
Using Data Analytics to Create an Effective Compliance Program-Part 3

In this conclusion of a three-part blog post series, we are considering how to create an effective compliance program through the use of data analytics. I am joined in this exploration by Vince Walden, CEO of Kona AI and we are considering the requirements laid out by the Department of Justice (DOJ) in their recent pronouncements on best practices, as well as the key trends and lessons learned from enforcement actions. Finally, we will consider the speech by Kenneth Polite on the changes to the Corporate Enforcement Policy and how to meet those requirements using data analytics. Walden articulated 10 steps you need to follow:

  1. Assess a company’s conduct;
  2. Self-disclose;
  3. Know quickly if there is a problem or not;
  4. Have access to relevant sources of data;
  5. Conduct monitoring at the beginning and throughout the lifespan of the relationship
  6. Have an on-premise application;
  7. Look up vendors and transactions quickly;
  8. Run data through a library of corruption and fraud tests;
  9. Look at a predictive model and see if it meets the profile of an improper payment; and
  10. Have visibility into data almost at their fingertips.

The 7th step involves having an on-premise application for data analytics. This is an important step, as it allows companies to keep their data secure, while still being able to use predictive analytics and other compliance monitoring tools. You should consider a platform designed to be hosted and managed as a service, meaning that companies can utilize the platform without having to move large amounts of data around each month.

Under steps 8 & 9, you should run your data through a variety of libraries and test but a key is doing so without compromising their data privacy. Using data analytics to identify anomalous payments that may be indicative of corruption or fraudulent activities. This will help your organization to meet the DOJ’s expectations for an effective compliance program. It helps improve business processes, increase transparency, and reduce the risk of improper payments. Additionally, such a data analytics platform can be used to benchmark an individual company’s compliance program by identifying attributes of an improper payment.

Finally under Step 10, your organization should use a tool which also supports data visualization and dashboards that help companies analyze their compliance data in real time by quickly identifying any irregularities or anomalies that could be indicative of corruption or fraudulent activity. Your system should also provides support for automated reporting, allowing companies to easily generate reports on their compliance program. This can help companies identify areas of improvement, as well as any potential issues that should be addressed. Such visibility can extend up to the Board of Directors level which will enhance your reporting up the organization and facilitate the Board’s requirement for oversight under the Caremark Doctrine.

This approach can be used to facilitate risk assessments, helping companies to ensure that their compliance programs are up to the standards set by the DOJ. Through ongoing monitoring, it can be  used to track activities and progress in compliance over time, providing companies with a better understanding of their compliance processes, ensuring an effective way to demonstrate your compliance program is up to the standards set by the DOJ.

Data driven compliance decisions are essential for companies to meet the expectations of the DOJ This includes having access to relevant sources of data, conducting monitoring at the start and throughout the lifespan of a relationship, having an on-premise application, and self-disclosing any potential violations to the DOJ. A data analytics platform that can help companies meet these expectations, as it will provide advanced analytics and compliance monitoring that allow companies to quickly identify areas of risk and anomalies in their data. Additionally, the platform can be used to collaborate with other companies to gain insights into attributes of an improper payments to prevent fraud or even simple over-payment of vendor invoices.

Perhaps there is no better example of a data driven approach to compliance in meeting the DOJ expectations than in the 2022 ABB, Foreign Corruption Practices Act enforcement action. In it, ABB had notified the DOJ it wanted to meet and had scheduled a meeting but before ABB could come in and self-disclose, the story of ABB corruption in South Africa broke in the local news. However the DOJ credited ABB for detecting the violations and notifying the DOJ it was coming in. This went a long way towards the excellent result ABB was able to achieve in its resolution with the DOJ.

Listen to Vince Walden on Data Driven Compliance


Using Data Analytics to Create an Effective Compliance Program-Part 2

In this three-part blog post series, we are ruminating on how to create an effective compliance program through  the use of data analytics. I am joined in this exploration by Vince Walden, CEO of Kona AI and we are considering the requirements laid out by the Department of Justice (DOJ) in their recent pronouncements on best practices, as well as the key trends and lessons learned from enforcement actions. Finally, we will consider the speech by Kenneth Polite on the changes to the Corporate Enforcement Policy and how to meet those requirements using data analytics. Walden articulated 10 steps you need to follow:

  1. Assess a company’s conduct;
  2. Self-disclose;
  3. Know quickly if there is a problem or not;
  4. Have access to relevant sources of data;
  5. Conduct monitoring at the beginning and throughout the lifespan of the relationship
  6. Have an on-premise application;
  7. Look up vendors and transactions quickly;
  8. Run data through a library of corruption and fraud tests;
  9. Look at a predictive model and see if it meets the profile of an improper payment; and
  10. Have visibility into data almost at their fingertips.

Under Step 4, companies must quickly analyze their data quickly and efficiently to determine if they need to self-disclose any potential issues. By sharing the attributes across corporate siloes, companies can make their individual models perform better and improve their compliance programs. This allows companies to access the data quickly and easily, allowing them to identify potential risks and areas of improvement. It also provides insights into the effectiveness of compliance programs, allowing companies to make better informed decisions concerning their compliance.

Overall, having access to relevant sources of data is essential for an effective compliance program. Companies can gain access to data through on-premise platforms. By leveraging these sources of data, companies can ensure their compliance programs are up to date and compliant with applicable laws and regulations.

Step 5 is to conduct monitoring at the beginning and throughout the lifespan of any business  relationship or transaction cycle. This is an important step as it allows a company to identify potential issues with their compliance program and take corrective action. Monitoring should be conducted at the beginning of a relationship or transaction to ensure that all parties understand the expectations and that there is no potential for criminal activity. Monitoring should continue throughout the relationship as well, as this will allow a company to identify any changes in behavior or activity that could indicate a potential problem. This can be used to gain insights into a vendor’s financial and transactional data, which is often a key indicator of future or even potential compliance violations.

Having access to relevant sources of data and conducting monitoring throughout the lifespan of a third-party relationship will help an organization meet the expectations set by the DOJ for an effective compliance program. With the DOJ’s recent announcement of amendments to the Corporate Enforcement Policy, companies have even greater incentive to self-disclose if they uncover potential violations, all of which demonstrates an effective compliance program. A data analytics platform can help companies quickly identify understanding of the risks and monitoring these relationships regularly, companies can ensure that they are compliant with all applicable regulations and review potential issues.

With a comprehensive view of their activities, organizations can quickly identify any changes in activities, such as unusual patterns of payments or activities, which could indicate a potential problem. Through visibility into third party activities and transactions, companies are able to gain a better understanding of the compliance risk associated with their third-party relationships. Moreover, businesses have a mechanism to identify any financial or transactional red flags.

Interestingly Walden advocates having an “on-premise application” for data analytics, which is he step 6.  He believes “This is an important step, as it allows companies to keep their data secure, while still being able to use predictive analytics and other compliance monitoring tools.” It can be hosted and managed as a service, “meaning that companies can utilize the platform without having to move large amounts of data around each month.” This helps companies to gain insights from the model without compromising their data privacy. Furthermore, this platform can be used to identify anomalous payments that may be indicative of corruption or fraudulent activities.

Join us tomorrow where continue conclude our exploration of using data analytics to create an effective compliance program.

Listen to Vince Walden on Data Driven Compliance


Using Data Analytics to Create an Effective Compliance Program-Part 1

I recently had the opportunity to visit with Vince Walden for the inaugural episode of the newest podcast on the Compliance Podcast Network, Data Driven Compliance. Walden is a compliance professional with 15 years of experience, who left his day job and founded Kona AI, a cutting-edge innovation for compliance professionals. Kona AI is an on-premise platform to build advanced analytics and compliance monitoring that aligns with the DOJ’s expectations.

Over this multi-part blog post series, I will be discussing how to create an effective compliance program through  the use of data analytics by considering the requirement laid out by the Department of Justice (DOJ) in their recent pronouncements on a best practices, as well as the key trends and lessons learned from enforcement actions. Finally, we will consider the speech by Kenneth Polite on the changes to the Corporate Enforcement Policy and how to meet those requirements using data analytics.

It is important for compliance professionals to make informed decisions that are driven by data to ensure that the compliance program is effective and efficient. Data-driven decisions enable compliance professionals to make decisions that are backed by evidence, allowing them to make informed decisions that are based on facts and figures rather than assumptions or guesswork. Without data, compliance professionals would be unable to accurately measure the effectiveness of their compliance program or identify potential risks or areas of non-compliance.

Data-driven decisions also allow compliance professionals to identify areas of strength and opportunities for improvement. By utilizing data, they can identify trends, patterns, and correlations that can help them understand the underlying causes of compliance issues and formulate strategies to address them. Furthermore, data-driven decisions are more likely to be accepted and supported by stakeholders, as they are based on facts and have been thoroughly researched and analyzed. Ultimately, data-driven decisions ensure that compliance professionals are making informed decisions that are in the best interests of their organization. Walden articulate 10 steps you need to follow:

  1. Assess a company’s conduct;
  2. Self-disclose;
  3. Know quickly if there is a problem or not;
  4. Have access to relevant sources of data;
  5. Conduct monitoring at the beginning and throughout the lifespan of the relationship
  6. Have an on-premise application;
  7. Look up vendors and transactions quickly;
  8. Run data through a library of corruption and fraud tests;
  9. Look at a predictive model and see if it meets the profile of an improper payment; and
  10. Have visibility into data almost at your fingertips.

Under Step 1, the assessing of your company’s conduct begins with understanding the DOJ’s  expectations for an effective compliance program. Companies should have policies and procedures in place that enable them to access relevant sources of data, conduct ongoing monitoring of third-party relationships, and hold compliance officers accountable for the effectiveness of the compliance program. Additionally, companies should ensure they have the necessary technology in place to be able to quickly conduct an analysis of their data to determine if a self-disclosure is necessary. By taking these steps, companies can ensure they are meeting the DOJ’s expectations and are in a better position to successfully self-disclose if necessary.

Finally, assessing a company’s conduct should also involve an analysis of the company’s external communications. Companies should have a process in place for responding to inquiries from the public, media, and other stakeholders, and they should ensure that all communications are accurate and timely. Additionally, companies should ensure they are regularly engaging with their stakeholders to keep them informed of any changes in their compliance policies or procedures. By taking these steps, companies can ensure they are engaging in effective external communications that foster trust and confidence in their compliance program.

Self-disclosure is a key step in achieving an effective compliance program. Walden lists this as Step 2. It is important for companies to to demonstrate their commitment to compliance and avoid possible enforcement actions. Recently Kenneth Polite reiterated the importance of self-disclosure and discussed the changes to the corporate enforcement policy. Self-disclosure is viewed as a sign of good faith and can have a major impact on the DOJ’s decision to pursue or not to pursue a case.

However, to meet this requirement under the DOJ Corporate Enforcement Policy, companies need to have access to their data quickly in order to determine if self-disclosure is necessary. This means having an on-premises platform that can quickly search through transactions, identify potential corrupt payments, and compare them to a predictive model. This will demonstrate that they have an effective compliance program for the DOJ to consider them for leniency. But it requires having access to relevant sources of data and conducting monitoring throughout the relationship with third parties. Having an analytics platform can help companies detect anomalies in their data and identify patterns in the data that can help create an effective compliance program.

In addition to self-disclosure, companies must also take steps to ensure that their compliance program is effective and meets the standards of the DOJ. Companies should have access to a streamlined technology platform that helps them manage their compliance efforts. This platform should have tools to monitor third-party relationships, identify suspicious activity, and monitor compliance efforts. An effective compliance program also requires ensuring that employees receive proper training and understanding of the company’s policies and procedures. Companies should also have an audit system in place to regularly check that their compliance program is meeting the standards of the DOJ. This audit system should include periodic assessments of the compliance program and regular reviews of third-party relationships.

Of course, if you do not know you have a problem, you organization cannot self-disclose and cannot meet the mandates to demonstrate an effective compliance program. Hence under Step 3, an organization must understand if there is a problem or not which warrants self-disclosure.  With the right technology in place, companies can monitor their compliance efforts and ensure that they are meeting the expectations of the DOJ. Additionally, companies should ensure that employees are properly trained on the company’s policies and procedures. Taking these steps can help create an effective compliance program that meets the expectations of the DOJ.

Join us tomorrow where continue our exploration of using data analytics to create an effective compliance program.

Listen to Vince Walden on Data Driven Compliance.

Data Driven Compliance

Vince Walden on Taking Your Compliance Program to the Next Level Through Data Analytics

Welcome to Data Driven Compliance, the newest edition to the Compliance Podcast Network. In this podcast we will discuss how to use data to improve and enhance the effectiveness of your compliance program, creating greater business efficiency, all leading to more return on the investment for your compliance regime. Join host Tom Fox as he explores how data will drive your compliance program to the next level. This podcast is sponsored by Kona AI.

In our inaugural episode, I visit with Vince Walden, a forensic data analytics expert and the CEO of Kona AI, a cutting-edge compliance monitoring platform. He has a long history of consulting for white collar crime investigations and forensic data analytics. He has worked on high profile data analytical projects such as Anheuser Busch’s BrewRite platform.

Key Highlights

  1. Discover how data analytics can be used to fight global corruption and identify improper payments.
  2. Learn how data transparency and cost-effectiveness are paramount to an effective compliance program.
  3. Investigate how data analytics platforms can be used to keep organizations out of trouble and make the business better.

Notable Quotes

“Compliance professionals are now being looked at to help spearhead this initiative around business transparency, especially into their third parties or their employee activities, and sometimes even customers or distributors.”

“Getting companies to commit resources to it, it needs to be cost effective.”

“Data analytics is always a topic at the conferences, at the conferences on social media, et cetera. Gaining insights into transparency in your data is paramount to an effective compliance program.”

“Being able to make the business better by adding cash back onto the balance sheet and stopping improper payments or finding errors or stopping a corrupt payment before it’s paid, that’s all making the business better.”


Connect with Vince Walden on LinkedIn

Check out Kona AI

Connect with Tom Fox on LinkedIn

31 Days to More Effective Compliance Programs

Day 1 – What 2022 Brought To Compliance Programs

Welcome to a special podcast series on the Compliance Podcast Network, 31 Days to a More Effective Compliance Program. Over these 31 days series in January 2023, I will post a key part of a best practices compliance program daily. By the end of January, you will have enough information to create, design or enhancement a compliance program. Each podcast will be short, at 6-8 minutes, with three key takeaways you can implement at little or no cost to help update your compliance program. I hope you will plan to join each day in January for this exploration of best practices in compliance.

2022 was a very significant year for every compliance practitioner and compliance program. While there was a paucity of corporate FCPA enforcement actions, three actions were significant, with multiple lessons for the compliance professional. In ABB, we learned about the costs of a corrupt culture and recidivism. In Glencore, we saw what happens to a company that engages in worldwide systemic bribery and corruption. Finally, in Stericycle, the company had a culture of corruption burned into the DNA of the LATAM business unit, which was so thorough that it was documented via bribery spreadsheets and analysis of revenue based on payments of bribes in LATAM. Yet even with this corrupt culture, the Stericycle enforcement action demonstrated how a company could take advantage of the discounts available under the FCPA Corporate Enforcement Policy by extensive cooperation and remediation during the pendency of the FCPA investigation, as the company obtained a 25% reduction off the bottom of the applicable US Sentencing Guidelines fine range.

September saw the announcement of a significant refinement of Department of Justice (DOJ) enforcement policies on the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) enforcement and corporate compliance programs. It was encapsulated in the Monaco Memo and a speech by Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco announcing the Monaco Doctrine. There was additional commentary by Principal Associate Deputy Attorney General Marshall Miller in a speech and by Assistant Attorney General Kenneth A. Polite. Every compliance professional should know them in detail as they significantly turn the heat up on corporate compliance programs. The Monaco Memo is further clarification and guidance for line prosecutors when considering whether to put a monitor in place. While we have seen these factors in a disparate manner, in disparate places, here they are in writing. Perhaps the greatest significance is that the Memo sets down all these matters in writing, which leads to a blueprint for DOJ thinking and a roadmap for anyone who finds themselves in an FCPA investigation or enforcement action. Finally, the Monaco Memo cemented the new DOJ requirement for CCO certification of compliance programs at the end of a resolution.

The final key event for compliance in 2022 was very much under the radar. The DOJ hired Matt Galvan to help develop data analytics expertise and capability for the FCPA Unit and the Fraud Section. Galvan was most recently the CCO at AB InBev and perhaps the top compliance professional in data analytics for a corporate compliance program. It will be most interesting to see where Galvan and the DOJ take this initiative, but it does portend the increasing use of data analytics in FCPA enforcement and compliance.

 Three key takeaways:

1. Key FCPA cases in 2022 were Glencore, ABB, and Stericycle.

2. The Monaco Memo refocused the DOJ’s efforts on FCPA and other white-collar crime and put the heat on compliance programs.

3. The DOJ’s hiring of Matt Galvan will focus on the DOJ’s expertise in data analytics and their employment in compliance programs.

FCPA Compliance Report

Ty Francis on LRN Acquisition of Compliance Learning Solutions

Welcome to the award-winning FCPA Compliance Report, the longest running podcast in compliance. In this special episode, I visit with Ty Francis, the Chief Advisory Officer at LRN. We discuss the just-announced LRN acquisition of the Compliance Learning business unit from Thomson Reuters. The acquisition will further establish LRN’s position as the largest global provider of E&C program management and learning solutions serving over 2,500 companies and tens of millions of learners. It will place LRN literally across every continent, including a larger strategic presence in Asia-Pacific markets. This acquisition also enhances LRN’s capabilities and expertise in the financial services marketplace and will help accelerate several of its vertical market product strategies. Some of the highlights include:

  • How this acquisition allows LNR to bring compliance training to where a customer’s employees are located.
  • How this acquisition will facilitate data-driven compliance.
  • Why a holistic, worldwide scope for compliance learning will be a business positive.
  • How this acquisition will meet the continued growth in the regulatory landscape on a global basis.



The Compliance Life

Bridget Abraham-Reflections on a Non-Traditional Compliance Career Path

The Compliance Life details the journey to and in the role of a Chief Compliance Officer. How does one come to sit in the CCO chair? What skills does a CCO need to navigate the compliance waters in any company successfully? What are some of the top challenges CCOs have faced, and how did they meet them? These questions and many others will be explored in this new podcast series. Over four episodes each month on The Compliance Life, I visit with one current or former CCO to explore their journey to the CCO chair. This month, my guest is Bridget Abraham, CCO at Remitly, who had a decidedly non-traditional path to the CCO Chair.

In this concluding episode, Bridget reflected on her non-traditional path to the CCO chair. She also discussed the compliance challenges of moving money around the globe and doing so with less friction. She recalled some of the key mentors who had helped her career path and concluded with thoughts on how and why a corporate compliance program needs to use data to tell its story.


Bridget Abraham LinkedIn Profile


Oracle: FCPA Recidivist Part 5 – What Does It All Mean?

In this post, we conclude our exploration of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) enforcement action involving the now recidivist Oracle Corporation. This enforcement action was concluded with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) resulting in an Order. After having examined the background facts and bribery schemes in some details, we turn to what does it all mean for FCPA enforcement going forward and what lessons can the compliance profession draw from Oracle’s missteps.

Paper Programs Fail

One of the most prominent lessons to be garnered from this matter is that paper compliance programs Do Not Work. That may sound like perhaps the most basic truism in all of compliance but here we are in 2022, looking at a major multinational organization which had a ‘check-the-box’ compliance program around distributors and it eventually bit them in the backside.

After having its first FCPA enforcement action in 2012 involving distributors in India, where deep and unwarranted discounts were used to create a pot of slush funds to pay bribes, Oracle instituted a requirement for a ‘second set of eyes’ outside the business unit for unusual or excessive discounts. According to its policies regarding distributors, a valid and legitimate business reason was required to provide a discount to a distributor. Oracle used a three-tier system for approving discount requests above designated amounts, depending on the product. In the first level, Oracle at times allowed subsidiary employees to obtain approval from an approver in a subsidiary other than that of the employee seeking the discount. At the next level and for higher level of discounts, Oracle required the subsidiary employee to obtain approval from another geographic region and the final level (and for the highest discounts) was from someone at the Oracle corporate headquarters. So far so good.

The problem was there was no requirement for evidence of a business justification to support the requested discount. The Order noted, “Oracle reviewers could request documentary support, Oracle policy did not require documentary support for the requested discounts – even at the highest level.” A statement of why you need a discount without any supporting documents as evidence is simply that – a statement. In other words, there was no way for a higher-level approver to determine if such a request was valid or fraudulent. Ronald Reagan was on to a basic compliance concept when he intoned “Trust, but verify.” Those words still ring true as a basic requirement in any compliance program.

Data Analytics

The Oracle enforcement action emphasized why data analytics is mandatory for any current compliance program. In addition to creating slush funds through discounts to distributors, slush funds were created through fraudulent reimbursement requests for expenses associated with marketing Oracle’s products. If the request were under $5,000, business unit level supervisors at the subsidiaries could approve them without any corroborating documentation indicating that the marketing activity actually took place. In one example from the Order, it noted that an Oracle Turkey sales employees obtained such fraudulent reimbursements totaling approximately $115,200 in 2018 that were “ostensibly for marketing purposes and were individually under this $5,000 threshold.” There was apparently no one looking to see who and how often these reimbursement requests were made by any single employee or approved by any supervisor.

This is as basic a fraud scheme as one can imagine. Think of employee gift, travel and entertainment (GTE) reimbursement where anything over $100 must be preapproved. One BD type or one business unit routinely submits requests after purchases of $99.99 so no preapproval is required. The supervisor approves it, and it is automatically paid to the employee. One reimbursement at $99.99 may not raise a red flag but multiple requests should. The same concept holds true in this situation. However, no one at Oracle was looking at this bigger picture. This is where a data analytics program would pick up such anomalies and flag it for closer inspection and investigation. Oracle appears to have realized this through part of its remediation which included the implementation of a compliance data analytics program moving to proactive auditing.

Internal Control Upgrades

Putting in compliance enhancements to remediate your control failures is a key part to any FCPA enforcement resolution. In this area, there were improvements in the following capacities: (a) in distributor discounting by improving aspects of the Oracle discount approval process and increasing transparency in the product discounting process through the implementation and expansion of transactional controls; (b) in the Oracle procurement process through the increased oversight of, and controls on, the purchase requisition approval process; (c) by the removal of perverse incentives by limiting financial motivations and business courtesies available to third parties; (d) in basic gifts, travel and entertainment policies (GTE) by improving its customer registration and payment checking processes in connection with Oracle technology conferences.

Basic GTE

I cannot believe that in 2022 we are talking about companies that still do not have the most basic GTE policies in force. Since at least 2007, the Department of Justice (DOJ) made clear what was appropriate in business travel, business courtesies and business entertainment. Oracle’s 112 Project decidedly was not as it was designed to appear as a business trip to Oracle’s home office (then in California) related to Oracle’s bid on a project. However, the trip was designed to be a sham to hide boondoggle travel for four government officials. The alleged business meeting at the corporate headquarters lasted only 15 minutes and for the rest of the week, the Oracle BD folks entertained the government officials in Los Angeles and Napa Valley and then took them to a “theme park” in the greater Los Angeles area. Any travel involving government officials or any other covered persons under the FCPA should be submitted to and approved by your compliance function, including costs and the itinerary.

There was much to consider from the SEC enforcement action under the FCPA involving Oracle. We still have not heard from the DOJ. There may be more to come….

Great Women in Compliance

Megan Zwiebel – Data, Behavioral Science and the Compliance Function

Welcome to the Great Women in Compliance Podcast, co-hosted by Lisa Fine and Mary Shirley.

In this episode of Great Women in Compliance, Lisa speaks with Megan Zwiebel, who is Director of Operations & Delivery at R&G Insights Lab, which is an analytics and behavioral science practice, affiliated with the law firm Ropes & Gray. Megan started her career at a large law firm at a litigator, and used her natural curiosity and skill set to move into journalism, and now into her current role, where she and the team are helping to build innovative and practical solutions for organizations and legal practices in using data and science.

In this discussion, Megan talks about how the R&G Insights Lab compliments traditional law firm work, and how it is different, with respect to supporting E&C programs. She talks about the importance of “telling the story,” and how we can best use these tools to build our programs and to work cross-functionally.

Like Lisa, Megan started her career at a large law firm, and they discuss some of their similar and different experiences in those first jobs, and how that impacted their work and career trajectories. She shares some of the law firm evolution she has seen, and how women in leadership is inspiring and impacts law firm culture.

The Great Women in Compliance Podcast is on the Compliance Podcast Network with a selection of other Compliance related offerings to listen in to.  If you are enjoying this episode, please rate it on your preferred podcast player to help other likeminded Ethics and Compliance professionals find it.  If you have a moment to leave a review at the same time, Mary and Lisa would be so grateful.

You can also find the GWIC podcast on Corporate Compliance Insights where Lisa and Mary have a landing page with additional information about them and the story of the podcast.  Corporate Compliance Insights is a much-appreciated sponsor and supporter of GWIC, including affiliate organization CCI Press publishing the related book; “Sending the Elevator Back Down, What We’ve Learned from Great Women in Compliance” (CCI Press, 2020). If you enjoyed the book, the GWIC team would be very grateful if you would consider rating it on Goodreads and Amazon and leaving a short review.

You can subscribe to the Great Women in Compliance podcast on any podcast player by searching for it and we welcome new subscribers to our podcast.

Join the Great Women in Compliance community on LinkedIn here.

The Walden Pond

An Interview with Myself – How My Forensic Data Analytics Career Led Me to Kona AI


Host Vincent Walden goes solo as he shares his story of changing careers and discusses the direction he plans to take his new company in. Vincent is using his 20+ years as a legal, compliance and investigation technology innovation expert to lead Kona AI as its new CEO. Kona AI is the most innovative, AI-driven, cost-effective, and easy-to-use compliance and anti-fraud technology solution to mid and large companies on the market.



In the last months of his role as Managing Director at Alvarez & Marsal, he came to the realization that the Kona AI platform, which they had been using to help companies find improper payments, needed to be scaled. Now, he and his colleague Matt Galvin are collaborating with MIT to build an algorithm-sharing consortium of leading companies.



To learn more, and contact Vincent Walden, please visit Kona AI