The Ethics Experts

Episode 184 – Jade Smith

In this episode of The Ethics Experts, Nick welcomes Jade Smith.

Jade has been with OrthoPediatrics, a medical device company focused solely on pediatric orthopedics, since 2018 and has served in dual legal and compliance roles. She is primarily responsible for overseeing and administering the Global Compliance Program. Smith is also responsible for maintaining a culture of compliance throughout all organizations under the OrthoPediatrics umbrella globally.


Corruption, Crime and Compliance

Deep Dive into Deere SEC FCPA Settlement

The SEC’s recent settlement with Deere & Company for $9.9 million for FCPA violations is another textbook example of bribery schemes, which revealed the absence of a culture of compliance, and the circumvention of basic entertainment, hospitality and travel expense controls. In this episode of Corruption, Crime, and Compliance, Michael Volkov breaks down the SEC’s $9.9 million settlement with Deere & Company following widespread FCPA violations by its subsidiary, Wirtgen Thailand. Michael discusses how the bribery schemes, involving government officials in Thailand, reveal significant failures in compliance oversight and corporate governance, while also highlighting the critical lessons for businesses aiming to avoid similar pitfalls.

Key Insights:

  • Deere’s subsidiary, Wirtgen Thailand, secured government tenders through cash bribes, entertainment at massage parlors, and lavish trips for officials from the Royal Thai Air Force (RTAF), Department of Highways (DOH), and Department of Rural Roads (DRR).
  • Wirtgen disguised entertainment and bribe payments in expense reports with vague descriptions and round-number amounts, which were improperly approved by regional managers.
  • Wirtgen organized extravagant trips disguised as factory visits for Thai officials, which included sightseeing and luxury hotels in Europe. These trips were arranged to win government tenders but involved no legitimate business activities.
  • Bribes were also funneled through a third-party consultant via sham commission agreements. This consultant acted as a middleman, facilitating bribe payments to government officials to secure high-value tenders.
  • Deere’s failure to fully integrate Wirtgen into its compliance program after acquisition allowed the bribery schemes to continue. This highlights the risks of not harmonizing compliance protocols in newly acquired subsidiaries.
  • In response to the SEC investigation, Deere terminated employees involved in the misconduct, revamped its compliance program, and introduced initiatives like a bi-monthly compliance newsletter and enhanced anti-bribery training.


Michael Volkov on LinkedIn | Twitter

The Volkov Law Group

Adventures in Compliance

Adventures in Compliance: Special Episode – Old Time Radio Meets The Silver Screen – Adam Graham on The Movie The Hound of The Baskervilles

We take things in a different direction today with our first Special Episode in the Adventures in Compliance podcast. Today, Tom Fox is thrilled to bring back Adam Graham for a short, two-part special series where we begin to review some of the movie representations of Sherlock Holmes. Tom met Adam Graham at PodFest Expo 2024 and he is a huge old-time mystery radio show aficionado, including, of course, Sherlock Holmes.

Today, we begin with a look at the first Basil Rathbone/Nigel Bruce Holmes adventures, which is also the first of two productions by Universal Pictures, The Hound of the Baskervilles.

Graham shares insights on the 15th anniversary of his podcast and his background as an independent podcaster. The discussion focuses on the enduring appeal of Sherlock Holmes, the strong performances of Basil Rathbone and Nigel Bruce, and the rich atmosphere of films like The Hound of the Baskervilles and The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (our next episode).

The conversation highlights the contrasts between the portrayals of Dr. Watson by Nigel Bruce in films and other adaptations. They praise the remarkable cinematography, the storytelling, and the significance of character actors like George Zucco as Moriarty. They also discuss the range shown by Rathbone and Bruce in the dynamic roles they played. The episode concludes with Adam sharing details about his upcoming 15thanniversary of his podcast, the Great Detectives of Old Time Radio Podcast and inviting listeners to learn more about old time radio detectives on his website.

Key Highlights:

  • Analyzing The Hound of the Baskervilles
  • Basil Rathbone as Sherlock Holmes
  • Nigel Bruce’s Portrayal of Dr. Watson
  • Universal Pictures are the Right Studio for Holmes
  • Final Thoughts and Announcements


The New Annotated Sherlock Holmes

Sherlock Holmes FAQ

Adam Graham

Great Detectives of Old Time Radio

Sherlock Holmes on Great Detectives of Old Time Radio

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Compliance Tip of the Day

Compliance Tip of the Day: Highlights from Argentieri Speech

Welcome to “Compliance Tip of the Day,” the podcast where we bring you daily insights and practical advice on navigating the ever-evolving landscape of compliance and regulatory requirements.

Whether you’re a seasoned compliance professional or just starting your journey, our aim is to provide you with bite-sized, actionable tips to help you stay on top of your compliance game.

Join us as we explore the latest industry trends, share best practices, and demystify complex compliance issues to keep your organization on the right side of the law.

Tune in daily for your dose of compliance wisdom, and let’s make compliance a little less daunting, one tip at a time.

Today, we look at the key highlights for compliance professionals from the recent speech by Nicole Argentieri announcing the 2024 Update to the Evaluation of Corporate Compliance Programs.

FCPA Compliance Report

FCPA Compliance Report: Vince Walden on Leveraging Data Analytics for Effective Compliance Monitoring

Welcome to the award-winning FCPA Compliance Report, the longest running podcast in compliance.

In this edition of the FCPA Compliance Report, Tom Fox welcomes back Vince Walden, founder of KonaAI. Vince reports on the 2024 Update to the Evaluation of Corporate Compliance Programs. (Today’s episode is a cross-posting from Data Driven Compliance.)

Walden, a distinguished expert in compliance data analytics, actively participates in industry forums such as the Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics annual summit in Grapevine, Texas. He advocates for compliance professionals to have ample access to relevant data sources, enabling them to monitor and test policies, controls, and transactions effectively. Walden stresses the importance of AI developers being vigilant about potential biases and public harm, aligning with the Department of Justice’s stance on accountability. He advises compliance practitioners to collaborate with internal audit and finance teams to ensure they have the necessary transactional data for comprehensive risk assessments, highlighting successful, cost-effective implementations like those at Albemarle as models for gradual, data-driven compliance program adoption.

Highlights in this Episode

  • Data-Driven Compliance for Cost Savings
  • Enhancing Compliance through Advanced Data Analysis
  • Identifying High-Risk Areas for Data Analytics
  • Proactive Risk Mitigation through Real-Time Monitoring
  • ROI-driven Compliance Programs with Data Analytics


Vince Walden on LinkedIn


Tom Fox






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The 2024 ECCP: Complying with the 2024 ECCP on Whistleblowers

The Department of Justice (DOJ), in its 2024 Update, has explicitly directed companies to ensure they have robust processes in place to identify, manage, and mitigate emerging risks related to new technologies, including AI. As compliance professionals, we are responsible for safeguarding the integrity of our organizations and fostering a culture where ethical behavior is the norm, not the exception. The 2024 Update to the Evaluation of Corporate Compliance Programs provides us with critical insights into how we can enhance the effectiveness of our compliance programs, particularly regarding reporting mechanisms and whistleblower protection. These elements are the bedrock of a robust compliance culture, and the update offers a clear roadmap for their implementation and improvement.

The DOJ posed two sets of queries for compliance professionals. They are found in Section I, entitled “Is the Corporation’s Compliance Program Well Designed?” A prosecutor could ask a company or compliance professional going through an investigation in the following series of questions.

Effectiveness of the Reporting Mechanism

  • Does the company have an anonymous reporting mechanism, and if not, why not?
  • How is the reporting mechanism publicized to the company’s employees and other third parties? Has it been used?
  • Does the company test whether employees know the hotline and feel comfortable using it?
  • Does the company encourage and incentivize reporting of potential misconduct or violations of company policy? Conversely, does it use practices that tend to chill such reporting?
  • How does the company assess employees’ willingness to report? How has the company assessed the seriousness of the allegations it received?
  • Has the compliance function had full access to reporting and investigative information?

Commitment to Whistleblower Protection and Anti-Retaliation

  • Does the company have an anti-retaliation policy?
  • Does the company train employees on internal and external anti-retaliation policies and whistleblower protection laws?
  • To the extent that the company disciplines employees involved in misconduct, are employees who reported internally treated differently than others involved in misconduct who did not?
  • Does the company train employees on internal reporting systems, external whistleblower programs, and regulatory regimes?

As compliance professionals, we are charged with safeguarding the integrity of our organizations and fostering a culture where ethical behavior is the norm, not the exception. The 2024 Update to the Evaluation of Corporate Compliance Programs provides us with critical insights into how we can enhance the effectiveness of our compliance programs, particularly regarding reporting mechanisms and whistleblower protection. These elements are the bedrock of a robust compliance culture, and the update offers a clear roadmap for their implementation and improvement.

The Importance of an Anonymous Reporting Mechanism

One key takeaway from the 2024 Update is the emphasis on having an anonymous reporting mechanism. This tool is essential for any compliance program as it provides employees and third parties with a safe and confidential way to report potential misconduct or violations of company policy.

The update explicitly asks whether your company has such a mechanism and, if not, why not. The absence of an anonymous reporting system should be a red flag for any compliance professional. In today’s regulatory environment, where transparency and accountability are paramount, the lack of such a mechanism can severely undermine the credibility of your compliance program.

If your organization does not have an anonymous reporting mechanism, now is the time to implement one. The benefits are clear: it encourages more reports, provides a sense of security to the reporter, and demonstrates the company’s commitment to addressing unethical behavior. However, merely having a mechanism is not enough.

The lesson here is that the existence of an anonymous reporting mechanism is not just a best practice—it’s a necessity. If your company lacks such a system, it’s time to reconsider seriously. The key takeaway is ensuring your company has an anonymous reporting mechanism. This tool is crucial for empowering employees and third parties to report misconduct without fear of exposure. The absence of this mechanism signals a significant gap in your compliance program, which could undermine trust and deter reporting.

How Is the Reporting Mechanism Publicized?

Another critical aspect highlighted in the update is how well the reporting mechanism is publicized within the company and to third parties. A reporting mechanism that isn’t well-known or accessible might as well not exist. The compliance team is responsible for ensuring employees know and understand how to use this tool. This can be achieved through regular training sessions, clear communication channels, and visible reminders throughout the workplace.

It is not simply about making employees aware but also making them comfortable with using the mechanism. This involves creating a workplace culture where reporting misconduct is seen as a positive action, not something that will lead to negative repercussions.

The key lesson for every compliance professional is that a reporting mechanism is only as effective as its visibility and accessibility. If employees and third parties aren’t aware of it, it will not be used. However, it would be best if you publicized your reporting mechanism widely. Regularly communicate its existence, purpose, and how to use it. Training sessions, internal communications, and visible reminders throughout the organization are essential to ensure everyone knows how to report concerns.

Testing Employee Awareness and Comfort

The 2024 Update introduces a crucial question: Has the company tested whether employees know the hotline and feel comfortable using it? This goes beyond just tracking the number of reports received. It requires proactive steps such as surveys, focus groups, or even role-playing scenarios to gauge the effectiveness of your reporting system.

Understanding employees’ perceptions and addressing any concerns they may have is vital. For instance, if employees hesitate to use the hotline due to fear of retaliation or believing nothing will change, these issues must be addressed head-on. Ensuring that the reporting mechanism is perceived as a trusted and effective tool is key to its success.

The bottom line is that awareness is one thing; comfort in using the reporting system is another. Employees must feel secure using the mechanism without fear of retaliation or inaction. As a compliance professional, you must regularly test and measure employee awareness and comfort. Use surveys, focus groups, and feedback sessions to gauge whether employees know about the reporting channels and feel safe using them. Address any concerns or misconceptions that may prevent employees from reporting misconduct.

Encouraging and Incentivizing Reporting

The update also challenges companies to reflect on whether they encourage and incentivize reporting of potential misconduct or violations. This is a nuanced area, as it involves balancing encouragement without creating a system that can be abused.

One effective approach is to incorporate positive reinforcement into the reporting process. This could be recognition programs for employees who demonstrate ethical behavior, including those who report concerns. Additionally, communicating the outcomes of investigations (while maintaining confidentiality) can reinforce the idea that reporting leads to tangible results and positive organizational changes.

Conversely, the update warns against practices that might chill reporting. These can include overly aggressive investigations, a lack of confidentiality, or a corporate culture that implicitly discourages speaking up. Compliance professionals must be vigilant in identifying and eliminating these barriers. Ensuring that employees feel safe and supported when they report misconduct is non-negotiable.

It is incumbent to note that practices that discourage or chill reporting are counterproductive and can erode trust in the compliance program. Compliance professionals must identify and eliminate practices that may deter reporting. This includes ensuring confidentiality, avoiding overly aggressive investigations, and addressing any cultural factors that may implicitly discourage speaking up. Building a culture where reporting is seen as a positive and valued action is crucial.

Assessing and Acting on Reports

Once a report is made, how the company handles it speaks volumes about its commitment to compliance. The update emphasizes the importance of assessing the seriousness of the allegations and ensuring that the compliance function has full access to reporting and investigative information.

This means every report deserves to be taken seriously, regardless of how minor it may seem. The compliance department must ensure that investigations are thorough, impartial, and conducted with the utmost confidentiality. This helps resolve the issue at hand and builds trust in the system, encouraging more employees to come forward in the future.

Other key components are both transparency and communication. While maintaining confidentiality, it is crucial to keep the reporter informed about the status of their report. This can significantly impact their perception of the process and the company’s commitment to addressing misconduct.

A compliance professional must realize that how reports are handled reflects the company’s commitment to compliance and ethics. Further, every corporate compliance program must ensure thorough and impartial investigations. Every report deserves serious attention, regardless of its perceived severity. The compliance team should have full access to reporting and investigative information, and the process should be transparent. Keeping the reporter informed while maintaining confidentiality builds trust and encourages future reporting.

Commitment to Whistleblower Protection and Anti-Retaliation

One of the update’s most critical aspects is its focus on whistleblower protection and anti-retaliation. A robust compliance program is complete with strong measures to protect those who come forward. The 2024 ECCP asks whether the company has an anti-retaliation policy in place. This is a fundamental requirement. Without such a policy, employees will be reluctant to report misconduct, fearing repercussions. However, having a policy is just the first step.

Training ensures employees know internal anti-retaliation policies and external whistleblower protection laws. This training should be regular, comprehensive, and tailored to different levels of the organization. Employees must understand that retaliation is against company policy and illegal under various regulatory regimes.

The 2024 ECCP also asks whether employees who report misconduct are treated differently than those who do not. This question is crucial as it touches on the fairness and integrity of your compliance program. It is essential that reporters are not penalized for their actions and that the company consistently demonstrates its commitment to protecting whistleblowers. Protecting whistleblowers is fundamental to maintaining an effective compliance program. Without strong anti-retaliation measures, your program’s credibility is at risk. Every corporate compliance function must implement and enforce a robust anti-retaliation policy.

Compliance must regularly train employees on internal policies and external whistleblower protection laws. This will ensure that whistleblowers are not treated unfairly and that there is a clear, consistent approach to handling reports. This protection not only encourages reporting but also supports a culture of integrity.

However, simply being aware of the reporting mechanism is not enough. Employees also need to be trained in the broader regulatory environment. Compliance functions must not conduct regular training on internal reporting systems and external whistleblower programs. Make sure that employees understand not only how to report but also the legal protections available to them. This comprehensive approach helps reinforce the importance of compliance and the company’s commitment to ethical behavior.

The 2024 Update to the Evaluation of Corporate Compliance Programs is a critical reminder that compliance is not just about having policies in place but about creating a culture of ethics and integrity. For in-house compliance professionals, the lessons are clear: prioritize anonymous reporting mechanisms, ensure robust whistleblower protections, and foster a culture where employees feel safe and encouraged to speak up. Doing so protects our organizations and builds a workplace where ethical behavior is the norm, not the exception.

The 2024 Update to the Evaluation of Corporate Compliance Programs underscores the importance of a well-structured, well-publicized, and well-enforced compliance program. For compliance professionals, the key takeaways are clear: ensure your reporting mechanisms are robust and accessible, foster a safe and supportive environment for reporting, and protect those who come forward. By focusing on these areas, you can build a culture of integrity that meets regulatory expectations and creates a workplace where ethical behavior is the standard.

Daily Compliance News

Daily Compliance News: September 30, 2024 – The My Law Firm Edition

Welcome to the Daily Compliance News. Each day, Tom Fox, the Voice of Compliance, brings you compliance-related stories to start your day. Sit back, enjoy a cup of morning coffee, and listen to the Daily Compliance News. All from the Compliance Podcast Network.

Each day, we consider four stories from the business world: compliance, ethics, risk management, leadership, or general interest for the compliance professional.

In today’s edition of Daily Compliance News:

  • Trump plans to make DOJ his personal law firm. (WSJ)
  • CA wants carbon accounting. (WSJ)
  • Tim Brown wants tougher cyber laws. (FT)
  • Elliot affiliate wins Citgo auction. (Reuters)