communicate in local vernacular?

3.     How do you select your Board of Directors?


Excruciatingly Detailed Plot Summary by Eric W. Weisstein

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