Compliance Tip of the Day

Compliance Tip of the Day: Podcasting for Compliance Training

Welcome to “Compliance Tip of the Day,” the podcast where we bring you daily insights and practical advice on navigating the ever-evolving landscape of compliance and regulatory requirements.

Whether you’re a seasoned compliance professional or just starting your journey, our aim is to provide you with bite-sized, actionable tips to help you stay on top of your compliance game.

Join us as we explore the latest industry trends, share best practices, and demystify complex compliance issues to keep your organization on the right side of the law.

Tune in daily for your dose of compliance wisdom, and let’s make compliance a little less daunting, one tip at a time.

In this episode, we explore how you can use the audio podcast format to facilitate your compliance training regime.

For more information on the Ethico Toolkit for Middle Managers, available at no charge, click here.

Check out the full 3-book series, The Compliance Kids on

Business Integrity Innovations

Business Integrity Innovations: Partners of Trust: Building U.S. – Africa Business Relations with Kendra Gaither

The Compliance Podcast Network (CPN) and the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) bring you Business Integrity Innovations. This podcast is inspired by Ethics 1st, a multi-stakeholder initiative led by CIPE that creates pathways for accountable and sustainable investment in Africa. Companies can use Ethics 1st to standardize their business practices, develop sound corporate governance systems, and demonstrate their commitment to compliance and business ethics.

The U.S. Africa Business Center’s president, Kendra Gaither, joins Tom Fox and Lola Adekanye in this episode. Kendra shares her extensive experience working with international markets, from her tenure as a diplomat with the U.S. Department of State to her current role. The discussion delves into the mission and impact of the U.S. Africa Business Center, which aims to strengthen trade and investment ties between U.S. and African companies. Key topics include the importance of regulatory environments, collective action through the American Chambers of Commerce, and ethical business practices and compliance in fostering trust and certainty in global markets. The episode highlights the significance of the rule of law and integrity in boosting business opportunities and creating sustainable partnerships.

Key Highlights:

  • Overview of the U.S. Africa Business Center
  • Key Issues and Solutions in Emerging Markets
  • The Importance of Ethics and Integrity in Business
  • The Role of Trust and Certainty in Business Relationships



US Chamber of Commerce

Kendra Gaither on Linkedin

Daily Compliance News

Daily Compliance News: September 12, 2024 – The Leaving the Dirty Money List Edition

Welcome to the Daily Compliance News. Each day, Tom Fox, the Voice of Compliance, brings you compliance-related stories to start your day. Sit back, enjoy a cup of morning coffee, and listen to the Daily Compliance News. All from the Compliance Podcast Network.

Each day, we consider four stories from the business world: compliance, ethics, risk management, leadership, or general interest for the compliance professional.

In today’s edition of Daily Compliance News:

  • Will South Africa leave the FATF dirty money list in 2025? (Bloomberg)
  • How corruption fuels inequality in China. (Foreignaffairs)
  • Chinese bank told to wire money after CEO disappeared. (FT)
  • Google was out to crush competition. (Reuters)

For more information on the Ethico Toolkit for Middle Managers, available at no charge, click here.

Check out the full 3-book series, The Compliance Kids on

Hill Country Artists Podcast

Texas Hill Country Artists Podcast: The Artistic Journey of Matthew Fielder – From Film to Pastels

Delve into the heart of the Texas Hill Country with award winning “Hill Country Artists Podcast,” which illustrates and illuminates the vibrant tapestry of art rooted in this iconic region. From the sun-drenched limestone cliffs to the serene Guadalupe River, the Hill Country has been a muse for countless artists, providing a unique backdrop for creativity to flourish. In each episode, we uncover the stories behind the area’s most captivating artworks, converse with local artists about their inspirations, and explore the fusion of Texan traditions with contemporary artistic expressions.

In this episode of the award-winning Hill Country Artist podcast, host Tom Fox sits down with local artist Matthew Fielder to discuss his evolution as an artist. Matthew shares his initial passion for film, his deep-rooted interest in Star Wars and its influence on his artistic aspirations, and his segue into fine art. He details his early inspirations, the transition from narrative-driven art to creating evocative, visually stimulating pieces, and his current focus on pastels and landscapes. Matthew also provides insight into his educational experience at the Hill Country Atelier and his creative process. This engaging conversation highlights his ongoing artistic endeavors and future aspirations, including participation in art shows and exploring sci-fi landscapes in his work.

Key Highlights:

  • Early Career and Artistic Beginnings
  • Transition to Film and Artistic Evolution
  • Current Artistic Style and Techniques
  • Experiences at the Hill Country Atelier
  • Future Plans and Upcoming Shows

Matthew Fielder on Instagram

Everything Compliance

Everything Compliance: Episode 140, The Fall is in The Air Episode

Welcome to the only roundtable podcast in compliance as we celebrate our second century of shows.

In this episode, we take up a potpourri of topics. We have the quartet of Matt Kelly Jonathan Armstrong, Jonathan Marks, and Karen Moore; all hosted by Tom Fox.

1. Matt Kelly looks at the RTX enforcement action by the State Department. He shouts out to the Brazilian judiciary for standing up the bullying tactics of Elon Musk in their legal dispute.

2. Karen Moore considers the Boston Consulting Group FCPA Declination. She shouts out to the Victorian Lyric Opera Company.

3. Jonathan Armstrong looks at HP and their decision to continue proceedings against the Estate of Mike Lynch after his death. He rants about Claude Wehrle and the Grenfell Tower disaster.

4. Jonathan Marks considers the role of the Audit Committee on a Board. He rants about his beloved Philadelphia Eagles and the NFL having their home opening on a Friday night in Brazil.

5. Tom Fox shouts out to Professor Stephen Bainbridge and his dismantling of the DExit fallacy.

The members of the Everything Compliance are:

Karen Woody – Is one of the top academic experts on the SEC. Woody can be reached at

•  Matt Kelly – Founder and CEO of Radical Compliance. Kelly can be reached at

Jonathan Armstrong –is our UK colleague and an experienced data privacy/data protection lawyer in London. He can be reached at his new law firm

Jonathan Marks can be reached at

Karen Moore can be reached at

The host and producer, rantor (and sometime panelist) of Everything Compliance is Tom Fox the Voice of Compliance. He can be reached at Everything Compliance is a part of the award-winning Compliance Podcast Network.

For more information on the Ethico Toolkit for Middle Managers, available at no charge, click here.

Check out the full 3-book series, The Compliance Kids on

It's art

It’s art, let’s talk about it: The Evolution of an Art Collector: A Conversation with Tim Newton

The Museum of Western Art is dedicated to excellence in the collection, preservation, and promotion of Western Heritage and the education and cultural enrichment of our diverse audiences. The Museum serves as a bridge between the past and the present, ensuring that the legacy of the American West will be preserved for the future. Western Art is as engaging and important as ever.

In this award-winning podcast series, Museum Executive Director Darrell Beauchamp welcomes Tim Newton, publisher emeritus of Western Art and Architecture magazine.

Join host Darrell Beauchamp as he interviews Tim Newton about his journey from a kitchen remodeler to a significant figure in the Western art world. They discuss Tim’s deep connections with top artists like Scott Christensen and Quang Ho, his experiences curating prestigious art shows, and his passion for collecting art. Tim reveals insights into collecting and curating art, shares stories of his involvement with the Salmagundi Club, and previews his upcoming role curating ‘Night of the Artist’ for the Briscoe Museum. This podcast offers a rich blend of art history, personal anecdotes, and expert advice for aspiring collectors and artists.

Highlights Include:

  • Tim’s Background and Journey into Art
  • The Value of Art: Investment and Passion
  • Current Hot Artists in the Western Art Market
  • Scott Christensen and Quang Ho: Masters of Diversity
  • The Blockbuster Show: A Summer Highlight
  • Advice for Young Collectors


Museum of Western Art

Darrell Beauchamp on LinkedIn

Tim Newton on LinkedIn

Briscoe Museum


The Case for Automation: Why Compliance Professionals Must Embrace the Future

In 2024, compliance is no longer just a check-the-box function but a vital component of risk management, corporate governance, and business strategy. As companies scale and regulations become more complex, the traditional methods of managing compliance—using spreadsheets, SharePoint, and manual processes—are proving inadequate. In a recent episode of the Innovation in Compliance podcast, Travis Howerton, Co-Founder and CEO of RegScale, emphasized the importance of automation in compliance, mainly through the lens of cybersecurity, digital transformation, and the growing regulatory burden. Their conversation sheds light on why compliance professionals need to embrace automation now more than ever.

Compliance and Digital Transformation: A Necessary Partnership

Compliance is often seen as the enemy of innovation, a cost center, and a roadblock to business development. Howerton recalls a time when cyber and compliance were usually viewed as the “no” force in an organization, blocking new initiatives due to concerns over risk. But times have changed. Compliance is no longer a hindrance to business growth but an enabler, especially when integrated into a company’s digital transformation efforts.

Howerton strongly advocates for compliance professionals to rethink their approach and adopt a more proactive stance. Rather than being the department that says no, compliance can empower businesses to move faster and innovate more effectively—provided they have the right systems in place.

Automation is key to this transformation. RegScale aims to digitize regulatory requirements into code, moving away from cumbersome and static processes like filling out spreadsheets and chasing paper trails. Automation makes compliance a “free outcome” of operational excellence, enabling businesses to focus on innovation without sacrificing their risk posture.

Why Continuous Monitoring Matters

The importance of continuous compliance monitoring is evident as regulatory frameworks become increasingly complex. Regulations evolve, not just in scope but also in speed, and a one-time audit or annual review is no longer sufficient. Continuous monitoring ensures compliance is not reactive but an ongoing activity that adapts as risks emerge and regulatory requirements change.

Manual processes have problems, and Howerton was quite candid about their limitations. Relying on spreadsheets, while familiar and easy to set up, often results in outdated or incomplete data. Compliance professionals who still rely on these methods work in a reactive mode, responding to issues only after they become serious. Worse, the inefficiencies of manual tracking can lead to missed deadlines, incomplete audits, and a false sense of security.

With automation, companies can continuously monitor compliance, ensuring they meet today’s standards and are prepared for tomorrow’s changes. Automated tools also reduce the risk of human error and can flag issues in real time, allowing compliance teams to address risks before they escalate.

How Automation Enhances Cybersecurity Compliance

Automation is not simply a nice-to-have for highly regulated industries like finance, healthcare, and national security; it is essential to doing business. Compliance in these sectors is about meeting external regulatory requirements and protecting the business’s core assets—its data, infrastructure, and, ultimately, reputation.

Howerton noted that cybersecurity has become a board-level concern for organizations across industries. No matter which party is in power or how political landscapes shift, cybersecurity will continue to be a top priority for businesses. A breach can lead to massive financial losses, reputational damage, and legal liabilities. Yet, cybersecurity compliance is notoriously difficult to manage, especially when relying on manual processes.

Automated compliance solutions can integrate cybersecurity frameworks into operational processes. Instead of requiring constant manual updates and reviews, these systems can continuously monitor for threats and ensure the necessary protections are in place.

Moreover, compliance officers can shift from reactive to proactive by digitizing regulations and automating reporting. They can focus on managing actual risks rather than spending time maintaining paperwork. This approach transforms compliance from a burdensome process into a critical driver of business value.

Overcoming Resistance to Automation

Despite the clear benefits, there is still resistance to automation in many compliance departments. Howerton acknowledges that much of this resistance is cultural. The introduction of automation may threaten some professionals, especially those with legal or non-technical backgrounds who worry that it will eliminate their roles. Others may believe that their current manual systems are “good enough.”

However, as Howerton explains, the pace of regulatory change and the speed at which new risks emerge mean manual processes are no longer sustainable. “Software is eating the world,” he says, and compliance is no exception. The complexity of managing compliance in a digital world will overwhelm businesses that need to adapt.

How can compliance professionals overcome this reluctance? By reframing the conversation. Automation doesn’t eliminate jobs; it enhances them. By taking over the repetitive, time-consuming tasks that no one enjoys—like chasing down documentation or managing endless spreadsheets—automation allows compliance professionals to focus on the higher-level strategic work that truly matters: managing risk, advising the business, and ensuring long-term compliance.

The Cost of Inaction

The most compelling reason to embrace automation is the cost of inaction. Compliance breaches can be devastating, both financially and reputationally. A breach or failed audit does not simply result in fines; it can lead to a loss of trust among customers, investors, and stakeholders.

In the long term, the organizations that thrive will have seamless, scalable, and sustainable integrated compliance into their business processes. Manual processes may have worked in the past, but as we approach 2030 and beyond, they will not be enough to keep up with the pace of change.

Howerton closes the discussion with a powerful analogy: “You don’t have brakes on a car to slow down; you have brakes so you can drive fast.” Compliance allows businesses to move faster, innovate more, and confidently explore new opportunities when done right. By embedding automation into their compliance programs, companies can protect themselves from risk while driving forward into new markets and opportunities.

The Future of Compliance is Automated

As we look to the future, one thing is clear: automation is no longer optional for compliance professionals. The growing complexity of regulations, the need for real-time monitoring, and the increasing importance of cybersecurity make it only possible for companies to rely on manual processes. Continuous monitoring, powered by automation, will be the key to managing these challenges effectively.

For compliance professionals, the time to embrace automation is now. The future is coming faster than ever, and those who fail to adapt risk being left behind.