Career Can D0

Breaking The Degree Myth When Hiring with Dr. Donald McNeeley

What if the future of hiring focused more on real-world impact than a college degree? In this episode of Career Can Do, Mary Ann Faremouth chats with Dr. Donald McNeeley, Executive Chairman of Chicago Tube and Iron and a professor at Northwestern University, about how hiring practices are evolving and what it means for both employers and candidates.

Dr. McNeeley makes a thought-provoking point: someone without a degree could hit the ground running and make a significant impact from day one, while a degree-holder might take years to deliver real results. He argues that when it comes to hiring, experience and practical skills should take center stage, especially in fields like sales where immediate contribution matters.

He encourages employers to keep an open mind when it comes to qualifications. Sure, some positions need specific certifications, but many don’t. By focusing on what candidates can actually do rather than rigid requirements, companies can attract top talent. As Dr. McNeeley quotes Richard Branson, “Train people well enough so they can leave. Treat them well enough so they don’t want to.”

Dr. McNeeley also questions the effectiveness of standardized tests in college admissions, highlighting their cultural biases and lack of real-world predictive power. For him, emotional intelligence (EQ) should be prioritized over intellectual ability (IQ). “Empathy isn’t just a nice-to-have in leadership,” he notes. “It’s essential for collaboration and innovation.”

So, what’s the takeaway for job seekers and employers? For candidates, staying humble, seeing your career as a marathon, and finding mentors is key. For employers, creating a fun and engaging work environment boosts morale and retention—sometimes simple social events can make all the difference.


Daily Compliance News

Daily Compliance News: October 1, 2024 – The Not a Bribe in NYC Edition

Welcome to the Daily Compliance News. Each day, Tom Fox, the Voice of Compliance, brings you compliance-related stories to start your day. Sit back, enjoy a cup of morning coffee, and listen to the Daily Compliance News. All from the Compliance Podcast Network.

Each day, we consider four stories from the business world: compliance, ethics, risk management, leadership, or general interest for the compliance professional.

In today’s edition of Daily Compliance News:

  • Eric Adams files for dismissal of bribery allegations. (Bloomberg)
  • Atlas Metric secures funding to simplify ESG reporting. (TechEU)
  • Creating business ethics in Guatamala. (Atlantic Council)
  • Hearing on Boeing/DOJ guilty plea set. (Reuters)

Compliance Tip of the Day

Compliance tip of the Day: Embracing Continuous Improvement in Compliance Programs

Welcome to “Compliance Tip of the Day,” the podcast where we bring you daily insights and practical advice on navigating the ever-evolving landscape of compliance and regulatory requirements.

Whether you’re a seasoned compliance professional or just starting your journey, our aim is to provide you with bite-sized, actionable tips to help you stay on top of your compliance game.

Join us as we explore the latest industry trends, share best practices, and demystify complex compliance issues to keep your organization on the right side of the law.

Tune in daily for your dose of compliance wisdom, and let’s make compliance a little less daunting, one tip at a time.

Today, we explore why the DOJ’s emphasis on continuous improvement in compliance programs is a call to action for all of us.

Innovation in Compliance

Innovation in Compliance: Evie Wentink on Rethinking Compliance

Innovation comes in many areas and compliance professionals need to not only be ready for it but embrace it. Join Tom Fox, the Voice of Compliance, as he visits with top innovative minds, thinkers, and creators in the award-winning Innovation in Compliance podcast.

In this episode, Tom welcomes back Evie Wentink to discuss the importance of rethinking ethics and compliance practices.

Evie shares insights from her recent LinkedIn articles on best practices for ethics hotlines and the importance of finding creative ways to engage employees in compliance topics. She reads a whimsical Dr. Seuss-inspired piece on reaching ethics hotlines and emphasizes the need for compliance messaging to be approachable and engaging. Additionally, Evie discusses the challenges compliance professionals face with limited budgets and offers practical solutions such as leveraging LinkedIn for networking and creating low-cost, effective compliance awareness tools.

The conversation also touches on the significance of changing the narrative around ethics and compliance for younger generations. Evie shares her experiences discussing compliance with her children and highlights the need for better education in schools to prepare future employees. She concludes by mentioning her new website, Ethical Edge Experts, and various platforms she’s using to spread compliance awareness. Tom and Evie agree on the necessity of continuous dialogue and innovation in the compliance field.

Key Highlights:

  • Rethinking Compliance Practices
  • Creative Messaging for Ethics Hotlines
  • Leveraging Low-Cost Resources
  • Engaging Managers in Compliance

Evie Wentink on LinkedIn

Evie’s Top 10 Compliance Back to Basics

Tom Fox







The 2024 ECCP – Using Data Analytics to Determine Employee Engagement, Trust, and Corporate Culture

In her recent speech at the Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics 23rd Annual Compliance & Ethics Institute. Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Nicole M. Argentieri spoke about the CWA and reviewed its early developments. (A copy of her remarks can be found here.) There was also updated information on the DOJ approach to whistleblowers and anti-retaliation found in the 2024 Update to the Evaluation of Corporate Compliance Programs (2024 ECCP). She addressed the growing importance of using data analytics to evaluate key aspects of a company’s corporate culture, particularly employee engagement, trust, and overall corporate ethics.

Assessing corporate culture is essential for compliance professionals. Culture is a powerful determinant of whether employees will adhere to company policies, report misconduct, and act ethically. The DOJ has made it clear through the 2024 ECCP that an organization’s culture of compliance is as critical as the controls themselves. Compliance programs must go beyond preventing misconduct and cultivate a culture where ethics and transparency are prioritized.

Employee engagement and trust are at the heart of this culture. Engaged employees are more likely to comply with rules and report issues. However, if there is a lack of trust—whether in the company’s leadership, policies, or reporting mechanisms—the risk of ethical lapses and misconduct increases. Data analytics can offer compliance professionals actionable insights into these hard-to-measure elements of corporate culture.

Leveraging Data Analytics for Cultural Insights

Traditionally, companies have relied on surveys, focus groups, and audits to assess employee engagement and trust. Despite their value, these methods frequently have limitations due to low response rates, biases, and a point-in-time perspective. On the other hand, data analytics offers ongoing, real-time insights across various indicators. Let’s explore how data analytics can help evaluate employee engagement, trust, and corporate culture:

Employee Engagement Data

Employee engagement can be a key indicator of whether a compliance program is likely to succeed. High levels of engagement suggest that employees are motivated, aligned with corporate values, and likely to act in the company’s best interest.

Metrics to Consider

  • Employee Feedback Platforms. Tracking data from feedback platforms (such as pulse surveys or anonymous feedback tools) can provide insights into employee sentiment about their work environment and leadership.
  • Participation in Training Programs. Data on employee participation in compliance training—especially voluntary programs—can offer insights into employees’ engagement with the company’s compliance initiatives.
  • Use of Corporate Tools. Monitoring internal systems such as compliance hotlines, whistleblower portals, and internal messaging boards can help assess whether employees feel empowered to engage with compliance resources.

By monitoring engagement trends over time, compliance officers can detect shifts in employee engagement and intervene if levels drop. For instance, increasing non-compliance with mandatory training could be a red flag for broader cultural issues.

Trust in Leadership and Compliance Programs

Trust is a critical component of a successful corporate compliance culture. If employees do not trust leadership or the compliance function, they are less likely to report misconduct and more likely to turn a blind eye to ethical violations.

Metrics to Consider

  • Whistleblower Reporting. Data on the number of whistleblower reports can be telling. A lack of reports may not necessarily indicate a lack of issues—it could signal a fear of retaliation or distrust in the reporting process.
  • Retention Rates in High-Risk Areas. Monitoring employee turnover in areas that are considered high-risk (e.g., finance, procurement, or overseas offices) can help determine whether ethical concerns are driving departures.
  • Survey Data on Trust Levels. Regular employee surveys on perceptions of leadership and the compliance program can offer a pulse on trust. The key is to go beyond traditional engagement surveys and ask questions about ethical concerns and trust in compliance leadership.

Combining survey data with data from whistleblower systems and employee retention analytics can offer a more nuanced view of whether employees trust leadership. A low reporting rate and high turnover in high-risk areas may indicate deeper cultural problems requiring intervention.

Monitoring Employee Behavior and Risk Indicators

One of the most significant ways data analytics can support compliance efforts is by detecting behavioral patterns that may indicate a lapse in corporate culture or potential compliance risks.

Metrics to Consider

  • Expense and Travel Data. Analyzing expense reports and travel data patterns can reveal inconsistencies or potential misconduct, such as fraudulent claims or unauthorized spending.
  • Email and Communication Analysis. Some companies use natural language processing (NLP) tools to analyze internal communications for warning signs of ethical issues. This can include detecting language that suggests rule-breaking, covering up misconduct, or expressing discontent with corporate policies.
  • Business Unit Performance vs. Compliance Reporting. Comparing performance data across business units with the frequency of compliance-related issues can provide insights into whether high-performing units are cutting corners to achieve their results.

Behavioral analytics can help compliance professionals detect patterns before they escalate into larger issues. For example, if a particular business unit shows exceptional financial performance but is under-reporting compliance concerns, this could signal a risky culture of non-compliance.

Driving a Data-Driven Culture of Compliance

Implementing data analytics in your compliance program requires the right technology, processes, and, most importantly, corporate buy-in. As the DOJ highlighted in its recent updates to the 2024 ECCP, compliance personnel must have adequate access to relevant data sources and the resources to interpret and act on that data. Companies should invest in the same level of technology for their compliance functions as they do for their business operations.

Some of the keys every compliance program should consider to help implement a data-driven culture of compliance include the following strategies:.

  • Build Cross-Functional Partnerships. Compliance teams should collaborate with human resources, IT, and business operations to gain access to the data they need. A cross-functional approach ensures compliance data is integrated into the company’s broader performance metrics.
  • Foster Transparency in Data Use. Be clear with employees about how their data will be used, particularly in sensitive areas such as monitoring communication. Emphasizing the ethical use of data can help build trust.
  • Regularly Reassess Your Metrics. As with any compliance program, the metrics used to evaluate corporate culture should evolve. New risks, technologies, and business challenges should inform your data strategy.

Strengthening Compliance through Analytics

The DOJ made clear in the Argentieri speech and the 2024 Update to the Evaluation of Corporate Compliance Programs that a data-driven approach to understanding employee engagement, trust, and corporate culture is essential for compliance success. Data analytics offers compliance professionals powerful tools to assess whether employees are following the rules and truly engaged in creating an ethical and compliant corporate environment.

As we look toward the future, companies prioritizing data analytics in their compliance programs will be better equipped to prevent misconduct, identify cultural risks, and foster a workplace that values ethics and transparency. For compliance officers, the time is now to embrace data analytics and use it to reinforce the foundation of a strong corporate compliance program.