Trekking Through Compliance

Trekking Through Compliance: Episode 76 – Cultural Lessons from The Cloud Minders

In this episode of Trekking Through Compliance, we consider the episode The Cloud Minders, which aired on February 28, 1969, and occurred on Star Date 5818.4

When a botanical plague threatens to destroy all vegetation on Merak II, the Enterprise visits Ardana, the only known source of the xenite mineral needed to halt the plague; despite High Advisor Plasus’s request that they beam to the cloud city Stratos, Captain Kirk, and Spock beam directly down to the xenite mine entrance, where they are lassooed by the xenite miners.

Captain Kirk and Spock are entertained as guests on Stratos until the xenite can be found. Plasus’ daughter Droxine is fascinated with Spock, but the city servant and secret Trogglyte leader Vanna has an interest of a different kind for Captain Kirk: she attempts to take him hostage at the mining implementation point. And his forceful protests prompt Plasus to order their immediate departure from the city.

Back aboard the Enterprise, Captain Kirk learns from McCoy that unprocessed xenite emits an odorless, invisible gas that temporarily diminishes mental ability and heightens emotions. Then Spock realizes that, due to their service aboard Stratos, all disrupter leaders are no longer exposed to xenite emissions. Captain Kirk proposes that the Trogglytes be supplied with xenite masks.

Once the gas’s effect has worn off, Captain Kirk agrees to provide Vanna with masks and help the Trogglytes obtain equality in exchange for the euxenite, despite Plasus’s protests. Captain Kirk and Plasus drop charges against each other, and Captain Kirk and Spock return to the Enterprise with euxenite in hand.


This episode revolves around a plague on Merrick II and the quest for Zenite on Ardana. The episode explores the stark societal divide between the cloud-dwelling elite and the troglodyte miners. The narrative highlights valuable lessons for compliance professionals about cultural sensitivity, understanding diverse perspectives, and adapting compliance programs to cultural contexts. Tom Fox emphasizes the importance of these aspects in creating an inclusive and ethical business environment. Additional fun facts, production details, and the importance of promoting cultural awareness are also discussed.

Key Highlights

  • Story Synopsis
  • Fun Facts and Production Insights
  • Cultural Issues in Compliance


Excruciatingly Detailed Plot Summary by Eric W. Weisstein

Memory Alpha

Career Can D0

How Effective Onboarding Drives Success with Russel Treat

What if the secret to unlocking your team’s potential lies in how you onboard and align them with your company’s culture?

In this special episode of Career Can Do, host Mary Ann Faremouth takes a unique turn by sharing her recent guest appearance on Russel Treat’s podcast – Pipeline Technology Podcast. Mary Ann reveals how a strategic approach to onboarding and understanding employee motivations can significantly enhance both recruitment success and retention.

Mary Ann highlights the importance of personalized onboarding. While basic training is essential, the real difference comes from tailoring the process to each individual’s needs and goals. A hiring manager’s role extends beyond just integrating a new hire; it involves ensuring they remain engaged, productive, and aligned with the company’s objectives.

She shares an illustrative interview scenario: one candidate’s technical achievements and another’s story of helping a child join a baseball team. For a sales role, the latter’s empathy and team spirit were seen as more valuable, showing that personal traits can outweigh technical skills in certain contexts.

Mary Ann advocates for setting clear 90-day and 180-day objectives for new hires. This approach allows companies to evaluate a new employee’s impact and adjust goals as needed, fostering flexibility and responsiveness to their contributions.

The conversation also touches on the significance of aligning employee goals with personal values. Mary Ann advises hiring managers to understand what drives each employee and ensure their roles reflect these motivations. This alignment can boost job satisfaction and retention.

Finally, Mary Ann emphasizes the critical role of cultural fit. Fitting into a company’s culture can be even more crucial than compensation, impacting overall job satisfaction and long-term success. Addressing cultural mismatches early can prevent dissatisfaction and help both the employee and the organization thrive.

Tune in to discover how refining your onboarding process and understanding cultural fit can transform your hiring practices and drive team success.


Meet Russel Treat

Original podcast link


Daily Compliance News

Daily Compliance News: August 16, 2024 – The All Law360 Edition

Welcome to the Daily Compliance News. Each day, Tom Fox, the Voice of Compliance, brings you compliance-related stories to start your day. Sit back, enjoy a cup of morning coffee and listen to the Daily Compliance News. All from the Compliance Podcast Network.

Each day, we consider four stories from the business world: compliance, ethics, risk management, leadership, or general interest for the compliance professional.

In today’s edition of Daily Compliance News:

  • DOJ defends itself from Boeing victims’ families’ objections. (Law360)
  • Missouri anti-ESG rules for financial advisors are illegal. (Law360)
  • How to keep layoffs from going viral. (Law360)
  • Overstock Ex-CEO attorney DQ’d from the case. (Law360)

For more information on the Ethico ROI Calculator and a free White Paper on the ROI of Compliance, click here.

The Woody Report

The Woody Report: The Solar Winds Dismissal

Welcome to The Woody Report, where Washington and Lee, School of Law Associate Professor Karen Woody and host Tom Fox discuss issues on white collar crime, compliance issues, international corruption, securities and accounting fraud, and internal corporate investigations. From current events to topical issues to academic research and thought leadership, Karen Woody helps lead the discussion of these issues on the new and exciting podcast.

In this episode, Tom, Karen and a few colleagues explore dismissal of the SEC Complaint against Solar Winds and its CISO.

Karen delves into a significant SEC case involving SolarWinds, focusing on the company’s cybersecurity practices and the ensuing legal battle. The discussion covers the SEC’s allegations of securities fraud and misleading statements about cybersecurity, particularly surrounding the Orion software platform and the Sunburst cyber-attack. Woody emphasizes the internal controls provision, citing a judicial opinion that narrows its applicability to accounting controls.

The conversation also highlights the lingering personal liability for SolarWinds’ CISO, Timothy Brown, and broader implications for the industry, including accountability and the need for clearer cybersecurity regulations.

Key Highlights:

  • Overview of SolarWinds and SEC Allegations: Internal Controls and Legal Implications
  • Judge’s Ruling and Its Impact
  • Broader Implications for enforcement for data breaches going forward


Karen Woody on LinkedIn

Karen Woody at Washington & Lee, School of Law

Tom Fox






For more information on the Ethico ROI Calculator and a free White Paper on the ROI of Compliance, click here.

Compliance Tip of the Day

Compliance Tip of the Day: The Clash of Cultures

Welcome to “Compliance Tip of the Day,” the podcast where we bring you daily insights and practical advice on navigating the ever-evolving landscape of compliance and regulatory requirements.

Whether you’re a seasoned compliance professional or just starting your journey, our aim is to provide you with bite-sized, actionable tips to help you stay on top of your compliance game.

Join us as we explore the latest industry trends, share best practices, and demystify complex compliance issues to keep your organization on the right side of the law.

Tune in daily for your dose of compliance wisdom, and let’s make compliance a little less daunting, one tip at a time.

In this episode, we consider the role of compliance in the clash of cultures in a company, particularly through a merger.


For more information on the Ethico ROI Calculator and a free White Paper on the ROI of Compliance, click here.

To check out The Compliance Handbook, 5th edition, click here.

Regulatory Ramblings

Regulatory Ramblings: Episode 51 – The EU AI Act: Why it Matters for Asia and Beyond with Michael Borrelli (AI & Partners) and Anandaday Misshra (AMLEGALS)

London-based Michael Charles Borrelli is a Director at AI & Partners – a European professional services firm for entities subject to the EU Artificial Intelligence Act. It is leveraging over a decade of experience in financial services, compliance, and technology to help clients navigate AI’s complex and evolving regulatory landscape. This includes a strong passion for responsible AI and its potential to create a positive social impact while minimizing its risks and challenges.

In addition to his role at AI & Partners, Michael’s responsibilities include serving as an independent director of finance, as a FinTech ambassador, and as an AI 2030 chapter advisor, where he has made contributions to the development and dissemination of knowledge, best practices, and policy recommendations on AI and FinTech. He also holds a Master of Laws degree in Financial Regulation and Compliance, an Oxford FinTech Programme certificate, and a Google Cloud Introduction to Responsible AI certificate, among others. Michael has been a prolific writer and speaker on AI, FinTech, and compliance, having published multiple articles and delivered presentations at various events and platforms.

Anandaday Misshra is the founder and managing partner of AMLEGALS, a law firm with a presence in key Indian hub cities. The firm is multidisciplinary in its approach and specializes in value and strategy in taxation, technology, commercial litigation, and arbitration. With over 27 years of experience as a lawyer and a strategic advisor, Anand works with clients across various sectors and countries.

His particular areas of practice include arbitration, data protection and privacy, contracts, employment law, taxation, and white-collar crime. He also handles litigation in India’s constitutional courts and has rich experience in M&A, joint ventures, due diligence, and cross-border transactions.

Additionally, Anand has authored multiple books and white papers on various legal topics and has been ranked as one of the “Top 100 lawyers to follow” on LinkedIn globally. He was recently bestowed with LinkedIn’s “Top Data Privacy Voice” badge.

He is also a professional The International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP) member and a certified Technical Privacy Masterclass holder. Anand is passionate about advancing his knowledge and skills and contributing more broadly to the legal community and society.

Artificial Intelligence, or AI, has been much in the news recently, with apocalyptic headlines about how it will contribute to unemployment or underemployment by eliminating jobs in some industries and, in some cases, bringing about the end of the human race itself.

In that spirit, we look at the EU AI Act, the world’s first comprehensive AI law, which took effect on August 1, 2024.

The legislation has been called ground-breaking. It aims to ensure better conditions for developing and using artificial intelligence, fostering benefits such as improved healthcare, safer transport, more efficient manufacturing, and sustainable energy solutions.

The European Commission’s proposed regulatory framework for controlling AI systems at various risk levels is still in development.

The intricacies of existing and emerging privacy regulations in the European Union and the challenges facing in-house and general counsel will require clarity. Moreover, whether the United States will take inspiration from the EU’s approach and introduce similar regulations shortly is an open question.

In this episode of Regulatory Ramblings, our guests discuss with host Ajay Shamdasani why the EU AI Act matters for the region and the world and why the EU was keen to pass it. Specifically, they discuss the legislation’s impact on compliance officers and in-house/general counsel at the world’s central banking and multinational corporations—and, more to the point, on businesses, organizations, and individuals operating both within the EU and beyond its borders.

A pronounced concern in the Asia-Pacific and elsewhere is whether the EU AI Act will take inspiration from the US and construe violations of its rules and regulations outside of its borders as warranting its exercise of extraterritorial jurisdiction globally, as was the case for the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) and all the controversy and rancor it caused a decade ago.

As Michael points out, the EU likely needs more resources and capacity to enforce its will internationally, as the US does.

The conversation concludes with speculation over whether the US will enact its AI law with rules comparable to the EU’s. Anand also discusses the impact of AI on India’s information technology sector.

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Internal Reporting and Investigative Lessons from Star Trek: The Conscience of the King

Last month, I wrote a blog post on the tone at the top, exemplified in Star Trek’s Original Series episode, Devil in the Dark. Based on the response, some passionate Star Trek fans are out there. I decided to write a series of blog posts exploring Star Trek: The Original Series episodes as guides to the Hallmarks of an Effective Compliance program set out in the FCPA Resources Guide, 2nd edition. Today, I will continue my two-week series by looking at the following Hallmarks of an Effective Compliance Program laid out by the Department of Justice (DOJ) and Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in the FCPA Resources Guide, 2nd edition. Today, we look at internal reporting and investigative lessons from The Conscience of the King.

The Conscience of the King centers around Captain Kirk’s investigation into the identity of Anton Karidian, the leader of a traveling theater troupe. Kirk suspects that Karidian is Kodos the Executioner, a tyrant responsible for the massacre on Tarsus IV, where Kirk is one of the few survivors. As the episode unfolds, Kirk must gather evidence to confirm his suspicions while navigating the moral complexities of justice and revenge.

Lesson 1. The Importance of Confidential Reporting

Confidential reporting mechanisms are essential for identifying and addressing potential compliance violations. You should develop a comprehensive, confidential reporting policy that outlines the process for submitting reports, the types of issues that can be reported, protections for whistleblowers, and investigation procedures. These policies must be communicated broadly to all employees and made easily accessible.

You should have multiple reporting channels from there, such as a dedicated hotline, an online submission form, an email address, or in-person reporting to a compliance officer. Ensure all channels are communicated and easy for employees to access. Finally, consider using an independent third party to manage the reporting hotline for maximum confidentiality. They allow employees to report concerns without fear of retaliation, fostering a culture of transparency and accountability. Some of the mechanisms include anonymous reporting.

Lesson 2. Conduct Thorough Investigations

Effective investigations are crucial for verifying claims, gathering evidence, and determining appropriate action. Each compliance program should have a formal, standardized investigation process led by trained, impartial investigators. Your investigative protocol should outline evidence collection, interviews, and documentation guidelines. Investigations should be conducted impartially, ensuring that all parties are treated fairly and that conclusions are based on evidence rather than assumptions or biases. You must ensure that investigations are properly documented, with clear accountability for follow-up actions. You should provide regular progress updates to the reporting party while maintaining confidentiality.

Kirk’s evidence gathering illustrates these principles in the episode, as he seeks out individuals who might recognize Karidian as Kodos, such as Dr. Leighton, who was also a survivor of the Tarsus IV massacre. He balances suspicion with the need for concrete evidence before taking action. Kirk engages in human and forensic-based investigative tools when he devises a plan to observe Karidian’s reaction to hearing his voice from historical records of Kodos’s speeches, showcasing the importance of testing hypotheses to validate suspicions.

Lesson 3. Balancing Privacy and Justice

Investigations must balance the need for transparency with the privacy rights of those involved. Protecting confidentiality is essential to maintaining trust in the reporting process and ensuring fair outcomes. Every compliance function should have protocols to safeguard the confidentiality of all parties involved in an investigation, including the reporter, subject, and witnesses. This may include restricting access to sensitive information and ensuring secure storage of records. Finally, while maintaining confidentiality, organizations should communicate the outcomes of investigations to relevant stakeholders, reinforcing the organization’s commitment to transparency and accountability.

As a compliance professional, balancing the principles of privacy and justice during an internal investigation can be a delicate challenge. Here are some key considerations and approaches to striking the right balance through both proportionality and necessity. This means collecting and retaining only the personal data that is strictly necessary and proportional to the specific investigation. Also, avoid excessive data gathering or prolonged retention that could be considered an unwarranted invasion of privacy.

Examples from The Conscience of the King include Kirk’s maintenance of secrecy by ensuring that information about the investigation is shared only with those who need to know, protecting the privacy of individuals involved, and preventing potential harm to the theater troupe if the suspicions prove unfounded. His tactful handling of sensitive information is an example of how crucial it is to limit access to private information to preserve the investigation’s integrity.

Lesson 4. Leadership’s Role in Fostering a Compliance Culture

Leadership plays a critical role in establishing and maintaining a culture of compliance. Leaders must demonstrate a commitment to ethical behavior and support implementing compliance initiatives. A corporate compliance function should encourage business leadership, the C-Suite, and the Board of Directors to consistently reinforce the importance of speaking up and the organization’s non-retaliation commitment. You should also celebrate employees who come forward with reports that lead to positive change.

Business leaders should model ethical behavior and demonstrate a commitment to compliance through their actions and decisions. This sets a positive example for employees and reinforces the organization’s values. Your executives must actively support compliance initiatives, including developing and promoting reporting mechanisms and investigation procedures. Kirk exemplifies ethical leadership by prioritizing justice and integrity over personal vendetta. He uses his authority responsibly to pursue the truth while protecting his crew and the accused.

Lesson 5. Addressing the Human Element

Compliance programs must account for the human element, recognizing that emotions and personal biases can influence reporting and investigations. Programs should be designed to minimize these influences and ensure objective outcomes. Your compliance function should provide training to help employees recognize and manage emotions and biases that may impact their decision-making. You need to, as much as possible, move towards evidence- and data-based objective decision-making. This includes professional skepticism and developing processes and tools to facilitate objective decision-making, such as checklists or decision trees, to guide investigators and reduce the influence of personal biases.

“The Conscience of the King” offers valuable lessons for compliance professionals on the importance of confidential reporting and thorough investigations. By implementing these lessons, organizations can enhance compliance programs, foster a culture of transparency and accountability, and effectively manage risks. Incorporating these elements into your compliance strategy can help ensure that your organization is prepared to navigate the complexities of today’s regulatory environment while upholding the highest ethical standards. As Captain Kirk demonstrated, pursuing truth and justice requires vigilance, integrity, and a commitment to doing what is right.

Join us tomorrow as we consider the lessons on financial incentives and disciplinary measures from the Star Trek episode Mirror Mirror.