The Wirecard Saga

The Wirecard Saga – Episode 40 – Phoning It In

Welcome to Season 3 of Lies, Spies & Corporate Crimes: The Wirecard Saga. The Wirecard Saga has become the world’s leading source of all things Wirecard. In The Wirecard Saga, Lies, Spies & Corporate Crimes, host Mikhail Reider-Gordon, Managing Director of Institutional Ethics & Integrity at Affiliated Monitors, looks at the biggest financial scandal in post-war Germany from a variety of angles.

In the latest episode of “The Wirecard Saga,” hosted by Mikhail Reider-Gordon, the discussion heats up as they delve into the recent developments surrounding the scandal. They highlight the minimal penalty imposed on EY, which failed to take adequate action, leading to the multi-billion-dollar corporate collapse of Wirecard, affecting stakeholders at various levels. She also discusses ongoing legal proceedings, including the upcoming proceedings and the role of KPMG’s forensic audit team during the scandal. The lack of importance given to compliance at Wirecard is also spotlighted, despite the formation of a formal compliance department. The podcast raises questions about how many missed opportunities there were to identify the fraud and why Wirecard employees didn’t take action to prevent it.

Mikhail will explore more unethical and illegal behavior, new entities highlighted through the lawsuit, and criminal charges filed against in Austria in next week’s episode. Take advantage of this exciting and informative podcast! Listen now and join the discussion.

Key Highlights:

  • Request for Courch Change from Apas
  • KaMuG Test Case
  • IAASA Assesses Penalties for Bad WUKI Audits
  • Professional Scepticism and Balance Confirmations
  • FRC Enforcement
  • KPMG Kept in the Dark
  • Two Out of 5000
  • Compliance Department of One
  • Lack of Interest in Compliance and Law
  • Sending Millions By Phone
Daily Compliance News

April 4, 2023 – The Is FL Anti-Business Edition

Welcome to the Daily Compliance News. Each day, Tom Fox, the Voice of Compliance, brings you compliance-related stories to start your day. Sit back, enjoy a cup of morning coffee, and listen to the Daily Compliance News. All from the Compliance Podcast Network. Each day we consider four stories from the business world, compliance, ethics, risk management, leadership, or general interest for the compliance professional.

Stories we are following in today’s edition of Daily Compliance News:

·       Disney President says Florida under DeSantis is ‘anti-business.’ (WSJ)

·       Venezuela detains 44 more in a corruption probe. (Al Jazeera)

·       EY banned in Germany over Wirecard. (FT)

·       Italians wave good-bye to ChatGPT. (ComplianceWeek)

The Wirecard Saga

Season 3, The Docket Part I: Crowds & Money

Welcome to Season 3 of Lies, Spies & Corporate Crimes: The Wirecard Saga. The Wirecard Saga has become the world’s leading source of all things Wirecard. In Lies, Spies & Corporate Crimes: The Wirecard Saga, Mikhail Reider-Gordon, Managing Director of Institutional Ethics & Integrity at Affiliated Monitors, looks at the biggest financial scandal in post-war Germany from a variety of angles. In this Episode 33 of Season 3, Mikhail continues her exploration of those persons, entities, and governments who have been damaged, some beyond repair, by Wirecard and the nuclear fallout from its scandal.

Some of the highlights include:

  • Braun’s Small Victories and Large Defeats
  • So Many Potential Witnesses
  • Rolling Back the Balance Sheet Years
  • The Dutch Advantage
  • EY is Unable to Focus
  • Lint in the Deep Pockets
  • Moon Shot for Vucak
  • Cutting Deals
Daily Compliance News

October 11, 2022 the Rethink Edition

In today’s edition of Daily Compliance News:

  • Corruption and money laundering are destroying the planet. (FCPA Blog)
  • UK to ‘rethink’ replacing GDPR. (TechCrunch)
  • Meta appeals €405 million fine. (Cordery Compliance)
  • More whistleblowers at EY (FT)
Creativity and Compliance

Lessons from EY Enforcement Action

Where does creativity fit into compliance? In more places than you think. Problem-solving, accountability, communication, and connection – all take creativity. Join Tom Fox and Ronnie Feldman on Creativity and Compliance, part of the award-winning Compliance Podcast Network. In this episode, Tom and Ronnie continue their short series of provocative statements on compliance training and communications, followed by a discussion. In this episode, Tom riffs on the recently released EY enforcement action and Ronnie chimes in with lessons learned for compliance training and communications.


Ronnie Feldman (LinkedIn)
Learnings & Entertainments (LinkedIn)
Ronnie Feldman (Twitter)

Learnings & Entertainments (Website)

60-Second Communication & Awareness Shorts – A variety of short, customizable, quick-hitter “commercials” including songs & jingles, video shorts, newsletter graphics & Gifs, and more. Promote integrity, compliance, the Code, the helpline and the E&C team as helpful advisors and coaches.

Workplace Tonight Show! Micro-learning – a library of 1-10-minute training and communications wrapped in the style of a late-night variety show that explains corporate risk topics and why employees should care.

Custom Live & Digital Programing – We’ll develop programming that fits your culture and balances the seriousness of the subject matter with more engaging delivery.

Tales from the Hotline – check out some samples.


GalloCast-Episode 2

Welcome to the GalloCast. You have heard of the Manningcast in football. Now we have the GalloCast in compliance. The two top brothers in compliance, Nick and Gio Gallo, come together for a free-form exploration of compliance topics. It is a great insight on compliance brought to you by the co-CEOs of ComplianceLine. Fun, witty, and insightful with a dash of the two brothers throughout. It’s like listening to the Brothers Gallo talk compliance at the dinner table. Hosted by Tom Fox, the Voice of Compliance. Topics in this episode include:

  1. How do you incorporate ethics into business growth?
  2. Who are all the stakeholders in and for your organization?
  3. Why is talent acquisition and retention a key element for any business going forward?
  4. How to change an entire culture?
  5. How not to lay off employees.
  6. What are the micro-cultures in your organization, and how to use them to build your ethical muscles
  7. What is the EthicsVerse?
  8. Nick’s Book Challenge.

Nick Gallo on LinkedIn
Gio Gallo on LinkedIn


EY Fined $100 Million

In a stunning announcement, the SEC announced an enforcement action against the international auditing firm EY. The enforcement action could not have been more directly in the ethical wheelhouse, with significant compliance implications. In its Press Release the SEC stated, it had “charged Ernst & Young LLP (EY) for cheating by its audit professionals on exams required to obtain and maintain Certified Public Accountant (CPA) licenses, and for withholding evidence of this misconduct from the SEC’s Enforcement Division during the Division’s investigation of the matter.”

Gurbir S. Grewal, Director of the SEC’s Enforcement Division, said in the Press Release, “This action involves breaches of trust by gatekeepers within the gatekeeper entrusted to audit many of our Nation’s public companies. It’s simply outrageous that the very professionals responsible for catching cheating by clients cheated on ethics exams of all things. And it’s equally shocking that Ernst & Young hindered our investigation of this misconduct. This action should serve as a clear message that the SEC will not tolerate integrity failures by independent auditors who choose the easier wrong over the harder right.

In an agreed Order, EY admitted that “over multiple years, a significant number of EY audit professionals cheated on the ethics component of CPA exams and various continuing professional education courses required to maintain CPA licenses, including ones designed to ensure that accountants can properly evaluate whether clients’ financial statements comply with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles.” But EY’s conduct did not stop there as the accounting firm also admitted “during the Enforcement Division’s investigation of potential cheating at the firm, EY made a submission conveying to the Division that EY did not have current issues with cheating when, in fact, the firm had been informed of potential cheating on a CPA ethics exam. EY also admits that it did not correct its submission even after it launched an internal investigation into cheating on CPA ethics and other exams and confirmed there had been cheating, and even after its senior lawyers discussed the matter with members of the firm’s senior management. And as the Order finds, EY did not cooperate in the SEC’s investigation regarding its materially misleading submission.” For all of these actions, EY was fined $100 million.

Why does all this sound so familiar? It is because KPMG was caught engaging in similar conduct back in 2091. I wrote at the time, “How bad was KPMG’s conduct? … the conduct outlined in the Order is so egregious, detailing a culture which is completely unmoored from any ethical foundation, that any company using KPMG as an auditor must ask some very serious questions about not only the quality of the services they have received but also the very foundation of those services.” KPMG was fined $50 million.

Yet the EY fine was double the KPMG fine. Why? One clue comes from the Order which stated, “This case involves Ernst & Young’s failures to act with the integrity required of a public company auditor. Over multiple years, a significant number of EY audit professionals cheated on the ethics component of the Certified Public Accountant (CPA) exam, as well as on a variety of other examinations required to maintain their CPA licenses. As this was ongoing, EY withheld this misconduct from SEC staff conducting an investigation of potential cheating at the firm. EY audit professionals’ repeated cheating on exams and the firm’s misrepresentations to the SEC violated ethics and integrity standards and discredited the accounting profession.” In other words, as bad as cheating on exams is, withholding information from the SEC, while it is conducting an investigation on that issues is equally if not worse conduct.

Regarding this additional misconduct, the Order stated, “EY withheld this misconduct from the SEC during an investigation about cheating at the firm. In June 2019, the SEC’s Division of Enforcement sent EY a formal request for information about complaints the firm had received regarding cheating on training exams. On the same day EY received this request, the firm received a tip that an audit professional had shared an answer key to a CPA ethics exam. EY did not disclose this information to the SEC. To the contrary, its submission indicated that the firm did not have any current issues with cheating. In light of the tip it had received, EY’s June 20 submission was materially misleading. But EY never corrected its submission. Even after the firm began an internal investigation, confirmed there had been cheating, and the matter was discussed among senior lawyers at the firm and with members of the firm’s senior management, EY still did not correct its misleading submission.”

The SEC’s ire was reflected in the remedy which mandated not one but three oversight roles on an ongoing basis. The EY oversight requires EY to evaluate the sufficiency and adequacy of its quality controls, policies, and procedures relevant to ethics and integrity and to responding to Information Request to determine whether they are designed and implemented in a manner that provides reasonable assurance of compliance with all professional standards, including those relating to ethics and integrity applicable to accountants and attorneys, in the following areas:

  1. The adequacy and sufficiency of ethics and integrity training and guidance,
  2. Whether EY’s culture is supportive of ethical and compliant conduct and maintaining integrity,
  3. Whether EY has designed and implemented appropriate policies and procedures relating to responding to Information Requests, and
  4. Whether EY has designed and implemented appropriate policies and procedures and deploys proper resources and oversight to comply with all professional standards relating to (i) monitoring to detect non- compliance; (ii) having appropriate reporting lines, compensation, and rewards; (iii) assigning responsibility for overseeing compliance to senior executives and managers with access to relevant information and personnel; and (iv) ensuring consistent discipline.

Even more damning is the requirement for two external monitors (called Independent Consultants). The first is review EY Policies and Procedures and issue a detailed written report: (i) summarizing its work; (ii) making recommendations, as the Policies and Procedures IC deems appropriate, reasonably designed to ensure that EY’s Policies and Procedures are adequate and sufficient to provide reasonable assurance of compliance with all professional standards. The second Independent Consultant is to review EY’s conduct relating to the Commission staff’s June 2019 Information Request, including whether any member of EY’s executive team, General Counsel’s Office, compliance staff, or other EY employees contributed to the firm’s failure to correct its misleading submission. They are to recommend discipline. Does that sound like the SEC trust EY to follow through with its obligations about now?

EY, like KPMG before it, acted as gatekeepers in the eyes of the law and the SEC. To see this level of fraud and then hiding of it is extremely disconcerting. Perhaps it is no wonder EY is about to split into two different entities: auditing and consulting. I wonder how many EY audits will be reviewed through the eyes of this Order.

Daily Compliance News

June 29, 2022 the Spies, Lies and Money-Laundering Edition

In today’s edition of Daily Compliance News:
·      Credit Suisse found guilty. (FT)
·      EY hit with a $100MM fine for cheating. (WSJ)
·      Uber ex-security chief facing criminal fraud charges. (Reuters)
·      Does Cfius review include corruption? (WSJ)

Daily Compliance News

June 1, 2021 the Unhealthy Nestle edition

In today’s edition of Daily Compliance News:

  • How will EY Germany impact EY Europe (FT)
  • Are Nestle products unhealthy? (FT)
  • Regulators push banks on climate risk. (FT)
  • The Yank and Greensill. (FT)
Daily Compliance News

February 26, 2021, the EY Shakes Up edition

In today’s edition of Daily Compliance News:

  • Cayman Islands and Morocco placed on terrorism finance watch list. (WSJ)
  • US Trade Representative favors work-centered approach. (WaPo)
  • SEC opens review of climate change disclosures. (WSJ)
  • EY shakes up German unit. (FT)