ESG and the Impact of the EU SFDR on U.S. Asset Managers
In this episode, CSS’s Head of ESG Marye Cherry sits down with corporate attorney at Scale LLP, Adam Johnson to discuss the evolving ESG landscape from the U.S. perspective, including the impact of the EU SFDR on U.S. asset managers and the U.S. regulatory position on ESG.
About Our Guest Speakers:
Marye Cherry is the EU Regulatory Counsel and Head of ESG at Compliance Solutions Strategies (CSS). With more than 10 years of legal and compliance experience, Marye specializes in transparency and regulatory reporting issues in the financial services industry, including sensitive industries and ESG. At CSS, Marye focuses on European financial regulations that affect fund managers’ operations worldwide and helps translate those requirements into automated reporting solutions.

Adam Johnson advises individuals and institutions on investment and corporate law. He has more than twenty years of experience working with clients around the world on public and private investment vehicles, financial marketing and distribution, regulatory and governance issues, and capital markets transactions. He has worked with professional asset managers, high net worth individuals, and corporations in the public and private equity markets. He helps clients strategize on business development, negotiate complex agreements, navigate changing regulatory frameworks, address compliance obligations, and find efficient operational solutions. Working as both outside and in-house counsel, he has helped companies around the world meet their strategic business, corporate governance, and regulatory compliance challenges. Prior to Scale LLP, Adam advised business heads and senior management as a leader in the legal departments of publicly listed investment management firms. He has lived and worked in Asia and is proficient in Mandarin Chinese.