Compliance Tip of the Day

Compliance Tip of the Day: Compliance Training Frequency

Welcome to “Compliance Tip of the Day,” the podcast where we bring you daily insights and practical advice on navigating the ever-evolving landscape of compliance and regulatory requirements.

Whether you’re a seasoned compliance professional or just starting your journey, our aim is to provide you with bite-sized, actionable tips to help you stay on top of your compliance game.

Join us as we explore the latest industry trends, share best practices, and demystify complex compliance issues to keep your organization on the right side of the law.

Tune in daily for your dose of compliance wisdom, and let’s make compliance a little less daunting, one tip at a time.

In this episode, we consider how often you should put out compliance training.

For more information on the Ethico Toolkit for Middle Managers, available at no charge, click here.

Check out the full 3-book series, The Compliance Kids on

Daily Compliance News

Daily Compliance News: September 10, 2024 – The Palace Coup Edition

Welcome to the Daily Compliance News. Each day, Tom Fox, the Voice of Compliance, brings you compliance-related stories to start your day. Sit back, enjoy a cup of morning coffee, and listen to the Daily Compliance News. All from the Compliance Podcast Network.

Each day, we consider four stories from the business world: compliance, ethics, risk management, leadership, or general interest for the compliance professional.

In today’s edition of Daily Compliance News:

  • Bob Iger’s palace coup at Disney to regain power. (NYT)
  • More Tory corruption around Covid is undercover. (BBC)
  • Norfolk Southern CEO to depart for COI affair. (WSJ)
  • PCAOB requires audit firms to bring in outside experts to oversee audit quality. (FT)


For more information on the Ethico Toolkit for Middle Managers, available at no charge, click here.

Check out the full 3-book series, The Compliance Kids on

Everything Compliance - Shout Outs and Rants

Everything Compliance: Shout Outs and Rants – Episode 140 – The Fall is in The Air Episode

Welcome to the only roundtable podcast in compliance as we celebrate our second century of shows.

In this episode, host Tom Fox is joined by Jonathan Armstrong, Jonathan Marks, Matt Kelly and Karen Moore for shout outs and rants.

1. Matt Kelly shouts out to the Brazilian judiciary for standing up the bullying tactics of Elon Musk in their legal dispute.

2. Karen Moore shouts out to the Victorian Lyric Opera Company.

3. Jonathan Armstrong rants about Claude Wehrle and the Grenfell Tower disaster.

4. Jonathan Marks rants about his beloved Philadelphia Eagles and the NFL having their home opening on a Friday night in Brazil.

5. Tom Fox shouts out to Professor Stephen Bainbridge and his dismantling of the DExit fallacy.

The members of the Everything Compliance are:

Karen Woody – is one of the top academic experts on the SEC. Woody can be reached at

Matt Kelly – Founder and CEO of Radical Compliance. Kelly can be reached at

Jonathan Armstrong – is our UK colleague and an experienced data privacy/data protection lawyer in London. He can be reached at his new law firm

Jonathan Marks can be reached at

Karen Moore can be reached at

The host and producer, rantor (and sometime panelist) of Everything Compliance is Tom Fox the Voice of Compliance. He can be reached at Everything Compliance is a part of the award-winning Compliance Podcast Network.

The host and producer, rantor (and sometime panelist) of Everything Compliance is Tom Fox the Voice of Compliance. He can be reached at Everything Compliance is a part of the award-winning Compliance Podcast Network.

For more information on the Ethico Toolkit for Middle Managers, available at no charge, click here.

Check out the full 3-book series, The Compliance Kids on

Innovation in Compliance

Innovation in Compliance: Travis Howerton on Revolutionizing Compliance – Integrating Automation for Digital Transformation

Innovation comes in many areas and compliance professionals need to not only be ready for it but embrace it. Join Tom Fox, the Voice of Compliance, as he visits with top innovative minds, thinkers, and creators in the award-winning Innovation in Compliance podcast.

In this episode, Tom welcomes back, Travis Howerton, a co-founder of RegScale, the sponsor for this episode, to take a deep dive into automating compliance solutions for the digital transformation of compliance.

Howerton advocates for the integration of automation in compliance to keep pace with rapid technological advancements, thereby maintaining competitiveness and efficiency. Through digitizing regulations by using the latest standards and forming strategic partnerships, Howerton and RegScale are transforming traditional compliance from a manual, burdensome task into an automated, streamlined process, thereby redefining the role of compliance professionals as key contributors to secure and innovative operations.

We discuss the three pillars of cybersecurity: confidentiality, integrity, and availability. While much focus is placed on safeguarding confidentiality to protect sensitive information, the speaker highlights that integrity issues pose a significant threat, particularly in sensitive industries like healthcare and critical infrastructure. Compromised integrity can lead to dire physical consequences, making it the most concerning aspect of cybersecurity.

Key Highlights:

  • Introduction to Cybersecurity’s Three-Legged Stool
  • Focus on Confidentiality in Cybersecurity
  • The Critical Importance of Data Integrity
  • Real-World Implications of Integrity Issues
  • The Sleepless Nights of a Cybersecurity Analyst


Travis Howerton on LinkedIn


Tom Fox






Magnificent 7 Rides Again

The Magnificent 7 Rides Again: Reflecting on Art, Community, and Camaraderie

Welcome to The Magnificent 7 Rides Again, a captivating podcast series that delves into the vibrant world of seven talented female artists painting amidst the breathtaking landscapes, wildlife and vistas of the Texas Hill Country. Join us as we explore their creative journeys, uncover the inspirations behind their work, and celebrate their unique perspectives on art and life.

In this series, we will dive deep into the heart of the Texas Hill Country, where sweeping vistas and rugged beauty serve as the backdrop for artistic expression. Each episode will feature intimate conversations with these remarkable women, offering insights into their creative processes, the challenges they face, and the stories that shape their art.

In this concluding episode of this season, host Tom Fox gathers the entire ‘Magnificent 7’ artist group to discuss their upcoming show at the Kerrville Arts and Cultural Center. Each artist – Nancy, Dawn, Deanna, Janelle, Janet, Laura, and Elaine – reflects on what being part of the group means to them.

They share personal anecdotes about the community support, camaraderie, and creative inspiration they receive from each other. The artists also describe their unique focuses for this year’s exhibition, ranging from landscapes and farm scenes to native Texan flora and fauna. Finally, the group expresses gratitude for the support from KACC and other local figures, emphasizing the importance of community in fostering artistic growth and collaboration.

Key Highlights:

  • ·Nancy’s Perspective on the Magnificent Seven
  • Dawn’s Experience as a New Resident
  • Deanna’s Camaraderie and Public Interaction
  • Janelle’s Fun and Learning Experience
  • Janet’s Venue and Friendship
  • Laura’s Support and Deadlines
  • Elaine’s Formation of the Magnificent Seven
  • Showcasing Art at The Magnificent Seven Rides Again


Kerrville Arts and Culture Center

Texas Hill Country Podcast Network

The Hill Country Artists Facebook Page


The Bre-X Mining Scandal: Part 6 – A Guide for the 2024 Compliance Professional (Part 2)

Today, we conclude a multipart blog post series exploring one of the biggest corporate scandals of the 1990s, the Bre-X mining scandal. Our most recent blog post explored the foundational lessons from the Bre-X scandal for today’s compliance professionals, focusing on due diligence, transparency, corporate governance, and more. In today’s concluding blog post,  we focus on additional critical areas where compliance officers can play a pivotal role in ensuring organizational integrity. From fostering a strong whistleblowing culture to leveraging modern technologies for continuous monitoring, these strategies will help prevent financial fraud, uphold ethical standards, and do business in compliance into 2024 and beyond.

The Role of Whistleblowing and Ethics Programs

A lack of transparency and accountability within Bre-X contributed to the persistence of fraud for years. If a robust whistleblowing mechanism had been in place, the red flags might have been raised earlier, potentially preventing the massive fallout.

  • Encouraging Whistleblowing. One of the most critical aspects of modern compliance is creating a culture where employees feel empowered to speak up without fear of retaliation. Compliance officers should focus on building and maintaining secure, confidential channels where employees can report unethical or suspicious activities. A strong whistleblowing framework protects the organization from reputational damage and demonstrates to employees that integrity is a top priority.
  • Ethics Training. In addition to promoting whistleblowing, regular ethics training can help build a culture of transparency and accountability. Employees must be educated on the importance of ethical decision-making and how their actions contribute to the company’s long-term success. Compliance teams can reinforce the core values of honesty and integrity across the organization through frequent workshops, case studies (including Bre-X), and clear guidance on ethical behavior.

Risk Management and Scenario Planning

The Bre-X scandal is a stark reminder of the importance of comprehensive risk management. The ability to foresee potential risks and prepare accordingly can be the difference between averting a disaster or getting caught in one.

  • Assessing and Mitigating Risk. Risk management is central to the work of a compliance officer. Rigid risk assessments are non-negotiable in industries like mining—where speculation, large financial stakes, and geographical challenges intersect. Compliance professionals must develop strategies that identify, assess, and mitigate potential risks early, whether they stem from operational, financial, or reputational sources. For instance, resource overestimation, as seen in Bre-X, could have been mitigated with proper checks on geological data and third-party verification.
  • Scenario Planning. Preparing for various fraud scenarios, including “what if” situations similar to Bre-X, is a valuable exercise. Scenario planning enables organizations to consider how they would respond in the event of fraud or a major compliance breach. Companies should develop detailed crisis management plans, identify key decision-makers, and outline steps for navigating potential crises. In the event of another large-scale scandal, having these contingency plans in place will reduce the organization’s response time and limit damage.

Continuous Controls Monitoring and Auditing

The importance of continuous monitoring cannot be overstated, particularly in industries prone to high levels of fraud, such as mining, finance, or healthcare. Compliance professionals must champion ongoing oversight to ensure early detection of potential issues.

  • Ongoing Oversight. Continuous auditing of processes and transactions is an effective way to catch problems before they escalate. In the Bre-X case, regular audits of geological sample reporting and financial disclosures could have flagged discrepancies early on. Compliance teams today should implement robust monitoring programs that examine critical areas like financial performance, regulatory adherence, and ethical behavior. Routine audits of key operational processes, especially in high-risk industries, can prevent fraudulent behavior from going undetected.
  • Use of Technology. The rise of data analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) has transformed the compliance landscape. In 2024, compliance professionals must embrace technology that enhances real-time monitoring capabilities. By leveraging AI and big data, companies can detect anomalies or suspicious activities before they evolve into significant problems. For example, automated systems can track financial reporting patterns or identify irregular resource estimates, helping compliance teams intervene before major fraud occurs.

Global Considerations and Jurisdictional Awareness

In today’s globalized business environment, companies often operate in multiple countries, each with its regulatory requirements. Compliance professionals must stay abreast of international standards and ensure the organization complies with all regions.

  • Navigating International Regulations. The Bre-X scandal highlighted the complexities of operating in different jurisdictions. While Bre-X was a Canadian company, much of its fraudulent activities occurred in Indonesia, and the regulatory landscape vastly differed between the two countries. In 2024, compliance officers must develop an in-depth understanding of the regulatory environments in each jurisdiction where their company operates. This includes legal compliance and cultural and business norms that could impact operations and risk management strategies.
  • Cross-Border Cooperation. In an interconnected world, no company is an island. Regulatory bodies across countries are increasingly cooperating on compliance and enforcement efforts, especially in mining, finance, and pharmaceuticals. Building relationships with regulatory agencies in different jurisdictions is vital for compliance professionals. These partnerships can help organizations navigate complex international regulations and stay on top of emerging global compliance trends.

The Bre-X scandal was a watershed moment for the mining industry and for compliance professionals across sectors. The lessons from this case are invaluable in shaping how compliance is approached in 2024. Compliance officers can safeguard their organizations from the devastating consequences of fraud by encouraging a culture of whistleblowing, implementing comprehensive risk management practices, leveraging technology for continuous monitoring, and understanding global regulatory landscapes.

Fraud prevention is a continuous journey that requires vigilance, transparency, and a proactive mindset. Today’s compliance professional’s responsibility is not just to respond to incidents but to anticipate them, fostering a corporate culture prioritizing ethics and accountability at every level. This concludes our series on the Bre-X scandal. By learning from the past, compliance professionals can build a more resilient, transparent future for their organizations.