Daily Compliance News

Daily Compliance News: December 12, 2023 – The WFH Winners and Losers Edition

Welcome to the Daily Compliance News. Each day, Tom Fox, the Voice of Compliance, brings you compliance-related stories to start your day. Sit back, enjoy a cup of morning coffee, and listen to the Daily Compliance News. all from the Compliance Podcast Network. Each day we consider four stories from the business world: compliance, ethics, risk management, leadership, or general interest for the compliance professional.

Stories we are following in today’s edition:

  • The Pope says to be merciful about Vatican corruption. (The Pillar)
  • Major oil producers scuttle COP28. (FT)
  • Winners and Losers in WFH. (WSJ)
  • The State Department aids in the fight against corruption. (DoS Press Release)

Gallocast-Episode 12: Halloween and Day of the Dead

Welcome to the GalloCast. You have heard of the Manningcast in football. Now we have the Gallocast in compliance. The two top brothers in compliance, Nick and Gio Gallo, come together for a free-form exploration of compliance topics. It is an excellent insight on compliance brought to you by the co-CEOs of ComplianceLine. Fun, witty, and insightful with a dash of the two brothers throughout. It is like listening to the Brothers Gallo talk about compliance at the Sunday dinner table. Hosted by Tom Fox, the Voice of Compliance.

Halloween and Day of the Dead are just past us as the Brothers Gallo return for another Gallocast. Nick Gallo, in discussing SBF and FTX, emphasizes the importance of legal guidance and accountability in navigating complex ethical issues. He believes in the power of effective communication and strategic leadership in advocating for corporate ethics and compliance. On the other hand, Gio Gallo, with his focus on storytelling and advocacy, stresses the significance of securing budget allocation towards compliance and ethics from the executive suite. He believes a cultural shift within the organization involving a diverse group of individuals is crucial in addressing compliance and ethics challenges. Join Tom Fox, Nick Gallo, and Gio Gallo as they delve deeper into these topics in this episode of the GalloCast podcast.

Key Highlights:

  • SBF and Advice of Counsel defense. Where does the leadership buck stop?
  • RTW or WFH. How should an employer(s) approach this topic?
  • DS Disco- Why would 25% of the workforce write a letter to BOD asking them to fix corporate culture?
  • At what point should a start-up build out its internal controls? How about a compliance program?
  • How transparent should your whistleblowing process be with a reporter?
  • UM, the football program, is being investigated for electronic sign stealing.
  • What happens if a whistleblower allegation is made in bad faith?


Nick Gallo on LinkedIn

Gio Gallo on LinkedIn


Tom Fox 

Connect with me on the following sites:







Gallocast – Episode 12: Halloween and Day of the Dead

Welcome to the GalloCast. You have heard of the Manningcast in football. Now we have the Gallocast in compliance. The two top brothers in compliance, Nick and Gio Gallo, come together for a free-form exploration of compliance topics. It is an excellent insight on compliance brought to you by the co-CEOs of ComplianceLine. Fun, witty, and insightful with a dash of the two brothers throughout. It is like listening to the Brothers Gallo talk about compliance at the Sunday dinner table. Hosted by Tom Fox, the Voice of Compliance.

Halloween and Day of the Dead are just past us as the Brothers Gallo return for another Gallocast. Nick Gallo, in discussing SBF and FTX, emphasizes the importance of legal guidance and accountability in navigating complex ethical issues. He believes in the power of effective communication and strategic leadership in advocating for corporate ethics and compliance. On the other hand, Gio Gallo, with his focus on storytelling and advocacy, stresses the significance of securing budget allocation towards compliance and ethics from the executive suite. He believes a cultural shift within the organization involving a diverse group of individuals is crucial in addressing compliance and ethics challenges. Join Tom Fox, Nick Gallo, and Gio Gallo as they delve deeper into these topics in this episode of the GalloCast podcast.

Key Highlights:

  • SBF and Advice of Counsel defense. Where does the leadership buck stop?
  • RTW or WFH. How should an employer(s) approach this topic?
  • DS Disco- Why would 25% of the workforce write a letter to BOD asking them to fix corporate culture?
  • At what point should a start-up build out its internal controls? How about a compliance program?
  • How transparent should your whistleblowing process be with a reporter?
  • UM, the football program, is being investigated for electronic sign stealing.
  • What happens if a whistleblower allegation is made in bad faith?


Nick Gallo on LinkedIn

Gio Gallo on LinkedIn


Tom Fox 

Connect with me on the following sites:






Daily Compliance News

Daily Compliance News: September 15, 2023 – The We Need to See Pain Edition

Welcome to the Daily Compliance News. Each day, Tom Fox, the Voice of Compliance, brings you compliance-related stories to start your day. Sit back, enjoy morning coffee, and listen to the Daily Compliance News. All from the Compliance Podcast Network. Each day, we consider four stories from the business world: compliance, ethics, risk management, leadership, or general interest for the compliance professional.

Stories we are following in today’s edition of Daily Compliance News:

  • Will a name change for SNC-Lavalin help it overcome its corrupt past?  (Bloomberg)
  • CA to require employers to pay for food worker certification. (NYT)
  • Australian tycoon says workers need to see pain to return them to subservience. (BBC)
  • BP CEO resigns for lying about ‘multiple’ relationships with employees. (Houston Chronicle)
Daily Compliance News

Daily Compliance News: August 8, 2023 – The Shocked, Just Shocked Edition

Welcome to the Daily Compliance News. Each day, Tom Fox, the Voice of Compliance brings to you compliance-related stories to start your day. Sit back, enjoy a cup of morning coffee, and listen in to the Daily Compliance News. All, from the Compliance Podcast Network. Each day we consider four stories from the business world, compliance, ethics, risk management, leadership, or general interest for the compliance professional.

·       Largest Altice shareholder ‘shocked’ about corruption allegations. (Broadband)

·       Zoom order employees back to the office.  (NYT)

·       Former CISA head blasts new SEC disclosure rules. (FT)

·       Siemens under ABC investigation in Austria.  (Reuters)

Daily Compliance News

Daily Compliance News: June 2, 2023 – The End is Nigh Edition

Welcome to the Daily Compliance News. Each day, Tom Fox, the Voice of Compliance, brings you compliance-related stories to start your day. Sit back, enjoy a cup of morning coffee, and listen to the Daily Compliance News. All from the Compliance Podcast Network. Each day we consider four stories from the business world, compliance, ethics, risk management, leadership, or general interest for the compliance professional.

Stories we are following in today’s edition:

  • South Sudan mining corruption. (OCCRP)
  • End of LIBOR is here. (WSJ)
  • Ford accuses Blue Cross of making too much money. (Reuters)
  • Use WFH and get a tax break in Texas. (Bloomberg)
Compliance Into the Weeds

Mental Health and Compliance Officers

The award-winning, Compliance into the Weeds is the only weekly podcast that takes a deep dive into a compliance-related topic, literally going into the weeds to explore a subject. This episode considers the very prescient topic of mental health and compliance officers. There is a mental health crisis in the U.S. workforce today, which also applies to compliance officers. Matt recently moderated a webinar hosted by Ethico on how mental health issues can affect corporate culture and compliance officers. The panelists included Paul Liebman, head of compliance at Harvard University; Sarah Ross, a former compliance officer at Novartis who now runs a consulting business on burnout, depression, and related issues; and Nick Gallo, co-CEO at Ethico.

Some of the highlights included:

  • How the Covid-19 pandemic accelerated the issues of mental health for all workers.
  • We had some great suggestions from the panelists and webinar participants.
  • Understanding the difference between mental health and mental illness is critical.
  • Consider how your company could weave mental health awareness into training, especially manager training.
  • Define boundaries between work and personal life.
  • Finding a friend in your field can be a critical mental health safety check. If you feel like you have someone to speak to about stress, you’re more likely to understand and confront that stress. True for compliance officers and other employees alike.
  • There is a strong connection between mental health and a speak-up culture generally. If employees feel afraid to speak up about feeling stressed or overworked, would they be equally reluctant to speak up about misconduct?


Matt Kelly in Radical Compliance


Woodstock and Redesigning Work

On this date in 1969, one of the all-time events in music history, the Woodstock Music & Art Fair, drew to a close after three days of peace, love and rock ‘n’ roll in upstate New York. According to This Day in History, the promoters sold “about 186,000 tickets and expected no more than 200,000 people to show up. Close to half a million people attended Woodstock, jamming the roads around Bethel with eight miles of traffic.” Woodstock certainly brought a new way of thinking about such events. I thought it was a good way to introduce today’s topic of thinking through a different way to redesign your compliance program based on an article in MIT Sloan Management, entitled The Four-Step Process for Redesigning Work by Lynda Gratton. Gratton believes that a “fear of failure weighs heavily on many leaders tasked with managing new workplace expectations. Seeing the challenge as a process is the way forward.” Her piece provides a great way to think about the decision on hybrid or other models of working going forward.

Moreover, this fear is disrupting other areas which demand corporate attention right now and  “has left leaders hypersensitive to issues of retention and unsure what accommodations, if any, will attract and keep talent. They are also apprehensive about what their competitors are doing. This has a ripple effect: Because of the fear of failure, I’ve seen leaders begin to stumble on issues of inclusion, belonging, and identity. Rather than being bold and adopting an experimental mindset, they are falling back to familiar ways of operating and becoming less empathic to what others want. When we fear failure, we retreat to the known.” I would only add the same is true for the corporate compliance function.

Gratton believes all of this means “the way organizations work is in need of a structural overhaul, and that the task of moving forward needs to be worked out by more people than just an organization’s top leadership. Leaders who have confronted their fears and set about this task of overhaul have done it by moving through four crucial steps: understanding people, networks, and jobs; reimagining how work gets done; modeling and testing redesign ideas against core principles; and ensuring the overhaul sticks by taking action widely.” I have adapted her work for the compliance professional.

Understand What Matters

Probably the top fear or concern is the decision to work from home or require workers to return to the office. But the key is “to understand with precision what matters: for example, where and how productive work takes place, what people want, and how knowledge flows.” For instance, being in the office can allow more productivity in crucial tasks particularly around individual thinking, analyzing, and writing. It turned out that for these people, being out of a busy office during lockdown was a plus.

But that is not the only equation as “work, people, and knowledge flow differ across companies.” As Gratton noted from one study participant, “Bringing ideas from across all our disciplines is crucial for us. In the office, we have engineers, designers, planners, technical specialists, and consultants. We want them to talk to each other and bounce ideas off each other.” This leadership clarity allows that “an office-based way of working would maximize highly valued cooperative behavior.”

Reimagine new ways of operating

Understanding the focus of your compliance team can be a key driver of productivity but it can also lessen “fears about pushing for an office-based way of working and enabled them to be imaginative and bold.” For instance, you might try to create opportunities for some employees to work anywhere for three months. Once again this might not work for all companies but if your compliance tasks can lend themselves to this approach it could be useful for you to consider it going forward.

The author reported, “Unilever reimagined the employee contract — the set of promises that employers make to their people.” To that end, “the conglomerate reimagined how to enable employees to work for Unilever while also engaging in other activities such as starting a business, traveling, or caring for a family member. In this model, called U-Work, some employees receive a monthly retainer and earn assignment pay. Importantly, they also get pension support and access to health insurance.” This allows flexibility “between being a full-time employee and being a contractor or agency worker from a third-party organization.”

Model and test new ways of working

Obviously, any model work should be aligned to the company’s purpose or business strategy. Unfortunately for many top-down run businesses, that means treating your employees like children. But if you succeeded during the pandemic (and you had to) you should be able to determine a hybrid way of working that could have a longer-term play.

For compliance that might mean a fuller determination of what being “customer-centric means and how hybrid work would have to align to changing customer needs.” Of course, for a compliance professional, your customer could be a variety of stakeholders such as employees, Supply Chain vendors or other third parties. The author’s overall point is to “be bold and courageous in your attend… in the spirit of being experimental.”

Act and create

A clear concern is that new models of work may end up becoming fads that are never really embedded into the culture of the company or will be discarded at the first sign of a recession or cost cutting. While senior leadership is critical in supporting such initiatives, Gratton identified four ways to deepen engagement and support throughout an organization for such a change.

  1. Managers must be engaged. A series of workshops with them helped create a managerial playbook.
  2. Communication to describe how these new work models would positively impact talent attraction and retention while supporting the strategic aim of the business.
  3. Managers should have open and active communications channels with their teams to make agreements on details such as when employees would work together in the office and when they would engage in focused work at home.
  4. Managers should support each other through peer networks to support and learn from each other.

Gratton ended her piece by challenging leaders to ask themselves three questions: “Where are you now on the journey of redesigning work? Are there steps you need to reengage with in a more purposeful manner? And are you clear about what your biggest priorities are? The actions you take now will create your signature model of work and define the deal that you are making with your employees and your customers.” The same is even more so for a Chief Compliance Officer (CCO) and corporate compliance function.

Innovation in Compliance

The Real Cost of Returning to the Office With Dr. Gleb Tsipursky

Dr. Gleb Tsipursky is the thought leader and CEO of Disaster Avoidance Experts, a boutique future-of-work consultancy that helps tech and insurance executives drive collaboration, innovation, and retention in hybrid work. Currently, he is focusing on normalizing hybrid and remote work, which he further discusses in his book, Leading Hybrid and Remote Teams. Tom Fox welcomes him to this week’s show to talk about Elon Musk’s misinformed views on remote work and why working from home is better for productivity levels. 

Remote Work v. Working From the Office
Tom asks Dr. Gleb what drove him to write the article entitled, Elon Musk’s back-to-the-office order will undermine Tesla’s future. It was his response to Musk’s announcement to abolish remote work on the grounds that it made his employees unproductive, Dr. Gleb tells Tom. He has been researching hybrid remote work since the beginning of the pandemic, and found that remote workers are much more productive. A study at Stanford determined that productivity improved by 5% as office workers worked remotely. “They [workers] don’t have to do the unpaid labor of the commute and they can focus more on productive activities because they’re not interrupted,” Dr. Gleb explains. 
Authoritarian Workplace
Tom asks Dr. Gleb if he believes a top-down command and control approach to leadership would work in 2022 and beyond. Dr. Gleb replies that this kind of leadership can only be successful in narrow environments. He believes that it is most successful in environments like warehouses “where you don’t need to be skilled, or a kind of manufacturing job where …you don’t need to do much innovative work.” However, since Tesla is an innovative company, command and control will undermine Tesla’s future. It is a company that requires knowledgeable and creative thinkers and those types of people would suffer under micromanagement. He also points out that demanding his employees to return to the office because he believes they are not working remotely, signals a lack of trust which is a very dangerous corporate culture. 
The Fate of Tesla
Many of Tesla’s employees are innovators and creators; these include research and development staff and software engineers. Throughout the pandemic, these employees have been successfully and productively working from home, but now they are being forced to go out to the office. Naturally, these accomplished innovators would seek employment elsewhere, where they have comfortable working conditions. This leaves Tesla with employees who are conformists, who are okay with the authoritarian culture being imposed on them, and these people are less creative and innovative. Over time this will cause Tesla to lose the edge that makes them unique, Dr. Gleb argues.
Dr. Gleb Tsipursky | LinkedIn | Twitter 
Disaster Avoidance Experts | Book – “Leading Hybrid and Remote Teams” 

Daily Compliance News

January 15, 2022 the End of Sick Days Edition

In today’s edition of Daily Compliance News:

  • College degrees and hiring. (NYT)
  • Halbank prosecution put on hold. (Reuters)
  • End of the sick day. (WSJ)
  • Who is responsible when crypto goes bad? (WSJ)