Trekking Through Compliance

Trekking Through Compliance – Episode 62 – Creating a Culture of Collaboration from the Day of the Dove

In this episode of Trekking Through Compliance, we consider the episode Day of the Dove, which aired on November 1, 1968, Star Date Unknown.

Story Synopsis

In this episode of Trekking Through Compliance, we consider the episode Day of the Dove, which aired on November 1, 1968, Star Date Unknown.

Called to Earth colony Beta 12A by a distress signal which claims that the colony is under attack. Kirk’s suspicions of Klingon’s involvement seem confirmed when the Enterprise detects the approach of a Klingon battlecruiser.

Klingon Commander Kang and his landing party then beam down and subdue the Enterprise’s landing party. He accuses the Enterprise of attacking and killing 400 Klingons aboard his ship and demands that Kirk beam the Klingon landing party up to the Enterprise. Meanwhile, Kirk accuses Kang of destroying the colonists of 12A.

Kirk pretends to comply with Kang’s order but warns Spock by pressing a special button on his communicator. Kang and his landing party are then beamed aboard and taken prisoner with the rest of the Klingon crew, who have been beamed to the Enterprise from their stricken ship. Soon after, the Enterprise spontaneously accelerates to Warp 9 and traps all but 38 crew members below deck.

When Kirk confronts Kang and accuses him of being responsible for trapping the Enterprise’s crew, phasers and room ornaments turn into swords. The Klingons escape and take control of engineering. Their attempt to cut off life support to the bridge is foiled, however, when normal functioning returns for no apparent reason.

Meanwhile, Spock ascertained that an unfamiliar alien life force was aboard. After watching the Enterprise crew and the Klingons turn at each other’s throats, Kirk realized that the alien was influencing matter, humans, and Klingons’ behavior, somehow deriving sustenance from their violent emotions.

Kirk and Mara use intra-ship beaming to pass through the Klingon defenses. With Mara’s help, and after fighting Kang in a sword battle involving all Klingons and Enterprise crew members, Kirk eventually convinces Kang to cease hostilities and participate in temporary gestures of goodwill. These drive the creature away, returning control to Kirk.


The episode explores the struggle between the crew of the Enterprise and Klingons under mind control, leading to violent confrontations and a painful scene of Chekov attempting to rape Mara, Kang’s wife. Tom highlights the compliance lessons from this episode, emphasizing establishing a collaborative culture within organizations. Key strategies include leadership by example, cross-functional teamwork, transparent communication, fostering a ‘speak-up’ culture, and leveraging technology to enhance compliance. He closes with tips for continuous improvement and rewards for collaborative behaviors.

Key Highlights

  • Story Synopsis
  • Continuity Issues and Interesting Tidbits
  • Effective Strategies for Collaborative Compliance


Excruciatingly Detailed Plot Summary by Eric W. Weisstein

Memory Alpha

Regulatory Ramblings

Regulatory Ramblings: Episode 50 – Hong Kong to Dubai and Back Again Reflections on A Career in FinTech Ep with Syed Musheer Ahmed

Syed Musheer Ahmed has extensive experience in capital markets, fintech, and virtual assets, including a decade as a global markets trader before coming to Hong Kong to attain his MBA from the University of Hong Kong and London Business School’s joint program.

Since 2016, Musheer has contributed extensively to building the region’s fintech and virtual asset ecosystem, particularly as the co-founder and the inaugural general manager of the Fintech Association of Hong Kong.

For the last five years, he has been the managing director of FinStep Asia – a firm he founded to provide venture-building and empower cross-border bridges across Asia. In the interim, from October 2022 to January 2024, he served as a financial markets risk assurance lead as part of the foundational team of the Virtual Assets Regulatory Authority (VARA) in Dubai.

In this episode of Regulatory Ramblings, Musheer chats with host Ajay Shamdasani about his background, growing up in India’s information technology hub, Bangalore, his initial training as an engineer, and his stint as a regulator in the Mideast’s Manhattan.

As the discussion progresses, Musheer reaffirms his faith in Hong Kong as a place for FinTech and crypto entrepreneurs, discussing what it is about the city and the field that continues to attract and amaze him.

He also stresses that in the evolution of FinTech, the field has long since passed the nascent stage and is no longer all that new and glamorous since the advent of the iPhone in 2007 and Satoshi Nakamoto’s paper on Blockchain first released in 2009. Yet, he acknowledges that technological innovation continues, as he shares his thoughts on the regulatory approaches taken across Asia by mainland China, India, Singapore, and Hong Kong – and the similarities and differences between some of the major jurisdictions.

While virtual assets have evolved in some parts of the world, in others, they are still somewhat of a grey zone. Musheer also comments on the prospects for cross-border crypto regulation in the Asia-Pacific or even internationally evolving to harmonized rules, mutual recognition, or common passporting—as was discussed a decade ago for the investment funds sector.

He also shares his views on choosing between stablecoins and central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), which are not binary. Musheer emphasizes that it is not an either-or choice because both fulfill different purposes.

The conversation concludes with his assessment of the potential for Hong Kong and mainland China to collaborate with the Middle East’s FinTech and virtual asset hubs, such as Dubai.

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Compliance Tip of the Day

Compliance Tip of the Day: Compliance Culture at The Bottom

Welcome to “Compliance Tip of the Day,” the podcast where we bring you daily insights and practical advice on navigating the ever-evolving landscape of compliance and regulatory requirements.

Whether you’re a seasoned compliance professional or just starting your journey, our aim is to provide you with bite-sized, actionable tips to help you stay on top of your compliance game.

Join us as we explore the latest industry trends, share best practices, and demystify complex compliance issues to keep your organization on the right side of the law.

Tune in daily for your dose of compliance wisdom, and let’s make compliance a little less daunting, one tip at a time.

Today we consider how to operationalize compliance down to and at the bottom of your organization and the benefits of doing so.

For more information on the Ethico ROI Calculator and a free White Paper on the ROI of Compliance, click here.

To check out The Compliance Handbook, 5th edition, click here.

Popcorn and Compliance

Popcorn and Compliance: Season 4 – Beverly Hills Cop vs. Axel F: A Deep Dive into Legacy and Evolution

Tom Fox and Jay Rosen are back with a new season of Popcorn and Compliance. Get ready for a ton of fun, insights, and all things Hollywood and the movies.

In this episode of Popcorn and Compliance, Jay and Tom delve into the original ‘Beverly Hills Cop’ and its sequel, ‘Axel F.’

They explore Eddie Murphy’s transformative role, the evolution of filmmaking, and the impact of star power and storytelling on cinematic success. They also discuss the role of Netflix in the modern film landscape and how intellectual property influences sequels and audience engagement. A particular focus is given to the thematic growth of characters over 40 years and the emerging trends in film distribution and streaming.

Key Highlights:

  • Casting Changes and Eddie Murphy’s Rise
  • Eddie Murphy’s Early Career and SNL Impact
  • Comparing Axel F and Beverly Hills Cop
  • Intellectual Property and Storytelling
  • The Role of Streaming Platforms
  • Economic Models and the Future of Film


Jay Rosen

Connect with Jay Rosen on LinkedIn

Tom Fox






Daily Compliance News

Daily Compliance News: August 2, 2024 – The Meta Pays Texas Edition

Welcome to the Daily Compliance News. Each day, Tom Fox, the Voice of Compliance, brings you compliance-related stories to start your day. Sit back, enjoy a cup of morning coffee and listen to the Daily Compliance News. All from the Compliance Podcast Network.

Each day, we consider four stories from the business world: compliance, ethics, risk management, leadership, or general interest for the compliance professional.

In today’s edition of Daily Compliance News:

  • Meta agrees to pay the state of Texas a $1.4 billion fine.  (Texas Tribune)
  • Glencore trader criminally charged by SFO for bribery. (FT)
  • Menendez loses his school’s name. (The Guardian)
  • CrowdStrike for causing outage. (Reuters)

For more information on the Ethico ROI Calculator and a free White Paper on the ROI of Compliance, click here.


The Boeing Monitorship: Memo to Attorney General Garland and Kelly Ortberg

To: Attorney General Merrick Garland and Boeing CEO Robert ‘Kelly’ Ortberg

From: Tom Fox

Re: The Boeing Monitorship



I have written blog posts and articles about the proposed Plea Agreement negotiated between Boeing and the Department of Justice (DOJ). As the leaders of both organizations, I wanted to address you both directly.

To General Garland, this is the most important monitorship in the history of the DOJ.

To CEO, Ortberg-Boeing has to turn around its culture completely.

To both of you, business as usual will not suffice.

The DOJ must start with full transparency in the process, for sunshine in the light of day is always the best disinfectant. There must be full transparency in the selection process and the oversight of the Monitorship itself, with a party outside the DOJ and Boeing overseeing this process. In other words, it cannot simply be a process where the DOJ decides who will be the monitor, tells the court its selection, and then the DOJ goes off to oversee the process and, in three years, tells us whether Boeing has met the terms of the Monitorship.

First, completing the Plea Agreement by fulfilling the terms laid out must be a condition of the Probation, which the Court must approve. Second, this process must be overseen by the District Court. The Monitor should report to the Court or a court-appointed Special Master to determine whether Boeing has met the requirement to “create and foster a culture of ethics and compliance with the law in its day-to-day operations.” Both parties must realize that Boeing’s culture is broken and must be fixed. This is beyond policies and procedures and a best practices compliance program. This is fixing Boeing’s DNA.

The DOJ recognized that it is more than compliance at Boeing, which is broken; it starts with culture and moves to safety, QA/QC, and even down to record and document keeping. It is far beyond the current mandate of the Plea Agreement, which states that the Monitor should test “the effectiveness of the Company’s compliance program and internal controls, record-keeping, policies, and procedures as they relate to the Company’s current and ongoing compliance with U.S. fraud laws.”

At least this is a decent start, but there are so many other areas that Boeing, the DOJ, and the Monitor must fix. I urged the DOJ to ‘Think Big’ about this monitorship. It concerns not only fraud and record keeping but also culture, safety, QA/QC, compliance, Speak Up and Listen Up, Supply Chain, fraud, Export Control, Sanctions, and a wide variety of other areas not addressed in the Plea Agreement.

Put all of that responsibility on the Monitor but make sure the Monitor has the resources to oversee this work for all of the stakeholders involved: Boeing, its shareholders, the victims’ families, employees, third parties, the U.S. government, Boeing’s customers and the U.S. and global flying public. It all starts at the top of the organization. The Monitor must not simply assess the Board of Directors and senior management’s commitment to and effective implementation of the corporate compliance program “as necessary to address and reduce the risk of any recurrence of the Company’s misconduct”; both the Board and senior management must lead this effort by example.

Finally, the DOJ must get this right. Everyone knows the DOJ’s failures from the 2008 financial crisis to prosecute any bank meaningfully. The phrase ‘too big to fail’ has entered the Lexicon as a byword for corporate malfeasance that gets off with ZERO consequences. This matter is much more important than those banks. It concerns the U.S.’s flagship airline manufacturer and whether it can be turned around through government oversight. If the DOJ does not get this Monitorship right, it will demonstrate once and for a time the failure of this program as a tool to fix a broken business that violates the law multiple times.

But this is not all on the backs of the DOJ or the Monitor. Boeing has an equally key role in this Monitorship. That is why the role of the new CEO is so important. Kelly Ortberg must fully embrace this monitorship and all it will entail to the company as the last and best way to turn it around. He comes from but is outside the organization, so he is not tainted with the company’s prior cultural miasma. Further, he comes from a former supplier to Boeing, Rockwell International. This means he knows the business, and he knows Boeing.

His main focus will be to turn around the company’s manufacturing side and create a culture where employees have enough trust in their employer to raise their hands and speak up when they see something wrong. They also know that the company will not harass or terminate them for doing so. In short, he must set the correct cultural tone and go into the weeds to fix how the company builds planes.

This focus requires Ortberg to fully embrace the Monitorship and a Monitor selected with full transparency and oversight by the Court. Ortberg should welcome the opportunity to turn Boeing around literally with all the help he can garner, not do as his predecessors did with so much opaqueness, where they clearly did not accept their responsibility to fix the company’s broken culture.

Finally, Ortberg must reach out to the victims’ families of the two 737 MAX crashes and listen to their concerns. The victims’ families’ interests are aligned with Boeing on one key point: They do not want any family to go through what they had to go through. Ortberg’s meeting with and listening to the victims’ families can go a long way toward their healing.

Boeing is a key component in U.S. national security. Boeing provides advanced missile defense systems, including the Ground-based Midcourse Defense (GMD) system, which protects the United States from ballistic missile attacks. The company also offers solutions for tracking and monitoring space objects, which is vital for maintaining the safety and security of space operations. Boeing is also involved in the Internal Space Station (ISS), orbital test vehicles, and deep space exploration.

In short, no single institution is as important to the U.S. in manufacturing as Boeing. Nearly 200 million Americans who fly in Boeing planes depend on Boeing to get it right. The U.S. (and the world) economy needs the drive that Boeing provides. The U.S. national security depends on a well-functioning Boeing to lead the technological drive to protect the U.S. for the rest of the 21st century and beyond. Boeing needs to continue its work as one of the leading companies in space exploration. Lastly, and indeed not least, the families of the victims of the two 737 MAX crashes should receive some justice for all they have been through and then seeing Boeing not live up to its agreement in the original DPA or worse for there to be more failures under this Plea Agreement.

So one final plea to General Garland and CEO Ortberg-Get it Right This Time

Career Can D0

Navigating Compliance and Podcasting with Tom Fox

Is compliance solely about adhering to legal standards, or does it also play a role in driving business efficiency?

This question is central to the latest episode of the Career Can Do podcast, where host Mary Ann Faremouth engages with Tom Fox, the innovative founder of the Compliance Podcast Network. Their conversation explores the evolving world of compliance programs and the transformative impact of podcasting.

Tom Fox, a leading authority in anti-corruption and anti-bribery compliance, shares his valuable insights into why businesses must continuously update their compliance strategies. The shift to remote work, accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, exposes the inadequacies of compliance programs designed a decade ago. Tom emphasizes that today’s fast-changing risk environment requires a proactive and adaptive approach to compliance.

A major focus of their discussion is the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), a crucial tool in combating global bribery and corruption. Tom underscores the importance of strong compliance frameworks, especially in high-risk sectors like energy, where effective risk management is essential.

Tom’s personal journey is equally inspiring. After a severe bike accident, he transforms this challenge into an opportunity for growth, using his resilience to build a successful global practice from home. His story illustrates how adversity can become a powerful catalyst for professional success.

Podcasting also plays a significant role in Tom’s career, providing a platform to enhance his brand and open new business opportunities. Both Tom and Mary Ann champion the power of podcasting, highlighting its potential to establish thought leadership, build professional brands, and create meaningful connections within the industry. They encourage professionals and businesses to use podcasting as a strategic career and business growth tool.

For those interested in tapping into Tom’s expertise or exploring podcasting for their ventures, he offers multiple ways to connect, including email, LinkedIn, and his website. This episode of Career Can Do is essential listening for anyone looking to navigate the complexities of compliance and leverage the transformative power of podcasting.

