FCPA Compliance Report

FCPA Compliance Report -The Culture Audit™ for Culture Assessments

Welcome to the award-winning FCPA Compliance Report, the longest-running podcast in compliance. In this episode, Tom Fox welcomes Sam Silverstein to talk about the new software product, The Culture Audit™ which allows a compliance professional to perform a culture assessment as required by the Department of Justice.

In the ever-evolving corporate world, the importance of assessing and improving corporate culture cannot be overstated. This is the focus of The Culture Audit™, a software tool that provides a comprehensive assessment of a company’s culture, identifying potential risks and areas for improvement, developed by Sam Silverstein and the Accountability Institute. Tom views The Culture Audit™ as a valuable tool, especially in light of the Department of Justice’s focus on corporate culture in white-collar enforcement actions. He sees culture as a risk that can be assessed, managed, and continuously improved.

Sam shares this perspective and with his extensive experience in accountability and leadership, he emphasizes the importance of regular culture assessments, which can lead to a better bottom line by fostering a culture of high ethics, employee engagement, and quality decision-making. To learn more about the Culture Audit and how it can benefit your organization, join Tom Fox and Sam Silverstein on this episode of the FCPA Compliance Report podcast.

 Key Highlights

  • Culture Assessment and Risk Identification Tool
  • Multilingual Communication Tool for Global Organizations
  • Creating a Data-Driven Workplace Culture
  • The Culture Audit™: Assessing and Improving Workplace Culture
  • Measuring Relational Commitments for Organizational Success


Culture Audit

Set up a call to discuss the Culture Audit, click here

Sam Silverstein and the Accountability Institute

Sam Silverstein on LinkedIn

 Tom Fox





The Ethics Experts

Episode 162 – Sam Silverstein

In this episode of The Ethics Experts, Nick welcomes Sam Silverstein. Sam Silverstein, a Hall of Fame keynote speaker, accountability expert, and the author of 12 books on accountability, leadership, and workplace culture, including the highly acclaimed “No More Excuses!” and “Non-Negotiable.” As the founder of The Accountability Institute, LLC, and a seasoned speaker who has worked with some of the biggest names in business, government, and communities worldwide, Sam has the expertise and experience to help your team overcome its most significant challenges and achieve tremendous success.



The Ethics Experts

Episode 051–Sam Silverstein

In this episode of The Ethics Experts, Gio welcomes Sam Silverstein, Author: No More Excuses & I Am Accountable, to the show to discuss accountability, leadership, and culture.

The Ethics Movement

Sam Silverstein – The Accountability Workshop

CONVERGE is in its 5th year of bringing together the world’s leading companies for 2 days of dynamic speakers, thought-provoking breakout sessions, and opportunities to connect with like-minded professionals. This year the conference has gone virtual. You will leave the conference with new resources and best practices allowing you to continue the hard work of driving ethics to the center of your business. In today’s episode I visit with Sam Silverstein. We visit about his breakout at Converge20 on The Accountability Workshop.
What is Accountability and why have your been getting it wrong. More importantly with the renewed DOJ emphasis on Culture, Culture Assessment, Continuous Monitoring and Continuous Improvement, how can you use Accountability to drive the desired behaviors and satisfy the DOJ. For more registration and information on Converge20, click here.

Accountability: The Heart of Compliance

Episode 4-Delta Airlines Demonstrates Accountability

We have been getting accountability all wrong in the compliance profession. It’s not a set of tasks – it’s a way of thinking and it has to come from the heart as well as the head. On Accountability: The Heart of Compliance Tom Fox and Sam Silverstein dig into what accountability means to the corporate compliance function and business organizations and most significantly, how to make it an integral part of your culture. In this episode we consider a recent example of accountability in the corporate world, courtesy of Delta Airlines. Some of the highlights include:

  • Accountability means ‘your problem is my problem’.
  • Accountability means keeping your commitment to others.
  • When your organization is accountability to your community it inspires your employees.
  • How accountability informs your core values.

For more information on Sam Silverstein and his work on accountability, click here.