Compliance Into the Weeds

Compliance into the Weeds-Episode 28

Microsoft Cybersecurity Tool May Prompt Compliance” as a starting point to consider the Big Brother implications, two-step security features, AI issues and all of this ties directly into the corporate compliance function.
[tweet_box design=”default” url=”” float=”none”]Microsoft’s Secure Score paves the way for better and more efficient compliance.[/tweet_box]]]>

Everything Compliance

This Week in FCPA-Episode 38, the M&M Edition

Show Notes for Episode 38, for the week ending February 3, the M&M edition:

  1. January a month for the FCPA record books. See article in the FCPA Blog.
  2. Are hunting trips a FCPA violation? How about in Sweden? See article in by Tom Fox in Compliance Week.
  3. VW update-what the former CEO knew and when did he know it and CCO ‘departs’. What does it all mean? See Tom Fox articles in Compliance Week on the former CEO and the departure of the CCO.
  4. New Tom Fox series on One Month to a Better Board, FCPA Compliance Report.
  5. Everything Compliance-Episode 6 is out. It is dedicated exclusively to Rolls-Royce.
  6. Jay Rosen Weekend Report preview.
  7. Super Bowl predictions.

[tweet_box design=”default” url=”” float=”none”]What were the week’s top FCPA, compliance and ethics stories? Check out This Week in FCPA to find out. [/tweet_box]]]>

This Week in FCPA

This Week in FCPA-Episode 34, the Invisible Hand Edition

In this episode Jay Rosen and I take a dive into the General Cable FCPA enforcement action, consider the ‘Invisible Hand’ of  Justice Department Compliance Counsel Hui Chen and greater regulatory enforcement, corporate response and innovation. We explain how these three factors combine in an ‘Invisible Hand’ to form a continuous improvement loop of compliance program innovation. It leads developments from cutting edge to best practices to becoming a routine part of an effective compliance program. We discuss the upcoming NFL divisional round of playoffs and conclude with Jay previewing the Jay Rosen Weekend Report. For more information on the General Cable FCPA enforcement action, check out my three-part blog post series:
Part I-the Bribery Schemes
Part II-the Comeback
Part III-the Denouement
[tweet_box design=”default” url=”″ float=”none”]How does the invisible hand impact continuous improvement of compliance programs?[/tweet_box]]]>

Compliance Into the Weeds

Compliance into the Weeds-Episode 8, big data, risk assessments, the compliance profession and implications from the Yates Memo