Trekking Through Compliance

Trekking Through Compliance-Episode 62 – Day of the Dove

In this episode of Trekking Through Compliance, we consider the episode Day of the Dove which aired on November 1, 1968, Star Date unknown.
Compliance Takeaways:

  1. How to use disruption as an innovation.
  2. Integrating compliance into the business.
  3. Hitting the ground running as a new CCO.
Daily Compliance News

Daily Compliance News: August 1, 2019, the no harm, no foul edition

In today’s edition of Daily Compliance News:
  • Martin Shkreli Loses His Appeal (NYT)
  • Surprise Surprise, Huawei making money. (WSJ)
  • Can Karinova pay her way out of prison? (Global Anticorruption Blog)
  • Are higher audit costs worth paying? (FT)
12 O’Clock High-a podcast on business leadership

Episode 112-Leadership Lessons from Rutherford B. Hayes

This episode begins a short series on Gilded Age Presidents, now largely forgotten. In this episode we take up Rutherford B. Hayes.
 Some of the issues posed include:
Hayes Educational and Professional Background
The Disputed Election of 1876 and Compromise-(1)Election Commission; (2) Terms of the Compromise and (3) Was it necessary?
Hayes’ Presidency-(1) Reconstruction ends-was it inevitable? (2) Civil Service Reform; (3) Cabinet Selections; (4) Port of New York and (5) the Post Office.
Foreign Policy-(1) Paraguay War settlement; (2) Mexican border crisis and (3) Immigration issues.
Great RR Strike of 1877, the Great Western Tour, his Indian Policy and Lemonade Lucy
Hayes Leadership Issues-(1)“He serves his party best, who serves his country best.”; (2) Rutherford the Rover; (3) Use of veto and (4) Conflicts with Congress over Congressional v. Executive Power.