This Week in FCPA

Episode 281 – the Bags of Cash edition

Tom takes a solo turn to look at some of the week’s top compliance and ethics stories this week in the Bags of Cash edition.


1.     Why subcontractors continue to cause FCPA grief. Dick Cassin the FCPA Blog.
2.     More on the Strategy on Countering Corruption. Tom takes a deep dive in a 5-part blog post series in the FCPA Compliance and Ethics Blog. Mike Volkov in Corruption Crime and Compliance.
3.     Neil Hodge says non-US companies should beware in Compliance Week(sub req’d).
4.     What next Brazilian President must do re: ABC.  Marcelo Cerqueira in GAB.
5.     Yet another son of ex-Panamanian President pleads guilty. Rick Vanderford in WSJ Risk and Compliance Journal.
6.     NatWest took bags of cash for deposits. $341MM in fines later.  Dylan Tokar in WSJ Risk and Compliance Journal.
7.     How CCOs use guidance from DOJ? Matt Kelly in Radical Compliance.
8.     Should you fall on your sword? Calvin London in CCI.
9.     Sustainability not universal. Lawrence Heim in PracticalESG.
10.  McDonalds claws back CEO severance. Heather Haddon in WSJ.

 Podcasts and Events

11.  Are you exasperated? Then check, F*ing Argentina. In this podcast series co-hosts Tom Fox and Gregg Greenberg, author of F*ing Argentina explore the current American psyche of being overworked, over leveraged, overtired and overwhelmed. Find out about modern America’s exasperation with well…exasperation. In our final episode, we wrap up what we learned from the series.
12.  In November on The Compliance Life, I visit with Matt Silverman, Director of Trade Compliance at VIAVI. Matt is the first Trade Compliance Director I have hosted on TCL. In Part 1, Matt details his academic career and early professional life. In Part 2, Matt moves into trade compliance.
13.  The Compliance Podcast Network welcomes Professor Karen Woody and her new podcast, Classroom Insider. In this most unique pod, Karen interviews some of her student to tell the history of insider trading. Check out Episode 2, the disclosure or abstain rule.
14.  The Shout Outs and Rants of Everything Compliance gets its own iTunes show. Everything Compliance has its first-year end review episode.
15.  On Hidden Traffic, Gwen Hassan hosts Andrew Wallis, head of Unseen UK.
Tom Fox is the Voice of Compliance and can be reached at Jay Rosen is Mr. Monitor and can be reached at